Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 226: Offer

The capital of Wei State is the main beam. The road to Wei State seems to be very far, but in fact it is very close. But the marching speed in ancient times was very slow, and the princess was married. Nobles can ride horses, but common people can only walk. It will take a month or two to walk from the main beam of Handan Road. The reason why Lu Yang established a military information dissemination model based on caravans was to prevent military information delays.

There are merchants in six countries, and the information can be passed on by word of mouth, especially from afar. Even if the information is transmitted quickly, a horse gallops all the way to the west, the information is already out of date! And Lu Yang's caravan really did not stop. Every caravan shared information and the intelligence was complete. Moreover, he developed a method of pigeon delivery, which can be used as a post between caravans.

Military information transmission is one of them, and the speed of military action is another matter. Cooperative Dao with Wu Yingyuan Now he has 50,000 horses. It is equivalent to having fifty thousand cavalry. In addition to her original cavalry, Lu Yang now has at least one hundred thousand cavalry waiting for battle. But this is far from enough. The current war is not the Spring and Autumn Period, hundreds of thousands of people can fight a big battle, now the battle is often the battle of a million cavalry...

Although the marching speed was slow, Lu Yang's life was very leisurely. He didn't have to show up, so few things could bother him. When he is fine, Mr. Lu Yang and Zhao Shaoyuan chat to learn about Wei's style. Or just molesting Mrs. Plain. This woman still paid Lu Yang at first, but then Lu Yang simply carried forward his looting spirit.

The charm of a mature lady is not something ordinary women can have, and the charm from the heart of the Taoist person has become his preference. But this kind of taste is not commonly available in the field. Lu Yang had to spend a lot of energy every time to cheat some sweetness. It's finally getting away from the border. Madam Pingyuan's behavior also became strange. Lu Yang realized that he was different, so he often asked him.

Finally one day, Mrs. Pingyuan expressed her anxiety.

"I know you don't care about the dynasty fight for hegemony, but I care very much. Mr. Xinling is my only support in the Wei state. If you don't help me, no one can help me!" Madam Pingyuan lay on the couch with some worry, her face The upper part is slightly dizzy, obviously just being molested by Lu Yang.

Lu Yang sat not far from him, and Mrs. Pingyuan refused in every way, and he did not taste the sweetness. Looking at the charming woman all over, Lu Yang's eyes were already dishonest. However, Madam Pingyuan didn't mind taking advantage of his eyes. Instead, she pulled off his clothes slightly, revealing a piece of white skin for Lu Yang to appreciate. Even though she had been late for countless times, Lu Yang still had some thoughts about her beauty.

He chuckled and said indifferently: "We have already planned it once, and it was screwed up by your precious son. Now we are in the territory of Wei, and the army that Wei has greeted us has already arrived. What else do we have to do?"

Mrs. Pingyuan's expression tightened upon hearing his words, and she suddenly held his hand and said, "Since my husband died, no one has ever taken possession of my body. You are the first person to get me by means. You must help me!"

Lu Yang spread out his hand and said helplessly: "How can I help you? Zhao Qian is now heavily guarding, even if I want to sneak in, it is difficult. And even if I broke his virgin body, now surrounded by the army, no one dares to leak the secret. I did it the same as I didn't do it! Unless I can elope with Zhao Qian!"

Mrs. Pingyuan's eyes lit up and she was pleasantly surprised: "With Ai Ping's heroic posture, maybe you can try it!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and couldn't care about looking at her body. Dong Ang said helplessly, "Madam, you are really sick and went to the doctor. How can I confuse a princess? And in such a short time!"

Mrs. Pingyuan's expression was a little disappointed, but she soon rekindled hope. She looked at Lu Yang and said, "I know your capital best. Ai Ping is great..." As he said, the slight redness on his face quickly turned into a Mature Taozi said shyly: "Ai Ping is so powerful that this lady can't help it, let alone he is a young child!"

Lu Yang laughed and said badly: "Since I am so powerful, why do you reject me every time!"

Madam Pingyuan smiled bitterly, why did she reject Lu Yang? Only she knew about this. This man is too domineering, he is broken. However, before he knew it, he had already begun to walk into her mind. For her, this is a luxury that cannot be consumed. She still has too many things to bear, she can't love someone at all.

He strives to reduce the time that two people are intimate, just to make each intimacy become a deep memory. But she couldn't tell Lu Yang about this, because once he knew it, the overbearing and aggression she liked would no longer exist. Perhaps he no longer cherishes it because he is in love. This is her little calculation as a woman.

She chuckled, winking like silk, looking at Lu Yang lightly and said, "Doesn't Lang Jun have to enjoy others with rewards every time? Why is he breaking his own rules now!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I enjoy the process of Madam, isn’t Madam also enjoying me?

Madam Pingyuan blushed, sipped, and said angrily: "You, why do you speak so improperly, this madam is not a casual person!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly, and immediately said with a serious face: "Now unless there is a third force. We may be able to take advantage of the fire. But in Wei, are there any desperadoes who dare to resist King Wei?"

After hearing his words, Madam Pingyuan no longer pursued his faux pas. She pondered for a while before saying: "Maybe there is not necessarily! There is a force between Qin and Zhao that has this ability and is closely related to Lord Xinling. Maybe we can. Rely on them!"

Lu Yang's eyes lit up after hearing his words, his family liked thieves. Because the thieves are purely stealing things, simple and straightforward. His approach to thieves is simple and straightforward. On the contrary, he is a little at a loss for civilized people, because they are civilized people, so you can't be too casual. ..


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