Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 906: play

Early the next morning, Lu Yang hadn't woke up yet, there was a knock on the door outside. Lu Yang woke up instantly, frowning tightly. At this time, the Princess Cheng beside him woke up, rubbed her eyes and said, "Ah! I forgot to make an appointment with Rourou as soon as possible!"

Lu Yang cried and laughed when he heard the words. He drank too much last night and rested directly at Bai Su. Although they are husband and wife. However, the princess will still have a continuation in the future, and the princess will have her own independent house. He didn't get angry: "Is there something, can't you play a little bit? It's early in the morning, this girl doesn't sleep!" Bai Suwenya's face blushed, and she said with an angry expression: "Also, you are on the runway in the middle of the night. In the room. It makes people smelly on the bed!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and got up angrily to put on his clothes.

Bai Su continued: "By the way! She was also a little strange. She ran over at home in the middle of the night and made an appointment with me for a trip today. Alas! If it wasn't for your trouble with homework, I would have thought of telling you."

Lu Yang said in his heart that I made a lot of trouble, isn't it you? Helplessly got up and put on clothes.

Opening the door, she saw Rourou standing outside in her neat clothes. Seeing Lu Yang, the girl was taken aback for a moment, and then her face turned red and lowered her head and said: "The servant! The servant girl doesn't know you are in the room!"

Lu Yang smiled and said kindly: "I drank too much wine last night and went straight to the princess to fall asleep. By the way, did you have anything to do so early?"

There was a complaint in his words, but Rourou didn't notice the same excitement as she raised her head: "Madam said that he will take me out to play today! Is the cohort also with him?"

Lu Yang was taken aback, frowned and said: "Traveling? I..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Su had arrived: "I think you have been very busy these two days and helped you to promise. No matter what, you must spare time today!"

Lu Yang turned his head and rolled his eyes fiercely at her, but Bai Su seemed to have not seen it. Lu Yang turned his head and said, "Okay! I just happened to have nothing to go out to relax today!"

As soon as his voice fell, there was a sudden wave of effect: "You got up early!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, turned his head but saw Chu Lingfeng approaching with a smile on his face. Lu Yang burst into tears and laughed. Why do you Chu people like to get up early? He reluctantly stepped forward and said politely: "Why don't Lingfeng pay more rest for a while?"

Chu Lingfeng smiled, and took a deep breath with his hands behind his back, and said, "Today's autumn scenery is a scenery that I don't have in Chu country. My son finally has a leisurely time here at the cohort. He wants to go out with the cohort! I don't know the cohort. How about it?"


Lu Yang was stunned, crying and laughing in his heart, you Chu people also like to travel!

Thinking of this, there was a look of embarrassment on his face, and he turned his head and glanced at a soft spot not far away.

After fighting with Chu Lingfeng yesterday, Jing Liang was also afraid that Chu Lingfeng would do it today. It was okay before, he could slowly think about countermeasures, but she knew how powerful Chu Lingfeng was. When this person appears, his plan is likely to fail. So Jingliang decided to do it in advance. That's why she came over in the middle of the night to ask Baisu to play with him today.

I didn't want Chu Lingfeng to guess what he was doing, so he came here early in the morning. The two looked at each other secretly, slowly becoming hostile. Seeing Lu Yang looking over, Rourou's face suddenly felt disappointed. Then I saw that I was pitiful, and I couldn't refuse it anymore.

Seeing his expression, Lu Yang suddenly hesitated. He was not easily moved by the gentle expression, but Bai Su was hard to say. I can see that he likes this girl very much. Seeing the hesitation in Lu Yang's eyes, Chu Lingfeng was alert, and he quickly wondered: "Why is there anything else for the husband today?" He sighed deeply as he said, "Ah! Ling Feng came all the way," I have also met a lot of heroes. I am even more grateful when I met him today. I just happened to talk to him about my friends. If we meet in the future, he will definitely like it!"

Lu Yang's expression moved when he heard that Chu Lingfeng was an aristocrat of Chu. He must have known a lot of nobles in the Chu Kingdom. If they can get their support, the Lvya function may be able to avoid a lot of unnecessary sacrifices, allowing oneself to quickly integrate Chu Kingdom into the West City. Thinking of this, he hesitated again. Rourou panicked when she saw her because of it. When his thoughts were transferred, he hurriedly said to Bai Su: "The princess is talking about introducing Qi's clan son to the slave family. There is a chance to become a shareholder, don't you know that there is a promising son in the husband?"

Lu Yang was stunned again when he heard this, although this fleshly flesh was suspicious. But if she really is not here to cheer herself. Let her marry Qi's clan, and her relationship with the clan has improved. For him, compared with those nobles who went abroad, the interests are more important. For a while, Lu Yang hesitated again. Seeing that she was due to it again, Chu Lingfeng suddenly frowned and thought about the strategy.

But at this moment, Bai Su had already put on his clothes, and when he saw Lu Yang, he smiled slightly and said, "What do you feel about your time. I'm not ready to go on a carriage, and take two distinguished guests on the trip!"

The three of them were all taken aback when they heard the words, and Lu Yang cried and said with a smile in his heart: "Yes! Let the two of them confuse me. Since they are all going out, let's go together!"

Thinking of this, he chuckled and said: "Since the princess has said so, you two will come with me!"

Said this, he went outside the net to prepare for a cart. The two looked at each other, a cold flash in their eyes. Immediately turned around and followed Lu Yang. They never noticed. Behind them, Bai Su narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was deep thought in his eyes as he watched the two people leave!

Of course no one would have thought that the princess of Qi Kingdom was once a ranger. No one would have thought that Bai Su who behaved gracefully now would not necessarily have little experience in the arena. Moreover, compared to Bai Su. They are still juniors after all!

Bai Su smiled slightly, and followed them silently, but his eyes remained close to the two girls' buttocks.

"Although this Chu Lingfeng looks a little colder, she is still a good voice. In comparison, Rourou's physique is a little more coquettish. The key to giving birth depends on strength. He is still a little tender!"


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