Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 5 Chapter 907: Viper's Tactics

The two of them couldn't even dream of it. At this time, this was what Bai Su was thinking about! A carriage left and succumbed to the forest near the king. There is not much fun playing at this time. But people in this era have just this little fun. If it is modern, who would be very rough to play at this time. But there is a purpose for play, handsome men and beautiful women go out to play, not just the scenery!

After getting off the carriage, a few people hurriedly prepared, while Lu Yang was taking a leisurely stroll with Chu Lingfeng. Although Lu Yang made an appointment, he did not dare to do it easily at this time. He knew about Lu Yang's martial arts. To do this without being noticed by him, she still needs her daughter's body. Female **** is usually the best way to stab. Because men are the easiest to take it lightly in front of beautiful women.

However, it is not easy to make the man in front of him take it lightly, Chu Lingfeng has already asked, Lu Yang seems to have a very good relationship with Bai Su. Hearing that at a banquet, someone else found him a woman to accompany him, but he turned it down. If ordinary people can refuse such a good thing? In this era, no matter how high a wife’s status is, what should a man do outside. But Lu Yang was able to stick to his wishful thinking, which shows his mind.

Moreover, Lu Yang's status is now flourishing, and his family property is sometimes incalculable by ordinary people. How can a woman not rush to him. However, Lu Yangdao has never had a continuation, which is enough to witness his feelings for Bai Su.

So if you want this man to have a passion for her, you need to seduce him further. The best way to seduce is to confide in your love.

Chu Lingfeng asked to clear his throat and said: "I heard that the general performed very well in the Zhao State station. To be honest, since Lingfeng heard about this incident, he has been angry, and didn't let me go abroad. !"

Lu Yang smiled when he heard this, saying in his heart, you were conquered by me when you went abroad. Besides, if it were not for me, Chu State would not be disrupted. But naturally he couldn't talk about it, but he said with a smile: "The son has passed the award, and the boss is just being loyal to the country!"

Chu Ling laughed at the words, and praised him loudly: "The cohort is really not only talented, but also humble. After I heard about the deeds of the cohort, my admiration for the cohort is unparalleled. I think that today, only the cohort can ride a hero. Alone!" As he said, he raised his head and tried to make an admiring look.

Lu Yang didn't notice the abnormality at first, but afterwards, he felt a little weird. Seeing the look in her admiring eyes, Lu Yang's heart shook. Although he is not against homosexuality, he is not a homosexual after all. He could only be disrespectful of Chu Lingfeng's true love confession.

He chuckled and opened the topic: "Although the son is young, he makes friends everywhere. It's a small achievement!"

Seeing how her parts moved, Chu Lingfeng suddenly felt strange. It stands to reason that his beauty is at least interesting now. Then I thought about it, maybe he doesn't like male style very much. Thinking of this, he chuckled and said: "The boy is young, why not marry more wives with this achievement?" Then, he smiled maliciously: "Could it be that the son is afraid of the princess being angry? "

Lu Yang was taken aback when he heard the words, and wondered if Chu people like to care about other people's things? Rourou just asks questions all day long. He thought for a while before he said: "It's true that I didn't know that he was a princess when I met the princess. At that time..." Lu Yang said with a smile unexpectedly: "At that time she was just a princess. Impulsive little girl. If it weren't for me, it's probably a homicide case!" Lv Yang said this, slowly speaking out about him and Bai Su. Although Chu Lingfeng approached him for another purpose, she was still amazed when she heard what she said.

Most women have a romantic story and a fantasy hero. What surprised him was that the encounter between Lu Yang and Bai Su was not the kind of old-fashioned clan marriage, but was full of chivalrous romance. It's just a cold assassin who is inevitably moved in his heart at this time.

After Lu Yang finished speaking, he sighed and said, "Others say that the **** has climbed into a high-level post. But the **** doesn't agree with him. Whether he is a princess or not, Bai Su is Bai Su."

Chu Lingfeng's expression moved when he heard the words, and couldn't help feeling sad. No matter how good the story is, it is also someone else’s story. Where is her story? Thinking of this, she became a little jealous, and she couldn't help teasing: "If there is an extremely beautiful woman who likes the cohort very much, and the cohort also likes him, will she also marry her?"

Lu Yang was taken aback when he heard this, and of course he said: "This is natural! I'm not stupid!"

When Chu Lingfeng heard the words, there was a dexterity in his eyes: "What if the princess doesn't like this woman?"

Lu Yang touched his nose, feeling a little strange in his heart. It seems that he is in crisis. But even if it is difficult, Lu Yang is still willing to answer this question. After thinking about it for a while, he said: "It depends on whether this woman really likes me very much. Then it depends on whether I must marry her. People not only have to have feelings, but also have responsibilities. I am responsible for this woman, and I think even if the princess is upset, I can only marry her!"

When Chu Lingfeng heard the words, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he frowned and looked at him: "But if you do this, you will lose your position as a concierge. And you may face many threats!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes when he heard this and said, "If King Qi re-uses me because of my cohort seat, then I don't want this seat. Moreover, I would rather not assist King Qi!"

Chu Lingfeng's expression moved again when he heard the words, and he sighed: "The horses are really different from ordinary people!"

Lu Yang laughed, and said with a little deep meaning: "My son is satisfied with my answer, Lama?"

Chu Lingfeng was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately became alert. He hurriedly laughed and concealed: "This...haha, Lingfeng is a little bit nonsense, don't blame the horse!"..


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