Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 25: Calsas

I ignored him, turned around, followed the hunchbacked man beside him to the end of a large hall, and looked at the image screen used to observe the earth in front of him. It showed what the Super Seminary looked like.

"What's going on? In a blink of an eye, a super seminary was also built here, as well as the descendants of the Sun God and the Deno Galaxy. It's a bunker!" Karthus was surprised.

"It seems that I should be serious." Karthus muttered in a low voice after a while.

Waved to the man next to him, he commanded: "Come on, open the interstellar projection for me, I have something to say!"

On the earth, everyone looked at Monkey King who was still lying on the ground, and was sure that he was really unconscious, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Jess said: "Check the battlefield and prepare to evacuate."

Suddenly, a huge image appeared on the horizon.

This is a man in strange clothes. He can't see his face or even his clothes. He can only see his outline vaguely. He descended into the world like a huge divine residence, replicating all beings.

"Hello, inhabitants of the earth."

A huge sound reverberates between heaven and earth, and this sound fills the entire world, whether it is from the West or the East, anyone who is still on earth can see this huge image and hear this sound.

For a moment, countless people who were already asleep were awakened, their sleepy eyes opened dimly, and then they stared at the giant shadow in the sky dumbfounded. Countless people walked out, unbelievable and panicked.

"Many of you don't believe in my existence, and now, as you see it, I am your **** of death. I came to understand and save you. Death is not terrible, and death is not terrible."

Lu Yang watched Karthus pretending to be X, with a speechless expression: "This bear boy, return your sister Grim Reaper, don't you know that the Chinese believe in King Yama?"

"Welcome to join the dark world. With me, your thoughts can be preserved forever, and will be transformed into the dark matter of the universe with me, inheriting our dark civilization."

"Some people say that God is the end of civilization, no, God is the beginning of civilization. Everything in the past, endless reproduction, from the perspective of the vast void and shadow of the universe, is nothing more than preparation for the civilization of the universe. Together with me, you can witness the real universe, what kind of existence it is when you fall to the ground."

"Of course, if you are afraid or unwilling to join us, it doesn't matter. Sooner or later, you will be cursed forever by Morgana! Or be ruled by Keisha, and even repeat the tragedy of 10,000 years ago. One of your gods and his grandfather Detonated the sun of the Deno galaxy because of anger."

When Lena heard this, she suddenly lowered her head, a trace of guilt flashed in her eyes.

Lu Yang looked at Lena, and he knew that it was Lena's grandfather, the existence known as the Sun God, because he couldn't control it, and destroyed the Deno Galaxy, which is the home of Cheng Yaowen.

Reaching out his hand and holding Lena in his arms, Lu Yang comforted him softly, "It's okay, it's not your fault, even if it's your grandfather, it wasn't deliberate. The situation at the time was beyond his control. After that , He also judged himself for the fault he committed."

"All this does not require you to be a younger generation. You just need to remember that you are the goddess of dawn, and you are the **** who brings people the dawn and hope of survival. Remember these, it is enough."

Lena leaned in Lu Yang's arms, raised her head, and looked at Lu Yang dimly with tears: "Lu Yang, thank you."

Touched Lena's head, kissed her forehead gently, and said, "No need to say thanks to me, my goddess, my goddess of dawn." broke her tears into a smile, and Lena leaned against Lu Yang's chest with a happy face.

On the horizon, Karthus continued to talk.

"Even if none of this happened, most of you are still at the end of the nuclear age. Because every **** has experienced a catastrophe in the history. Therefore, they can become immune nuclear gods."

"Think about it, I'm not in a hurry, because my life is eternal." When the voice fell, Karthus's figure gradually disappeared.

"Is what he said is true?" Ge Xiaolun and others looked confused.

"Hehe, eternal life? Do you believe it? Even gods can't have eternal life, but they live longer than ordinary people. For a long time, people have an illusion that the illusion of their long life is wrong. Think they are eternal." Lu Yang sneered and replied.

"But, what if they have higher technology? Technology that you can't understand?"

"Higher technology? Higher technology than gods and civilization? You have to know how many years the universe was born, and what was it before the universe was born? You can't understand that everything in the world can't match time. What is eternity? Ten thousand years? One hundred thousand years, ten million years? Or 100 million years?"

"These are not eternal, no human being can understand, no **** can understand, no creature can understand!"

Seeing Ge Xiaolun look confused, Lu Yang said lightly.

"Gods are the wrong direction of civilization. Even though they have the utmost restraint, they still destroy our world." Cheng Yaowen looked hated.

Lu Yang glanced at Cheng Yaowen, knowing that he was still upset, and didn't say anything.


With a groan, Monkey King got up from the ground.

"Who was talking just now?"

Ge Xiaolun stepped forward: "He said he was a **** of death."


"It should not be." Ge Xiaolun looked at Monkey King.

"Although my grandson has become a Buddha, he still made mistakes in the chaos..."

"You are not a Buddha!" ​​Suddenly, Lu Yang interrupted.

Ok? Hearing Lu Yang's voice, Monkey King looked at Lu Yang subconsciously and vigilantly. Although he had been re-introduced into the definition, his memory was still preserved. In particular, the memory of Lu Yang easily injured him seriously, in the cognition of Monkey King, Lu was extremely terrified.

"Why do you say that my grandson is not a Buddha? My grandson has experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, protecting the master and obtaining the truth, and has already achieved fighting and defeating the Buddha."..


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