Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 35: Devil Squad

"Lightning Halberd? Demon Squad?"


Dukaao said: "Hurry up and summon the male company to analyze this demon team."

Lianfeng explained while operating, "Devils and angels, there are angels and demons in the angel civilization 10 million light-years away. Since Morgana's arrival has been captured before, it is clear that the demon army is her direct subordinate."

On the ship, the Durban team headed by Cheng Yaowen stood neatly in a row, waiting for Du Kao's instructions.

Dukao walked to the front of the team and said: "You will take the Dawn One and fly at a speed of Mach 8. It is expected to reach the sky above Yunshan Base in three minutes. The local troops are in a hard fight, except for us, isolated and helpless, understand. Is it? Protect everything that should be protected, strike everything that should be hit, without delay, let’s go!"

Ge Xiaolun, Cheng Yaowen, Xin Zhao and the newly joined Su Xiaoli, Wei Ying saluted Du Kao, and then turned and ran towards Dawn One neatly.

At this time, Lena brought Qilin, Li Feifei, and Zhao in a neat manner, stood still, and said, "Goddess team, stand by at any time!"

Dawn No. 1 turned into a light and set off.

At Yunshan Base, the soldiers guarding Donghong 49 saw the dazzling light in the sky and said excitedly: "Look, it is the light of dawn, it is the light of dawn!"

"Brothers, hold on for one more minute, hold on for another minute, never give Donghong to the enemy!"

Just now, Artest picked up the lightning halberd and led the remaining demons. They had already breached the Yunshan base, and several soldiers guard Donghong 49 ran out.

One of the soldiers suddenly climbed onto the vehicle carrying Donghong 49 and said to the others: "I am driving towards the mountains, you buy me time, I will detonate it in the mountains as a last resort! I would rather detonate it..." With an unrelenting decisiveness, one stepped on the accelerator and drove into the deep mountains.

At this time, Lu Yang was standing with Du Kao.

"Lv Yang, although I know you don’t belong to this plane, and I don’t know if you have a sense of belonging to this earth, but now our soldiers are being attacked by demons. I don’t expect you to charge like Ge Xiaolun and others. ."

"I didn't restrain you in my usual training, and even relaxed the greatest freedom for you, but I now want to ask you if you can help us. If Donghong 49 is taken away by Morgana, the consequences will be disastrous!" Ducao Looking at Lu Yang, pleaded.

Lu Yang glanced at Du Kao, recovered his senses, looked up at the sky, and said, "I understand your feelings, but what you don't know is that I have already met Morgana."

"What?" Du Kao looked surprised, then looked at Lu Yang seriously.

"What did you promise her?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "No, I didn't promise her anything. We just made a deal."

"What deal?" Du Kao asked suspiciously.

"A deal that prevents Morgana from making a deal, you know, if Morgana personally makes a move, even if all the teams are now dispatched, there is no chance of winning. Moreover, Morgana’s ultimate curse, you feel that the entire planet , Who can resist?" "If Morgana comes to the sky above the Juxia and launches the ultimate curse, don't talk about confrontation, and defend the homeland, the Juxia will be destroyed by Morgana."

Speaking of this, Lu Yang glanced at Ducao: "Now, if I don't take action, Morgana will not take action. Once I take action against the demon team, Morgana will also take action against you."

"Then... well! You are right to do this." Du Kaao sighed, he knew that what Lu Yang said was true. Once Morgana shot, there was really no way he could resist it. , It would be a unilateral massacre.

Now that Lu Yang and Morgana are sitting in their own base camps, so that each other can estimate each other and can’t make a move. This is also a good thing. If you really let Lu Yang make a move, you can easily resolve the threat of the demon team, but then It might be Morgana's real anger that came.

This is a scale, depending on which side will be unable to help but make a move, breaking this balance.

Du Kaao thought about this, and suddenly asked Lu Yang, "This is just a check between you. What is your real deal?"

Lu Yang still didn't look back, looking at the cloudy sky, and said lightly: "I helped Morgana eliminate Keisha, and Morgana needs to pay... sorry, this is a private secret."

When Du Kao heard this, he didn't care about any private secrets, and said angrily: "No, you can't help Morgana deal with Keisha. You know, although the angel civilization is extremely harsh, they can be regarded as just parties after all. Compared with Morgana, they will not hurt the innocent easily!"

"But Morgana is different, she is a fallen angel, she is a demon, she doesn't care about life, casualties, she will use whatever means to achieve her goal! Do you know how her demon team came? She... …"

Before Du Kao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Yang who turned around with a wave of his hand: "I know, the disappearance of Huangcun, genetic technology, I know more than you, and even...I can see the future!"

"You... Since you know, you actually..." Du Kao was speechless.

"No! Compared to Keisha's dictatorship, I prefer Morgana's philosophy of pursuing absolute freedom!" said this, Lu Yang looked at Du Cao and said seriously: "I will help Morgana eliminate Keisha! "

"You are wrong!" Du Kaao shook his hand fiercely, not talking to Lu Yang, and turned to leave.

Lu Yang looked at Du Kao's back and murmured: "You don't understand. Even if I don't help Morgana, Keisha will be destroyed by Morgana and Karthus. She is too extreme..."

At the Yunshan base at this time, the Durban team was already at war with the devil team, and Xin Zhao was exposed by the devil team, lying on the ground and seriously injured.

Du Kao walked into the operating room and saw Xin Zhao being hit and falling to the ground.

"what's the situation?"

Lianfeng looked uncomfortable: "The target armor-piercing projectile."

Dukaao heard the words and turned around and said: "What? God Killing One? Where did it come from?"

Wei Ying listened to the communication in her ears, touched her God-killing crossbow, and muttered to herself: "The God-killing No. 1 crossbow arrow in my hand."

When Ge Xiaolun heard this, he stood up in surprise and worried: "Huh??? Xin Zhao...Ah!"

As soon as Ge Xiaolun stood up, he was immediately spotted by the demon team's sniper. A bullet shot out. The bullet hit Ge Xiaolun on the head, causing Ge Xiaolun to cry out, staggering, and blood flowing from the helmet. ..


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