Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 40: He Weilan

"Do we have this stuff?"

"Technology has never been able to break through, you know."

"Well, there is a plan. Use their most powerful nuclear fusion goddess to overthrow them, and it's done." Morgana said.

"My Lady Queen, this...I'm afraid it won't work." The demon hesitated.

"Why?" Morgana puzzled.

"In the last conversation between you and the human named Lu Yang, Lu Yang said that if the person he cares about is threatened, he will take action, and the goddess of dawn, Lena... and Lu Yang are lovers." The devil looked at Mo cautiously. Ganna said.

"What? This bastard! Asking to chase me, there are other women? What does a goddess and a demon want to do?" Morgana cursed.

"Queen... Then, what should I do?"

Morgana slapped the table: "What should I do? How are you uncle! I don't know the power of your queen, right? I'm afraid of a shadow hunter?"

"The queen is forgiving, and your companion is like a tiger..." The devil held his head and begged for mercy.

Morgana walked outside and stretched out her hand, countless black molecules appeared in the air, dancing in a flurry, and gradually converging, forming a strangely shaped black-red sword.

The devil looked at Morgana, his tone filled with despair: "Queen, you have never treated us this way."

"Queen! Queen!" The devil watched Morgana grab the black sword and walked towards him, her body trembling in fear.

"Do you want to protect your queen? Then practice, you are not bad, I am optimistic about you, Atuo!" Morgana said, throwing the black sword in her hand at Atuo: "Take it!"

Atuo grabbed the black sword, but he might as well be thrown to the ground by the weight of the black sword. The black sword hit the ground and the gravel splashed.

Morgana turned around, walked outside the castle, looked at the dim sky, and said indifferently: "When you and I can call the wind and rain, we will fight together!"



The next day, the sun was shining, with a blue sky above and an infinite sea below.

A plane cut through the clouds and swayed layers of clouds and mist, and rolled waves across the sea.

Qilin got off the plane first, her long black hair tied into a ponytail and hung behind her, wearing a black leather jacket, she looked very handsome.

Behind Qilin, a female man-like woman with the same black leather jacket, short hair, and long oblique bangs jumped out of the plane door.

With her hands together and tucked in her abdomen, in a very ladylike posture, Qi Lin said as she walked: "Have you done well in training?"

It can be seen that Qilin is in a very good mood, with a hint of joy in her tone.

"Of course, I can't think of it, our two sisters can work together again." The slanted bangs replied.

"Well, go report to our captain Rena, see you later." Qilin said happily.

Liu Hainu was looking for Lena while observing everything in the ship, her eyes were full of curiosity, after all, it was the first time she saw an aircraft carrier.

At this time, Liu Chuangzheng complained to Lena with a pained expression: "My unlucky brother, he has to follow up with your goddess team and help me teach him..."


The door opened from the outside, and Liu Hainu walked in and saw Rena first. One stood at attention and saluted: "Recruit He Weilan, report to the goddess team captain Rena."

"You're new here..." Before Lena finished speaking, He Weilan suddenly saw Liu Chuang, who was shrinking from the side. She was taken aback, and then he stepped forward to grab Liu Chuang, restraining Liu Chuang, and pressing it on the table.

"Oh, hey evil star!!" Liu Chuang wailed.

"Bad guy, you bad guy..." He Weilan yelled at Liu Chuang.

"What's the matter?" Lena was obviously confused, with a question mark in her head.

"Are you Captain Lena?" He Weilan said.

"Yeah yeah."

"Is this scumbag assaulting you?" He Weilan asked.

"Huh?" Lena was taken aback, then thought for a while and said: "Uh...80% have been thinking about it."

"Hey, my goddess sister, you are going to kill me!! Brother Yang will have to kill me when he hears this!" Liu Chuang wailed.

Rui Mengmeng was walking leisurely in the cabin at this time, and suddenly noticed the room where Lena was. Seeing through the window, Liu Chuang was aggrieved by an unfamiliar woman on the table.

"This villain has not changed after repeated teachings. There are piles of records left in the police station..." He Weilan said in a breath.

Liu Chuang faltered, He Weilan saw it, and asked: "Do you still have to argue? Do you want to deny everything you did? Is it?"

Liu Chuang admitted his mistake and said, "Sorry to the police sister, I will never dare anymore."

"How many times have you said this sentence? Will I still believe it?"

Lena looked at the two, really dumbfounded, and murmured, "How big is this?"

"This scum, extortion, you discounted Shengan's legs. He can't work now. Now his parents are retired. If the country is not raising it for you, who will raise it?" He Weilan shouted at Liu Chuang. .

"You scumbag! Why did he become a national soldier, I don't understand!" He Weilan's tone suddenly fell, his eyes flushed.

Liu Chuang also fell silent, stood up, said nothing, turned and left, walked to the door, saw Rui Mengmeng standing at the door, with regret in his eyes, and whispered: "Yes, it happened, I'm sorry Everyone." After speaking, he left without looking back.

At this time, Lena looked at He Weilan who was sobbing softly and said: "I said, you, He Weilan, right? Don't be sad, ah, you go find your bedroom, and then we have a meeting together."

He Weilan nodded, turned and left in a depressed mood. Just walked to the door, but you might as well be held back by Rui Mengmeng.

He Weilan turned his head to look at Rui Mengmeng, but saw Rui Mengmeng's expression in disgust: "The person you mentioned is my brother."

Although Liu Chuang was often questioned or misunderstood at first because of his previous relationship, it is surprising that he and the innocent and stunned Rui Mengmeng are very compatible, and they are usually brothers and sisters.

He Weilan frowned and stared, "That scum?"

Rui Mengmeng retorted: "He is not a scum!"

"Oh." He Weilan nodded, and said in a suddenly enlightened tone: "You too, I understand!" After speaking, he turned and left.

"What did you say? Did you see what he did for everyone?" Rui Mengmeng defended.

He Weilan stopped and shouted at Rui Mengmeng: "Then have you seen what he did to others?"

"He has reformed, and he is now a super soldier like us!"

"Yes! He has changed dozens of times more than you think. As a result, more and more people are hurt!"

"I don't allow you to treat him like that!"

The two argued endlessly. ..


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