Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 57: The ultimate fear of disappearing

In fact, Lena had discovered everything a long time ago. Although Du Kao could not determine the location of Lu Yang, Lena was able to hear Du Kao's conversation with everyone through the communicator. But Lena didn't say a word, just listened silently.

At this time, when she heard that everyone had returned and stopped fighting with Lu Yang, she was also relieved, sitting in the room quietly waiting for Lu Yang to return.

After a while, Lu Yang had already returned. He opened the door and saw Lena sitting in the living room. Lu Yang smiled, walked over, hugged Lena, and said, "If you don't go back, will you regret it?"

Lena shook her head and said with a look on her face: "I don't want to lose you anymore. Although it is a bit regretful, I will not regret it."

"Where shall we go?" After a pause, Lena looked at Lu Yang and asked.

Lu Yang thought for a while, and said, "Let’s go to Morgana first. When I only had a trace of spiritual energy left, Morgana helped me send it to Neon Country."

"Okay, I listen to you." Rena nodded.

"Okay, let's go." As Lu Yang hugged Lena, the two of them flickered and disappeared without a trace.

After Lu Yang left, the neon country burst out with a strong death energy, which was gray, like smoke, covering the entire neon country.

At this time, the neon country has long lost a living person and has become a veritable dead country. Moreover, as the lifelessness permeated, the Neon Country volcano erupted, shaking the ground.

In fact, all of Lu Yang was suppressing the death energy of the Neon Country. When Lu Yang recovered halfway, there was already a large amount of death energy surging and trying to spray out, but it was suppressed by Lu Yang. Don't let the death breath in this place spit out, because once it spit out, it will plunder all living things, including ghosts.

Originally, Lu Yang had to kill the ghosts that I don’t know how many people had absorbed to resurrect. If the death aura spreads, it will cause a large number of deaths. You must know that these death auras can corrupt even ghosts. , Will greatly hinder Lu Yang's resurrection.

Therefore, Lu Yang has always suppressed the lifelessness of the neon country, but now without Lu Yang's suppression, the lifelessness of the entire neon country suddenly rushed out like a wild horse.

Devil city, Morgana's castle.

Morgana looked up at the sky with her arms akimbo. Suddenly there were two ripples rippling behind him, followed by two figures.

Morgana recovered and saw Lu Yang standing behind her with Lena.

"It seems that you are recovering well! You were able to escape under the ultimate fear. How did you manage to do it?" Morgana looked at Lu Yang. She glanced at Lu Yang's arm holding Lena, her eyes flashed Displeased.

Lu Yang shrugged and said, "I'm telling you a good news, do you want to listen?"

"What good news?" Morgana said.

"The ultimate fear has disappeared!"

"What?" Morgana's eyes narrowed: "This is impossible!"

"There is nothing impossible. It tried to kill me before, but was hit by the explosion caused by all my energy. After that, it had to fall asleep because of serious injuries." Lu Yang glanced at Morgana. Continued: "Of course, it may appear again, but by then, Kenneng has passed hundreds of billions of years. After all, it is not so easy for the ultimate fear to recover."

Morgana opened her mouth and looked at Lu Yang with an incredulous expression. Suddenly she brought the line and she didn't know what to say. The ultimate fear has always been what she fears. Her sister Keisha distrusted her and believed that the so-called ultimate fear was an extremely evil concept.

But now Lu Yang told her indifferently that the ultimate fear had disappeared and she was seriously injured. When it reappears, it is possible that the self as a **** no longer exists.

After a long time, Morgana calmed down: "So, are you here to tell me this news?"

"No." Lu Yang shook his head: ‘Our previous deal is still worthwhile, I will help you deal with Kesha, and you..."

Morgana somehow, with a heartbeat, she remembered that Lu Yang's trading terms with her were to allow Lu Yang to pursue her. In the previous tens of thousands of years, she had not had a feeling of liking for any male, because she was a queen, a fallen angel, and an evil god.

Therefore, when Lu Yang made a bet with her before, she actually didn't care. But when Lu Yang faced the obliteration of the ultimate fear, she was still worried about her safety and feared to hurt her, so when she moved to the battlefield, she had a special feeling for Lu Yang.

But then, she was angry again. Lu Yang held Rena in front of her with an upright attitude. Isn’t he afraid that she would be jealous, or he was deliberate, in fact, his so-called pursuit of himself is just a joke, otherwise why After he said it, there was no action.

Right now, Morgana turned around, ignoring Lu Yang and Lena, and said, "Okay, I see, you can go."

Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't understand why Morgana was suddenly angry. He said, "One more thing, can I live with you?"

Morgana was also taken aback, turned around, looked at Lu Yang, and looked at him up and down for a while, after seeing his hairy body, she looked away and looked at Lena again. After a long time, Morgana smiled suddenly and said: "Yes!"

But it was said that Lena had goosebumps all over her body when Morgana saw her, she touched her arm, raised her small chin, snorted, she was indescribably proud.

Suddenly, Lu Yang said, "By the way, do you have a nightmare called Atuo that has already started killing in Ferertrode?"

"Huh?" Morgana was taken aback, surprised: "How do you know?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "How do I know that you can't understand it. I need to go to Ferrer Zhuo for a trip, can I do it?"

Morgana nodded: "Yes, but what are you doing there?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Nothing is that there is someone I am interested in. But..." Lu Yang looked at Lena and asked: "I need to go to Ferrer Zhuo for a trip, and I will be back soon. . Will you go with me or stay here until I come back?"

Lena thought for a while and said, "I won't go. As for staying here, I still want to go back to the Juxia ship. After all, I still prefer it to the castle without your demon."

Lu Yang nodded when he heard this, and said, "Well, I will take you back tomorrow."



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