Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 68: Sene

Opening his eyes, there was a blur in front of him, and he could only vaguely see two figures. There was a ball of fire in front of him, jumping, dancing, and crackling.

Closed her eyes, shook her dizzy head, rubbed her eyes, Senny opened her eyes again, and the things in front of her slowly became clear.

A dignified and beautiful man with a strangely shaped sword stuck beside him. A beautiful and proud woman wearing bright silver armor. The armor was stained with blood, and it seemed that there had been a big battle.

At this time, the two people in front of her also found her awake. The proud woman glanced at her and continued to sit by the fire without caring.

The dignified and beautiful man got up and came to her, watching her. Only then did she see clearly that the man in front of her had no pupils in his eyes, and it was completely dark.

"Are you awake?" The cold voice seemed familiar, yes, this was the voice she heard before she passed out.

Sitting up with some difficulty, Sene looked at the man in front of her, with a vigilant response, gently.

The man in front of him didn't care, but smiled at her, took a leg of lamb from the fire stand, handed it to her, and motioned her to eat it.

Senny didn't move, although she hadn't eaten for a long time, and I don't know what seasoning was added, oil was left on the leg of the lamb, and a special fragrance floated into her nostrils, stimulating her constricted stomach.

Lu Yang looked at the girl in front of him with a vigilant look, she was already very hungry, but still did not take the food from him.

Smiling, Lu Yang said: "Don't worry, the food is safe, eat it, your physical strength is close to the limit, if you don't eat anymore, you can't hold on."

Sene stared at Lu Yang closely, and said, "This is close to the center of the blizzard, and there are no living things at all. Where did your sheep come from?"

Lu Yang was stunned. He was worried about this and said with a smile: "Don't worry, have you heard of the microwormhole handling technology? Now, look."

When he stretched out his hand, the leg of lamb in his hand disappeared, and when he stretched out his hand, the leg of lamb appeared in Lu Yang's hand again.

Sene looked at this magical scene, her eyes lit up. She didn't care about the leg of lamb in Lu Yang's hand, but looked at Lu Yang and said, "Can you teach me this ability?"

Lu Yang looked at him for a moment. He didn't expect that the girl didn't care about the leg of lamb. Instead, she wanted to learn this: "You can talk about it after you eat something."

Sene nodded, took the leg of lamb, and ate it. The eating is not elegant, but very embarrassed, chewing with big mouthfuls.

"Wormhole removal technology can't do yours."

Yan gave Lu Yang a mocking look and said lightly.

Lu Yang glanced at Yan, ignoring her, but looking at Sene with interest.

After three times, five and two, Sene had eaten the leg of lamb in her hand, looked at the bone in her hand, picked it up and stuffed it into her mouth. Lu Yang stopped Seni's move, and in her puzzled eyes, he tore off a leg of lamb and handed it to her.

After a long time, after Lu Yang passed the whole sheep to Seni and watched her finish eating. Lu Yang threw the bones into the fire in Seni's reluctant eyes.

The oil on the bones ran into the fire and burned fiercely, causing the fire to rise up a bit, and it burned even more vigorously.

"Okay, let's talk about it, why did you come to the middle of the blizzard alone? You are still wearing such thin clothes!" Sene was silent for a while, and suffocated two words.


Oh? Lu Yang looked at Seni in surprise, walked into the blizzard in order to temper? Looking at Senny's thin clothes, she had such a strong will to endure the biting cold and walk to the middle of the blizzard.

"Do you want to be stronger?"

"Yes!" Seni nodded fiercely and looked at Lu Yang with expectation.

Although Seni did not see Lu Yang drinking the ice and snow, but in Seni's beast-like intuition, she could feel that Lu Yang was very strong.

Lu Yang touched his chin. He really felt that the girl in front of him had good aptitude and strong willpower. This made Lu Yang couldn't help but feel the urge to teach this girl.

Suddenly, Lu Yang's eyes lit up and he saw Yan. He pointed to Yan and said: "Yes, I will help you become stronger, but from now on, you have to fight her every day. Whenever you can compete with her, I will make you truly a strong one."

Sini glanced at the proud Yan, with doubts: "She? Is she strong?"

"Hey! I'm the left-wing guard of Queen Keisha, you actually let me be the sparring partner for this little girl?" Yan heard Lu Yang's words, and Lu Yang said dissatisfied.

"For me, she is very weak. But for you, she is terribly strong!" Lu Yang ignored Yan and said to Sene.

"Good!" Sene nodded.

Standing up, Sene stared at Yan and made an attacking gesture.

Yan frowned and looked at Seni's appearance, knowing that he couldn't hide away, the power of his body was sealed by Lu Yang now, and there was no way to leave.

Although Lu Yang sealed the strength of the angels in Yan's body, Yan's physical strength and fighting skills were not comparable to ordinary people.

Yan beckoned to Seni with an arrogant face.

Sene gave a low growl, like a roar of a beast, and the whole person rushed to Yan.

With no expression on his face, Yan stepped forward and kicked hard at the same time. Sene, who rushed towards Yan, was kicked out by Yan and squatted on the ground.

A struggling to get up, Sene gave a low growl again and rushed towards Yan.

Yan frowned, flashed again, just about to get out of the foot, but might as well as Sene bent over, clenched a fist with one hand and slammed against Yan's knee.

Yan immediately put away the feet he wanted to lift, and withdrew back, while hitting Seni's back with his elbow, the other hand stretched out to grab one of Seni's legs, and swiped her out. .


Sene hit the wall, gritted her teeth in silence, kicked her feet, and rushed towards Yan again. After two times, Sene also knew that the proud woman in front of her had powerful fighting skills and experience, but this did not mean that she would give up.

Yan frowned and looked at Sene, who rushed again, and started to attack. With a flash, Yan appeared beside Seni at a speed that Seni couldn't respond, raised her leg and bend her knees, and hit Seni's abdomen. The other leg lifted up, the body turned in the air, and the knee hit Seni's spine, and with the force of the floating downward, she pressed her to the ground. ..


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