Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 75: Camp

Du Qiangwei thought in her heart, snorted coldly, glanced at the survivors who hesitated to step forward in the distance, and said, "What's the matter with those people?"

"Those are the survivors who followed me along the way." Lu Yang said.

"There is a camp over there. You follow me and take them to the camp. The city is not safe." With that, Du Qiangwei rode a motorcycle and said to Lu Yang, "Come up."

Lu Yang looked at Yan and Morgana who were holding his arms, not knowing what to say.

Du Qiangwei looked at Lu Yang's reaction and said in an aura: "Then you can follow."

With a fierce blow on the accelerator, Du Qiangwei started the motorcycle and drove away first.

"Let's go." Lu Yang looked helplessly at Du Qiangwei's back, and said to Morgana and Yan.

"As a maid, you hold your master's arm like this, and you are still in front of your mistress, is that good?" Morgana glanced at Yan at this time and said.

The corner of Yan's mouth hooked. She knew that Lu Yang was there. It was impossible for her to let herself do something against Morgana. She simply gave up her intention to do it. Instead, she provocatively said to Morgana: "When I was in Ferrerjod, I was This is often the case."

Who knows Morgana smiled and said: "A strong man will always attract flowers, bees and butterflies. But it doesn't matter, a maid is not in my eyes, and I don't mind letting myself The man here is more than a bed-warmer."

"You!" Yan said.

"Okay, okay, let's go!" At this time, Lu Yang was full of black lines, planning the two.

"Humph", the two looked at each other, snorted together, holding Lu Yang's arm without letting go, followed Lu Yang towards the road when Du Qiangwei left.

The survivors in the distance saw Lu Yang leave and followed closely.

Several people followed Du Qiangwei all the way to the outskirts, and from a distance they saw military pickups and buses parked on the side of the road.

Tents, survivors in ragged clothes, soldiers in bandages.

Lu Yang and the others attracted the attention of the soldiers in charge of the vigilance, and they just planned to come over for questioning but were stopped by Du Qiangwei.

"These people are all survivors I brought. The men in the first few people are the instructors of the former military company. Don't worry."

"Yes!" The two alert soldiers stopped, saluted Du Qiangwei, and then returned to their original positions.

Du Qiangwei looked back at Lu Yang and the others, ignored it, drove the car to a tent, stopped the car, and walked into the tent.

Just two steps, a middle-aged soldier came out of the tent with a bandage on his head and greeted Du Qiangwei. Seeing Lu Yang and others who walked in, they curiously said, "These are all survivors."

Du Qiangwei shook her head as she walked: "Aren't the two women and the man in front, but those in the back are."

"Huh?" The middle-aged soldier had a question mark on his face.

"Of those two men and one woman, the man was the instructor of the former Xiongbing Company, and the other blond woman was an angel. As for the remaining woman... the middle-aged non-mainstream part-time junior."

Middle-aged soldier "..."

"Why do I look at the relationship between the three of them?"

"Doing so much!" Du Qiangwei's face turned black.

Du Qiangwei walked into the tent and sat down.

After a while, the three of Lu Yang followed Du Qiangwei in.

"What are you doing with me?" Du Qiangwei said to Lu Yang with a dark face.

Lu Yang was taken aback, shrugged and turned around to go out.


Du Qiangwei watched Lu Yang turn around and left, subconsciously screamed. He immediately looked at Lu Yang, who had returned to his doubts, and then at Yan and Morgana who were still holding Lu Yang's arm and didn't let go. Suddenly a trace of grievance appeared in their hearts.

"It's okay, let's go."

Lu Yang helplessly said to Du Qiangwei, "How about letting the two of them share a tent with you?"

"No!" Du Qiangwei's face was black.

"I want to sleep in a tent with you!" Morgana said to Lu Yang dissatisfied.

"Me too!" Yan said.

Du Qiangwei was angry and said to Lu Yang: "Yes, let them live in my tent!"

Lu Yang spread his hands towards Morgana and Yan, and then said to Du Qiangwei: "Okay."

Watching Lu Yang turn around and walk out, Yan and Morgana followed. Du Qiangwei stomped and walked out.

The remaining middle-aged soldiers looked at the backs of a few people and murmured: "Your circle is really messy."

That night.

The moonlight is like water, sprinkling silver.

Inside the camp, quietly, people have already rested. The people brought by Lu Yang in the morning were also arranged in the tents.

Only when Lu Yang was arranged, Lu Yang refused. He sat cross-legged on the grass alone, closing his eyes and resting.

Inside Du Qiangwei's tent.

Du Qiangwei frowned tightly and turned over and over again, as if she was having a nightmare.

In fact, Du Qiangwei once again dreamed that Dukao was killed on the Juxia ship, and everyone was constantly injured and fell to the ground, flying away in all directions.

Sitting up suddenly, Du Qiangwei panted and woke up.

Looking at Morgana and Yan who were sleeping, Du Qiangwei put on her clothes, opened the tent, and went out.

In the silent night, everyone was asleep except for the soldiers on patrol.

Du Qiangwei saw Lu Yang sitting on the grass with his eyes closed for a moment and walked over.

"Why are you here? Didn't you arrange a tent?"

Lu Yang opened his eyes, his dark eyes looked darker at night, and shook his head. Lu Yang said, "No, I'm just here, I don't need a tent."

Du Qiangwei walked to Lu Yang and sat down on her knees, staring blankly towards the sky.

"Did you know? The moment my father died, I suddenly hated you."


"At the time I was thinking, if you were on the Juxia, my father would not die, and the comrades in the Xiongbing Company would not be injured or die. In this way, Karthus would not attack the Juxia. City, this end may not come now."

Lu Yang was silent.

In fact, if Lu Yang was on the Juxia at that time, it might be exactly what Du Qiangwei said. Dukao will not die, and Karthus will not attack Juxia City. The world will be the same as before. It will not be as it is now, with gun smoke filled, wars everywhere, and strange monsters attacking humans.

But nothing is if, when Lu Yang decides to slaughter the entire neon resurrection in the Neon Country, things are doomed.

Therefore, time will not go back. No one can change a destined thing. There is no such thing as regret medicine in the world. ..


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