Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 11 Chapter 77: Black Great Wall

Next day

The large force continued to advance in the direction of the North Star.

Du Qiangwei was riding a motorcycle in front, and Lu Yang walked slowly behind.

"You are no longer on your demon wings, how come you came here?" Lu Yang asked Morgana as he walked.

In fact, he was also very curious about why Morgana had a leisurely mood and turned into a cold ice to appear on the Huaxia Battlefield, but he had no chance to ask before, or he forgot.

"If I said that I was interested in Qiangwei, so I came down to find her specially, would you believe it?" Morgana walked leisurely and said casually.

Lu Yang watched Morgana silently.

"Well, in fact, Kesha has a weapon arsenal, which can only be opened with the third-generation wormhole technology or above. In fact, I am also very interested in Qiangwei because she will be promoted to a god." Morgana looked at Lu Yang.

"Don't think about it!"

The two did not evade Yan at all, so when Yan heard Morgana's plan, he looked at Morgana and said.

"Only the king can use the king's things, you are a devil, never want to use Queen Keisha's weapons arsenal." Yan said.

"Oh? Am I not the king? Little girl, if it wasn't for Lu Yang, you would be dead now." Morgana raised her brows and said to Yan.

"You are just a devil, use Queen Kesha's arsenal, do you deserve it?" Yan said contemptuously.

Morgana's eyes were cold, and she looked at Yan and said, "Little angel, believe me or not, will you pinch you to death now?"

Yan looked at Morgana without fear, and the two looked at each other.

Suddenly, Lu Yang said, "Maybe, I can help you open Keisha's arsenal."

"Really?" Morgana was surprised.

"No, you can't help her open it!" Yan said anxiously.

Both of them know that Lu Yang is a magical existence, and no one knows what abilities he has, but just the tip of the iceberg he showed is incredible. If another person said that, they would not at all. Will care, only think that the person is bragging, but Lu Yang is different, if he said that it can be opened, then it is really able to open.

"It can be, but it will take a while." Lu Yang said.

"Well, the last thing I lack is time." Morgana said.

Ahead, Du Qiangwei was stopped by an oncoming car.

"Sergeant Qiangwei, I found you. I finally found you after running all day and night." A soldier got out of the car and saluted Du Qiangwei.

"What's the matter? Second Lieutenant." Du Qiangwei asked in return.

"Head Lianfeng, I have given many people a look for enlightenment. If you see you, you must tell it like you. Hurry up and go to the code name-Black Great Wall. She said, you know."

"Yeah." Du Qiangwei nodded.

Turning the front of the car and coming to Lu Yang's side, Du Qiangwei said: "I'm going to the Black Great Wall, you go with me."

Lu Yang was taken aback: "The Black Great Wall? Where?"

Du Qiangwei was also taken aback, surprised: "You don't know the Black Great Wall?"

Lu Yang shook his head.

Du Qiangwei rolled her eyes: "How did you not care about the academy's situation when you were in the Super Seminary? Don't you do anything except show affection with Lena every day?"

Lu Yang looked at Du Qiangwei awkwardly: "It seems... it really is."

Du Qiangwei was speechless, and it took a long time before she said, "Come on!" Lv Yang nodded, and said to Yan and Morgana: "You follow the big troops first."

Morgana shrugged: "I have no objection."

"I have no opinion either." Yan hooked his mouth and smiled.

"Huh?" Lu Yang looked at the two men in a deep thought for a while, waved, and a light curtain shone on them.

"Let's go." Lu Yang saw the invisible light curtain beside them, sat on the back seat, held Du Qiangwei's waist, and said to her.

Du Qiangwei slammed the throttle and rushed out.

Yan and Morgana watched Lu Yang walk away and glanced at each other. Both of them saw Lu Yang waving at them just now, but they didn't feel anything. When Lu Yang left, sparks burst into the eyes of the two who could not bear it.

Yan took the lead, the sword of flame appeared in his hand, and a sword pierced Morgana.

Morgana's eyes flashed without moving.


The sword of flame was stopped by a light curtain within three inches of Morgana, no matter how hard Yan Yan couldn't pierce it.

"This is what he left behind, don't bother. Do you think he will rest assured that the two of us will stay?" Morgana's eyes flashed, showing such an expression as expected, laughing at Yandao.

"Damn!" Yan whispered bitterly.

"Actually, you should thank him, he is protecting you. Otherwise, you think you can keep inventory under my hands? After all, you are not Keisha!" Morgana glanced at Yan and said.

"Let's go." Morgana said lightly, and took the lead to follow the large group.

Yan stared at Morgana's back, cursing in a low voice for a lifetime, and followed.

At the same time, Du Qiangwei dragged Lu Yang.

"Who is that woman?"

Du Qiangwei had actually noticed Morgana a long time ago. After all, Lu Yang would not bring an ordinary person with him, and this ordinary person seemed to dislike each other with Angel Yan.

"She? Liang Bing, Angel's daughter." Lu Yang said.

"Angel's daughter? But why does it seem that she and Yan hate each other?" Du Qiangwei was taken aback.

"Well, fall in love and kill each other."

Du Qiangwei rolled her eyes, ignoring Lu Yang's nonsense.

Seeing Du Qiangwei no longer questioning, Lu Yang didn't say anything, just quietly holding Du Qiangwei's waist, smelling the faint fragrance in the air from Du Qiangwei's body.

Soon, Du Qiangwei rode a motorcycle to outside a base in the dense forest that looked like a train passage.

Outside the base, a woman with blonde hair and a red uniform was talking to the two soldiers in front of them with her back to them, and turned around when she heard the motorcycle student behind her.

"Aunt Lianfeng." Du Qiangwei stopped the car and greeted the woman.

"Qianwei." Lian Feng smiled at Qiangwei, and then saw Lu Yang behind Qiangwei.

"Lu Yang? It's you! How could you be with Qiangwei?"

Lu Yang got out of the car and smiled and said to Lian Feng: "Long time no see, Lian Feng."

Lian Feng looked at Du Qiangwei: "Qiangwei, why did you bring him, don't you know that he is no longer a member of the Xiongbing Company?"

"Aunt Lian Feng." Du Qiangwei looked at Lian Feng embarrassedly.

"Even if I am no longer a member of the Xiongbing Company, is it okay for me to come as a guest?" Lu Yang glanced at Lianfeng: "Besides, if I insist on going in, can you stop me?"..


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