Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 12 Chapter 17: Trouble in the patrol room

This chick is getting upright, and she still smells like a lady.

"The little dwarf who writes in the left hand and General Ling have a party for the festival, these two clues are especially important."

Tie Shou also interrupted and said: "Regarding the situation of the dwarf, the following arrests have conducted a lot of investigations. Although the three suspects they sent are unreliable, this alone can confirm them. The workload is not small."

After eating honestly, the chasing after he hadn't spoken finally spoke: "But it's still not enough! After all, the emperor is very concerned about this case, but asks us to solve it as soon as possible."

Spent a lot of energy, can't catch important people, cold-blooded long ago, suffocating grievances.

My mother, I went to the brothel for the first time in my life, and that was really a waste of money!

Who can say that we did not make great efforts to investigate this matter?

"The people on this are relaxed, we are about to wear our legs when we move our lips. Who doesn't want to solve the case as soon as possible, but there must be clues."

Hearing this little girl's complaint, she said in a dull voice, "Since we all feel wronged, then the following brothers must have the same idea as us."

He looked up at Lu Yang and said softly, "My lord, I request to search the whereabouts of that dwarf myself!"

Lu Yang glanced at him, nodded and said, "Alright! Young master, I have a hunch that this case is not easy! Without our own personal control, I can't rest assured that it is a good thing for you to go and supervise the arrests."

"Then let's speed up the process. I will investigate people who have had a holiday with General Ling now."

Cold-blooded and stood up. This time, he was determined to make some achievements.

She was stopped by Lu Yang again: "It's not busy! Just now I thought about it carefully. There are really not many people who have a holiday with General Ling."

It is indeed very unusual for Ling Luoshi to have high authority and the courage to fight against him.

The prime minister, Cai Jing, who is known as the Chinese official of the imperial court, naturally has the ability to make gestures with his leader among the generals.

But getting rid of the boss of the civil servants, although the world is big, there are really few people who can become the enemy of General Ling.

"Then we can't just do nothing and wait for the murderer to surface again, right?"

Tie Shou said the worry in his heart.

Everyone present knew that every time the murderer appeared, he was dead.

If, waiting for the murderer to surface again, it would be equivalent to another girl like a flower to wither.

"You won't be idle!"

Lu Yang took out a letter from his arms.

This was shown to him by the old man in the porter when he came back from outside today.

Cold-blooded snatched it in his hand and read it aloud: "The grandmaster of the defensive camp of the Beijing master's defensive battalion made trouble at the Yamen, and has injured five people in the patrol and arrested me. He also hopes that the master of arrest will give instructions. Wang Yiqing."

"This is a letter written by Master Wang Yiqing in the patrol room."

Cold-blooded and suspiciously said: "This is a good case without investigation, why does he have the mind to shut down such trivial matters?"

Lu Yang sneered: "This incident is a trivial matter for you, the six-door catcher, and for Wang Yiqing, it is a major matter."

He introduced the whole thing.

"It's not good for this murderer to kill anyone. Not only did he kill our emperor's beloved Concubine Hua, he also killed the concubine of the eldest son of the Jingshi defensive camp. No, he ran to our patrol room to make trouble." The six gates are the holy land in the eyes of the world's hunters, and only the elite hunters can join them.

After all, there are not many elites, and those who are usually caught quickly stay in the patrol room as errands.

The eldest son of the Jingshi garrison camp died of his concubine, he must not dare to break through the six doors. Of course, this patrol room became his gas barrel.

"Hey, do you mean this buddy?"

Cold-blooded finally understood the matter: "If such a murder happened, our patrol house is responsible. Isn't his Lao Tzu's garrison no responsibility?"

Simply put, this patrol room is equivalent to a law enforcement agency such as the police station and the anti-corruption bureau of later generations.

This garrison battalion of the capital is equivalent to the troops stationed in Beijing, a unit that specializes in safeguarding the security of the capital.

The cold-blooded saying that this case has something to do with his old man is definitely not wrong.

Hearing that the chick was true, Tie Shou smiled awkwardly: "That must be related to his own Lao Tzu, but, have you seen a few people who dare to yell at your Lao Tzu?"

Cold-blooded still very unconvinced: "According to you, he dare not yell at his own old man, so our brother has to admit he is unlucky?"

At this moment, the iron hand has nothing to say.

Lu Yang waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, let's not say much, let's rush over to share the worries and problems for the brothers!"

Seeing that Lord Catcher is about to go out in person, he said in cold-blooded astonishment, "Hey, the sun will come out from the west today? Even our Lord Catcher is going to go out in person. This Lord Jiang really doesn't sleep. Generally big."

Although cold-blooded talking coldly, it didn't waste time.

In a short while, Lu Yang and others arrived at the patrol room.

Since it was a patrol room, the entrance of this yamen was also very mighty, not worse than that of General Zhenyuan's mansion.

Usually, it is very difficult for ordinary people to see this yamen.

Who has nothing to do and ran to this yamen for a stroll? It's hard to suspect that you are a petty theft, so grab it and torture you.

This group of arresters did not rely on their heads, but on the sticks in their hands.

Even if you are an upright person, you have confessed to those unreasonable charges by hitting with dozens of sticks.

So, get rid of those who have complained, ordinary people will not come to this yamen.

Today was a little different. As soon as Lu Yang and the others arrived at this yamen, they saw that the outside was crowded with people, one by one lying here to watch the excitement inside the yamen.

"What do you eat in the patrol room? Two days have passed since this case, and the murderer has not been caught? How did the court raise your bunch of wine and rice bags?"

Following these arrogant words, the sound of breaking a teacup came from inside the Yamen.

This is because someone threw the cup and scolded his mother.

With a cold-blooded face, he pushed aside the people guarding the door, and strode in.

The patrol room is not only spectacularly built in front of the Yamen, but even the courtyard is very spacious.

At first glance, people feel that this is not a good place.

Only by giving people such a sense of oppression, can this renew fear for those who commit crimes, and when they arrive here, they will naturally confess the case.

But today's patrol room has become a theater. ..


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