Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 12 Chapter 38: The case just opened

Cold-blooded continued: "Do you know what this woman values ​​her most?"

She didn't wait for others to answer, she just said the answer: "Appearance, that's right, it is appearance! Kong Lingshan is known as the number one beauty, and she must be a beautiful woman."

Lu Yang hurriedly delivered a small flattery: "No matter how beautiful she is, she is now too old and yellow. Master, I think our little pepper is still beautiful! Do you think it is?"

Why is my uncle's mouth so sweet today?

Ruthlessly waited for a moment when he heard this, but when he saw Lu Yang winking at himself and the others, he thought of the key point.

Oops, this little pepper has endured all the way, and it is estimated that we will have the operation!

"Haha, that's it!"

Thinking of her younger sister's spice, Tie Shou hurriedly took over: "How can Kong Lingshan's old fellow compare with our younger sister? Isn't that a joke?"

"You can have such a acquaintance, I'm still very pleased, Xiaoye."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Well, everyone has been busy all night and worked hard. Now let's go back to the room and rest. In the afternoon, I have something else to tell you."

Nonsense, don't you rush away at this time, are you waiting to be scolded by this cold-blooded chick?

With a "swish", the three big men slipped away in a thunderous manner.

There was only a cold-blooded person left on the spot, which was dumbfounded.

No, this girl seems to have something very important that I haven't said yet.

Three of you, come back to the old lady!

After sleeping, when Lu Yang woke up, it was already the time for the sunset to set.

He followed his orders and searched outside for a day, but did not get any news from Ambassador Jiang Ying.

This old and young family seems to have fallen to the sea, and evaporated from the world.

In fact, this result had long been expected by Lu Yang.

Seeing the appearance of a bunch of younger brothers bowing their heads and drooping their heads, he chuckled, "Don't be depressed, although three days have passed, we have not made good progress for the time being, but at any rate it can be regarded as cracking this headless case."

Cold-blooded raised his head and said, "We didn't even catch this envoy Jiang Ying, is this considered as breaking the case?"

"It's not the little master, I said you."

Lu Yang pointed to the little girl and said, "Well, people are asking us to eat roast duck for a while, so let them be happy for two more days."

Iron Hand just didn't have a sense of humor, and once again brought this relaxed situation back to the heavy reality.

"My lord, I think we have a good guess. Envoy Jiang Ying might have been hidden by the prime minister or the general."

Ruthlessly said in a deep voice: "No!"

Seeing the people around him turn their gazes to his face, his always cold and ruthless face revealed a rare smile.

"Although others don't know, we do hear that this case is vaguely directed towards General Ling. Will he keep the person who framed him?"

"Big brother is right!" Zhu Ming first agreed with the ruthless view, "I also think that the chance of Jiang Ying hiding in the General's Mansion is not high. On the contrary, this Prime Minister's Mansion is his best place to settle down."

A few of them talked about it, but they never explained the matter thoroughly.

It's still Xiaojiao's words, the most direct.

"Hey, when you talk about it, you just don't dare to speak through. Here are our own brothers, and there are no outsiders!"

This little Niang Pi turned her head and glanced at Lu Yang. She continued to grunt like a mosquito. "Although our uncle has the potential of being a pervert, but at any rate it is also a dignified catcher. I will definitely not take our words. Tell outsiders to listen."

Special mother, this little girl, I have always been prejudiced by the little master.

When Lu Yang heard this, her nose almost didn't get crooked.

"Don't you pretend to act, isn't it because you suspect that the man behind this scene is the old thief Cai Jing? What's not to say about it?"

Hearing what his master catching **** said so, the worries of Ruqing and others suddenly disappeared.

Tie Shou smiled and said: "It turns out that the adults have the same idea, hehe, so we can rest assured."

Lu Yang raised his hand and tapped his forehead a few times: "You little scammers, if something goes wrong, you want Laozi to take the post. Let's talk, why do you suspect that all these are the small actions of the prime minister Cai Jing."

Cold-blooded and said, "Well, it's not enough, hey, this couldn't be easier."

Since my seniors are timid and cautious, let this girl speak straight.

The little girl opened her mouth and said, "My lord, you just hid in the study a few years ago and read. It is inevitable that you don't know what is going on in this world."

Don't tell me, once the chick gets serious, what she says is quite like a storyteller.

"I think there were three people who accompanied the emperor to seize this country. One is our teacher, the other is the prime minister Cai Jing, and one person..."

Having said that, she deliberately sold a pass: "My lord, do you know who is the last person?"

"It's definitely not me!"

Lu Yang said angrily: "Speak up quickly, don't pretend to be a storyteller."

With a cold-blooded smile, he said softly, "I didn't expect to be seen through by you. Okay, let's just say it straight. It's Tianhai Shanren, General Ling's teacher."

"Hold on," Lu Yang raised his hand to stop the little girl, "A man from the sky? Are you saying that Ling Luoshi's teacher is a monk?"

With a cold-blooded voice, "What monk or bald donkey, he is a mountain man, not a master, okay? The monk can't beat him even with his eight poles."

The little girl said again: "The emperor is with the support of the three of them, this is the triumphant song all the way, and finally came to today."

Lu Yang lowered his head in deep thought, and said quietly, "If that's the case, Ling Luoshi shouldn't have a good relationship with this old man Cai."

He shook his head mercilessly and said: "I don't know that, since ancient times, civil and military are weak. In the eyes of a group of literati, we can see that all of us who practice martial arts have well-developed limbs and simple minds."

Cold-blooded patted her slender thigh, and shouted: "Hey! That's what happened! Therefore, Cai Jing and Ling Luoshi didn't deal with it. The people in the Song Dynasty knew about this."

In order to increase her persuasiveness, this little girl pulled on herself and others again: "Your brother, our teacher, haven't you been with them all the way to today? Is it a good relationship between us and their two families?". .


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