Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 12 Chapter 55: Ling Family Grand Master

Master Lu was able to stay out of the matter because he had nothing to do with the Cai family and no grievances.

But his Lord Wang can't!

Now my daughter has been harmed by this prime minister's son-in-law. Is it necessary for him to accompany him with a smile?

If he, as an old man, dare not confront the prime minister, how can he expect Lu Yang to uphold justice?

Therefore, Lord Wang also gave it up.

"My lord, since this Young Master Cai refuses to admit that he is the real murderer of the little girl, this official advises the adults to take off their clothes for a medical examination."

What, undress body check?

When Lu Yang heard this, he was immediately happy.

Does this old man have a lot of ideas?

You know, after a man has done that, he can't excrete the essence of his body in a short time.

Therefore, there will definitely be some residue on the underwear.

Originally this is a matter of common sense.

It's just that Lu Yang only thinks about the technology of this era, which is far from the test of the other party's excrement, but ignores this matter.

At this time, upon hearing this Lord Wang's words, he immediately thought of it.

Yes, this is a good way!

Although he agreed with this method, he still pretended to be forced to be helpless.

Turning his head, Lu Yang looked at Cai He with a look of embarrassment and said, "Cai He, you also heard Lord Wang's words."

Cai He was even more crazy by this king's popularity.

Damn, what does this old guy do? Why did you think of such a way?

"Lord Wang just now misunderstood that the official received the benefits of your family. If the official does not agree to his method, I am afraid it will be difficult to clear this suspicion."

Lu Yang said sternly, "So, I have to wronged Mr. Cai. Come here, help Cai He take off his pants!"

The catchers around him immediately rushed up like tiger wolves, pulling Cai He's belt down.

Cai He, the dignified prime minister, if someone takes off his pants in front of so many people, he won't be confused with the capital in the future!

"My lord, my lord, you can't do this!"

The boy flushed his eyes in a hurry, thinking that he could not make a fool of himself in the crowd, so he put the rest of the matter aside.

"Master, as long as you stop ordering, my Cai family will definitely not disappoint adults!"

Lu Yang originally had a calm face, but when he heard this, his color suddenly changed.

"Cai He, what do you mean? Is this official who can be bought by your Cai family?"

When Cai Heyi heard this, he suddenly woke up.

I really owe a lot of thought to what I just said!

It's just that, for him, the most terrible thing is still the horrible guy who protects himself.

"My lord, my lord, you must not believe this old man's words! His mother, this old dog bites people randomly, how can you believe his words?"

Lu Yang said with a cold voice: "Bold Caihe's words are not harsh, come here, let's beat him 30 times!"

He had a face full of anger, and he really frightened Cai He.

No, no!

Just now, the boy was beaten twenty boards and almost lost half of his life.

If you get hit on the 30th board again, will you be beaten to death immediately?

At this time, the kid also reacted. Lu Yang is not trying to help himself at all. This is how he fights.

This guy is a master who does nothing but take money!

"The surname is Lu, you took me five thousand taels of silver, not only did you not help me with my affairs, but you tried to beat me several times, you..."

At present, Cai He can't take care of that much.

Anyway, you will be beaten if you tell the truth, and you will be beaten if you don’t tell the truth.

It's better to let these people know the true face of Lu Yang.

Anyway, Dad knew that I was caught here, he would definitely come to rescue me soon!

Lu Yang has been playing the image of an upright official. At this time, Cai He said in public that he had collected five thousand taels of silver from others.

His face changed immediately!

"His mother, you just said that I didn't take your penny, but now it's bloody. You said, Lord, I took you five thousand taels. Which one is true and which one is false?"

He jumped up, kicked his head and face to Cai He, and kicked Cai He who was about to talk on the spot, causing him to roll around.

"Lord, I didn't get a penny from his Wang family just now, so I beat you, the prime minister, crying, father and mother. Could it be that you, this kid, just want me to beat you when you come out with the money?"

Originally, these people who watched the excitement heard what Cai He said, they all believed that Lu Yang had indeed taken other people's money.

Now when I heard him say this, I suddenly thought of it.

Not bad! We are right here.

Lord Wang definitely didn't bribe Lu to catch God's silver. Didn't Master Lu help him beat Cai He with the stick?

This Cai He just kept saying that Master Lu did not collect his money, and now he has been beaten. Instead, he said that he had collected his money.

Isn't this holding us as fools?

If Master Lu takes your money, can he still beat you?

The people who watched the crowd suddenly became angry.

This prime minister is really arrogant!

Not only was there a riot in court, but in front of everyone he said Lord Wang was the old man.

Now I dare to frame that Lord Catchman is a corrupt official. This is really shameful!

"Kill him, the young boy!"

"Vengeance for those poor people who were killed!"

Suddenly, the sentiment was enthusiastic, and everyone hated this Cai He deeply. They wanted to run up and beat him a few times to resolve their hatred.

Seeing that this scene was finally under his control, Lu Yang couldn't help but smile to himself.

Sample, you still dare to play tricks with Lao Tzu and I, if you don't beat you up today, it will be useless for Lao Tzu to catch the gods!

"Cai He, this official has taken care of the prime minister's face, and has always been open to you. Now you are talking about the respect of this official to the prime minister. In order to prove the innocence of this official, I have no choice but to be selfless!"

"Come on, drag out and beat this suspect Cai Hezhang for thirty!"

The cold-blooded fight just now was just enjoyable, and the twenty boards were over before they were warmed up.

She always felt a pity in her heart. When she heard these words, she immediately shouted: "Okay!"

This time, if you don’t turn your Cai He into a vegetable box, I won’t be cold-blooded, mother!

This little girl picked up the blood-stained torture stick in her hand and left, she was ready to practice her hand with Cai He for the second time.

"I hired, I hired! Don't fight anymore. At that time, Ling Fengyu from the Ling family was with me. He can prove my innocence!"

Ling Fengyu?

Lu Yang was really taken aback when he heard the name suddenly from Cai He's mouth.

Why did the elder brother of the prime minister's family come together with the eldest son of the Ling Luoshi family? ..


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