Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 639: : Five floors

"Wow, this is a lot of power." Li Yao exclaimed. At this time, the originally smooth and neat ground burst out with a black light, leaving a mark on the floor and turning into a deep groove in the blink of an eye. The lights shone quickly on the stone ground, one left to right and one downward. When the wind blew the ball back to its original place, the ground was divided into squares of equal size.

"Chessboard?" Lu Yang murmured: "Look, there are words on the wall." Shi Duhua Qingyang jumped up and shouted. Lu Yang turned his head and looked at it. In fact, on the wall where they came in, a row of large fonts quickly appeared. "Five escape points, you can see the entrance by hitting the gravel ball."

"It's Tang Wu's handwriting again." Ma San hated her itchy teeth, "Five escape?" Lu Yang whispered several times, and suddenly remembered that this is an ancient formation that Wu Guo just talked about a few days ago, using thunder. The magic array of five systems of wind, water, fire, and earth is superimposed, and it is very powerful. Legend has it that today’s ladders have a basic formation of five floors.

"Wind, four clear streams~!" The huge font immediately covered Wu's scribbled handwriting. Almost at the same time, the hard rock ball suddenly turned into a green crystal ball, with emeralds all over, when everyone felt depressed. Four green rays of light flew out of the sphere and flew in four directions: east, south, west, east, and west. In the blink of an eye, they landed in the four corners of the stone room. "Hurry up, rush to the east corner!" Lu Yang did not have time to explain. After drinking a glass of spirits, the four people jumped to the east corner one by one. Stewart Qingyang's reaction was the slowest. Before Yang ran out, he ran more than ten meters. There was a loud rumble, but the ground was trembling, and a cloud of white smoke emerged from the dark corner. In the white smoke, people vaguely saw what was emerging. Ma San and Li Yao stopped at the same time. Lu Yang rushed to the front, the purple light in his hand fell in love at first sight, and a grid of super handprints appeared in everyone’s eyes instantly, "Scattered hands~!" Lu Yang shooting is their best technique, and his big hands use "cracking" lightning. Relentlessly hit into white smoke.

Hearing a roar, the white smoke was blown away, and the slowly walking object finally showed Lushan's front eyes, "Is this a stone beast?" Li Yao couldn't believe her eyes. Strange creatures that only appear in the royal tombs appear here. A four-legged earthworm, four meters long and two meters high, moves slowly forward with closed eyes. The dragon was carved out of stone, but it moved four hooves and looked like a living creature. Very strange.

"Come on, attack it to prevent them from coming together, otherwise the real stone beast will appear." Lu Yang said hurriedly, Li Yao just reacted. No wonder she felt that something was wrong. It turns out that this is not a real stone beast. The real stone beast is ten meters long and huge in size. It usually exists as a guard of the royal cemetery. Once the stone beast wakes up, the big man will become a destructive war machine, not to mention a leisurely walk, just an ordinary collision, and the five people here will have to be smashed into meat cakes.

After Lu Yang yelled, Ma San and Tailang took action without hesitation. Long knives and fists are wrapped in various colors of light on the stone sculpture, like raindrops. The stone sculpture shook gently, and the small stones kept flying down. But its whole is still slowly moving towards the middle of the green crystal ball. Before long, the stone sculpture had reached half the distance, and Lu Yang had just knocked out a few points of the stone sculpture, and the whole was still moving. ..


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