Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 640: : Doesn't archery count?

"Get out of the way!" He drank a glass of strong wine, which could not conceal the fact that he was already a saint on earth. He jumped up in the air, twisted his hand slightly in front of his chest, and a small ball of light appeared in an instant, and he blinked. The ball swelled to the size of an apple. When Lu Yang was about to fall from the head of the stone carving, the ball in his hand was already as big as a volleyball. "Broken, my God!" Li Yao covered it in surprise. mouth. This is what human beings can do to reach the sacred state of the earth. They compress the power of combat into a sphere, causing a high-intensity explosion, like a small missile. What surprised Li Yao was not that the light ball in Lu Yang's hand was colorful, but when did he become a fighting saint on earth? This is unbelievable. Not long ago, Lu Yang was only a five-stage earth combatant. When Lang’s strong breath rushed in, everyone except the wind was stimulated by the strong light, and they closed their eyes. At the same time, there was a "bang". Before that, the dragon's hard and incomparable stone sculpture was completely broken, and the broken stones splashed with a "bang", leaving many tiny marks on the stone walls on the ground. The wind stopped on one leg, and the ball of light in his hand was gone. But the remaining combat power is still spinning, there is a lot of gravel, it looks like the wind under a small tornado.

The other three stone sculptures moved towards the center of the green ball at the same speed and shook for a while. The clean fragments were broken into several large rocks. A few seconds later, the green crystal ball in the middle of the stone chamber exploded. Just like an eggshell that is hatching new life, the green crystal **** fall off one by one. Everyone stares at it until the green shell falls and a small purple crystal ball appears in front of them.

"Thunder!" Lu Yang's heart, Aling, five suspicious arrays and five suspicious collections, wants to collapse, only one comes, without any technical means, "expand first." Lu Yang shouted, but he flew to it. In front of Stubbs, the two were together. In the blink of an eye, Stuart Qingyang, under the leadership of Lu Yang, directly withdrew more than ten meters away. "Thunder, lightning ball~!" Ma San looked at the font on the stone wall and shouted: "Lv Yang's face suddenly changed. Although five ducks are called five ducks, But in fact, every element in the system is composed of five ducks. After the five ducks are launched, whether it is wind or thunder, "There is only one type of evasive formation, and the ones that appear are completely It is random, strong, and weak. As far as the previous four-image clear flow is concerned, it should be seen as an intermediate form of all combinations of the entire five suspicious arrays. The lightning ball now appears to kill five suspicious arrays.

"Give it all to me!" Lu Yang hurriedly yelled. After yelling, he began to become mad at his combat power. At this time, the combat power in his body became the thunder and lightning system, and the lightning of Thunderbolt came from Lu Yang's body. Appeared. It looked like a general under Thor, everyone was not too far away, and Lu Yang called for the reunion of five people a few seconds later.

"Which one of you can use the dark device?" Lu Yang Shen asked. Ma San nodded immediately, but Li Yao swallowed and asked tentatively, "Isn't archery count?" Lu Yang smiled immediately and shook his head. Stuart Qingyang is naturally not, so five people can use the black device, only Lu Yang and Ma San two people. ..


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