Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1180: : Life is gone

Everything became calm.

All people, including the world, seem to have returned to their original state, not a change in the external world, but a "change" in the mood.

"His mental state"

The saint in the north was surprised. She could clearly feel the changes in Lu Yang. This extreme silence evolved into a special mood. This is a change of mental state. This change is not accidental, but Experienced many difficult and dangerous events. After seeing a lot of things, there is a change in the mind.

This kind of change in mood may be met for practitioners, but they will not ask. If you are lucky, you can touch the feeling to break through the existing realm.

This is why those strong older masters always like to shut down?

? In addition to practicing their own strength, they will also experience their own state of mind, which is relatively easy to understand in a very quiet environment.

However, the silence from the heart to the dining table, from the heart to the heart, with the help of Shuhao Lu and other environments, is as smart as “quiet”.

The blood is full of the vigor of the meridians, and the flesh and blood of Senluyang, the whole body is flushed, and it feels that the same can be opened at any time.

just now!

Increasingly stronger blood seemed to be sucked into his body strangely, a hundred times faster than before.

In the north, the saint in Willow frowned. She clearly noticed that although Lu Yang's blood was fast, it could not keep up with the growth of his blood. In this way, the body will rupture and die sooner or later, and the unpleasant refining and melting speed will disappear sooner or later. To such a terrible level. The corpse has doubled in size and is shrinking at a very fast rate. After a while, Lu Yang Shuhao resumed his original image, but the next scene surprised the Virgin of the North.

The body did not stop shrinking, as if all the flesh and blood had been sucked out and completely disappeared. Except for the skin and bones, all the hairs on the body had melted into the body. This was a strange sight. Even Mrs. Northland, the heir of the Holy Land, saw it for the first time.

"His life is dying, what secret is he practicing? It is to devour life." The beauty of the maiden of the North Kingdom changed slightly, and she clearly felt that Lu Yang's vitality was gradually dissipating.

after a while!

All lives are gone.


The northern saint released her spirit to examine it, and she was sure that the body had completely lost its vitality. This clever woman immediately guessed that Lu Yang's death might have been caused by some strange secret art practice.

"I didn't expect to know the whereabouts of the smart jade coffin from your mouth. Humph, you are so lucky. You die so easily. If you don't die, I will count it with you sooner or later. At least get to know each other and I will help you get the bones. Dispose of it."

The saint of the north looked at Lu Yang with complicated complexity for a while. Finally, she sighed softly. The jade hand wiped lightly, emitting a multicolored light.


The Saintess of the North was surprised. The five-color light hit his body, not only failed to destroy his body, but also caused the slightest damage to his body. Although the strength of her hand is not strong, it does not At the spiritual peak of strength, a high-level spirit can be broken with a single blow.

Just when she was about to review, "Wuwei Yunxia" shook violently and shattered. The Taoist structure composed of 49 foreign masters had already been impacted, and the power was extremely terrifying. At dawn in heaven, almost no less than a noble person. ..


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