Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1181: : Very weak

Although Lu Yang is dead, this does not mean that things will end so easily. In addition to fighting for the exquisite jade coffin, the three old monsters may not have thought of killing her, a **** man in the north, and being able to get rid of a holy man. This is equivalent to indirectly weakening the power of the Holy Land.

of course. !

It is not easy to become the successor of the Holy Land.

If there is not enough certainty, the rest of the troops will not be easily sold. Once they are shot, they must be completely killed and cannot be left to deal with them. Otherwise, they will be discovered by the Northern Holy Land, and then it will be an immortal situation.

And this time, in order to compete for the exquisite jade coffin, it is an excellent opportunity. There is at least one excuse to escape. As long as the handles of the three old monsters are not pinched, they will be pushed aside to compete for the exquisite jade coffin, accidentally missed Wrong killing.

It is very common to be mistakenly killed for the wealth of the world. Even if the northern holy places are investigated, at most a few scapegoats will be chopped off.

In the north, the saint’s hands were loosened, and the three thousand lines hovered over the "five-dimensional clouds", exuding strong tenderness. The Taoist lines came, majestic and powerful. Those three thousand lines were just distributed, most of the time. Was torn apart.

The sacred woman from the north was shocked and retreated. Suddenly, she had no blood at all, and her autumn-like eyes and contact lenses showed indifference. As the successor of the great holy land, she had long expected that she would have such a day. After all, even if it is the successor of the Holy Land, she is ready and has a great opportunity to fall. Over the years, the saints and saints who have fallen are not a few.

However, she did not give up. Instead, she continued to spread the plagiarism patterns within her ability to resist the impact of Taoist patterns.


The formation of Taoist patterns is too strong and far exceeds the expectations of the northern saints. The Taoist patterns of the past are constantly torn apart. If it weren't for the judo rhythm to offset some of the power, I'm afraid "Wuwei Yunxia" would have been broken long ago, if it wasn't for the judo rhythm to offset some of the power, even for the rest of the Taoyun. Currently, the "Five Clouds" can only last three times at most.

The three old monsters behind them were getting closer, and they were about to be sold.


There was a crisp voice, very quiet and faint.

The saints in the north were engrossed in the defense, but did not notice.

Located in the corner of "doing nothing to cure the clouds and clouds", the body is completely like skin and bones, and has lost its vitality. Suddenly, it opened its eyes, and its pupils were dark and dark, but it emitted a little light, just like the stars in the night sky, but this light became more and more prosperous. Just like the hot sun.

There was a hint of vitality, it was like a fire on a dry grassland, which immediately burned, becoming more and more intense, and the body that had lost its vitality once again lost the dead wood and yellow flowers.


The sound of the explosion came from Mori Luyang’s body. The dry skin became round like jade near the bones, smooth and clear, and the bones could be seen inside, and his bones were breaking rapidly, and the white bones became a crystal liquid flowing in the body. .


When the sound sounded again, a black and white leg bone solidified first, and the bone was covered with mysterious Dao patterns, deeply embedded in the bone. These two people resemble each other, no matter how they are, what's even more surprising is that the bones are covered with mysterious patterns. They are deeply embedded in the bones and resemble each other. This black and white leg bone contains a kind of artistic conception, just like a natural yin and yang painting, black and white are intertwined and entangled. ..


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