Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1182: : A state

No longer paying attention to Lu Yang, the Northern Saints flew in front, fully controlling the "Wuwei Yunxia".

With the appearance of the first black and white leg bone, the second leg bone gradually condenses and replaces the original bone. The rest of the bones quickly condense in the original position, and each bone is black and white. Full of Tao Yuanming's artistic conception.

When the last skull was fully formed, an illusory fairy rhyme appeared in the entire skeleton of Lu Yang Shuhao, and the entire human skeleton seemed to be immortal. Even the sacred bones of the gods and immortals are difficult to compare with the legendary natural Taoist bones. Seems.

After the bones were capitalized, the fur began to grow at a very fast rate. When the last hair was fully grown, the pupils of Lu Yang's eyes returned to Qingming.

"Is this the state of life and death of the Nine Fairies?"

Lu Yang felt that there was majestic power in his body, breaking through the realm of spiritual holiness. What's more, the body of ancient magical bodies even reached the level of intermediate pottery. If it continues to grow at this rate, it will reach the realm of heaven and road. The physique is equivalent to a low-level heavenly weapon.

What is the concept of low-order celestial bodies?

Even the nobles in heaven are difficult to destroy.

You know, according to normal ascension, in ancient times, you had to reach the low-level celestial phenomena, at least in the zenith or even the realm of Shinto, but now as long as you reach the zenith, you can have such a powerful realm.

Mr. Lu Yang estimated that this should be the benefit of the nine dead fairies. He had doubted before. Now that such a change is made again, he can be sure that the nine dead fairies can not only promote the ancient magical body, but also span a field.


There was a strange thought in Lu Yang's heart. He shouldn't be a swordsman in the past. After practicing nine dead fairies, he experienced three deaths, one death, and broke through the highest level of the Lord? If this is the case, then the Nine Fairies would be too annoying.

Every time he experiences death, he enters a state, and these nine deaths represent the ability to break through nine areas. Now he has experienced a second death, and then there are seven deaths, which are seven realms. Doesn't this mean that if all seven deaths pass, he can reach the level of God?

If so, the value of the nine dead fairies far exceeds the ancient world. You should know that the higher the power, the more difficult it is to advance. It may be trapped in a specific area for decades, hundreds of years, or even the end of life.

As for the technology that can improve the realm, I have seen the world of the Great Wasteland for tens of thousands of years. I have never heard of these nine kinds of dead fairy art. Are they not absolute fairy art, but real fairy art? But are there fairies in this world? Despite so many rumors, they have never been confirmed. boom.

The inaction Yunxia trembled violently, and the surrounding five-colored clouds quickly collapsed. The physical strength of the northern saint was about to dissipate. Her face was pale, her elegant body trembled slightly, and her strength was about to run out.

49 experts who don’t know the extreme top, saw that the “five clouds” will break, and have made every effort to promote the potential array of metal patterns, 49 metal patterns, just like the sharp gold in the world, release terrible sharp awns, The colorful clouds are cut into pieces.


The three old monsters in the back row used this opportunity to catch up. The fierce waves have been waiting for the terrifying power to fly out. ..


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