Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1268: : Strange life


Even when he saw the scene, he couldn't help but laugh.

I have to say that this is a leap and a change.

He practiced in his own way, treating his body as the universe of heaven and earth. Now, with the birth of life, the universe of one's own body has truly formed, and has truly become a big world, no different from the existing world.

He stood on the ocean, smiled and disappeared.

The veins of human ancestors were strictly protected from the beginning. After three thousand years, they would suffer the most serious damage, occupying more than 30,000 points, covering the sky and covering the guardian. There are more than 20,000 points. Although they are the last 20,000 points, they are more complicated and time-consuming than the previous points engraved in the sky.

He shook his head and went to another place.

In spring and autumn, it seemed that he couldn't feel the flow of time. On the one hand, the sky was carved in every corner of the ancestor star, and on the other hand, he wrapped a huge thought in the universe within his body. In this way, a year has passed, a hundred years have passed, two hundred years, three hundred years have passed, his life slowly transformed from the most primitive tiny form, became huge, became powerful, and they came out of the water. Started to live on land.

In the past three hundred years, these lives have changed again, some are huge, some are on a different path. Shuhao Lu Yang observes the evolution of these lives every day. 900 years later, his eyes flashed again, and mankind appeared in his universe!

"Yes" He couldn't help but drink.

In a blink of an eye, a hundred years later, he has spent five thousand years in this world. Five thousand years later, he has covered 34 ancestral bloodlines in this world, and he has reached the height of Luotian 70%. In the universe, the stars give birth to strange lives one after another.

Five thousand years later, this year, he stopped carving the sky, turned into an ordinary person, and entered his own universe. He walked into the stars, and the beasts roared and shook the sky and the earth. They were much stronger than humans, almost the difference between the sky and the earth.

He passed through the universe in his body and finally appeared in a small tribe. This is his universe and heaven and earth, where people are still in the most primitive stage, just like the real world, they use leaves to hide their shame, they fight wild animals, and they live the simplest and most primitive lives.


He stood outside the tribe, gleaming with a precious ball of light in his hand.

He had an idea in his mind, that precious ball of light flew up and landed in the center of the tribe, and was discovered by the tribe leader. Then, in the past three hours, waves of surprises and excitement flooded out. On this evening, on this day, all the people of the tribe began to embark on the path of spiritual practice. In the inner universe, Lu Yang is like a road in the sky. He walked all over the starry sky, walked into a vast world, practiced, and watched these people go from ordinary to powerful, possessing the power of World War I and ferocious beasts with bare hands. Have the power to defend the territory.

"that's good"

He smiled slightly.

For the next hundred years, his real body was closed at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, and the primordial spirit entered the universe in his body and became a person, swimming around in the starry sky, and preaching solutions to puzzles. Then, in this universe, the new humans remembered his appearance, respected him as the creator of God, and built stone statues in his form. ..


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