Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1269: : Next point

Of course, in the past one hundred years, he has not forgotten his cultivation.


Even if he walked in his own universe, his body was still blooming with Zhan Zhan's divine light, like the side of a fairy, illuminating the whole world. No matter where he goes, he is born lucky, with endless spiritual blessings, and more and more people worship and celebrate their great achievements.

At the same time, Mori Luyang's body was trembling, and a special force entered his body. Although it was still small, it was very sacred.

"Faith, God's Way"

He whispered.

He disappeared from a big world, appeared in his own universe, scanning the huge stars. After that, he raised his right hand, pointed his finger forward, and suddenly a blood star appeared.

"Hell Road"

He is very approachable.

At this moment, his eyes are full of traces of Tao, and he has repeatedly refined the source of Tao in his body, condensed it into a star, and placed it in the center of the universe.

This is a big star, this is a Taoist world!

Staring at this blood star, his eyes looked a bit deep, and there was a special light in the flow. A hundred years later, he walked out of the universe, opened his eyes, and left the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

"There are still ten thousand points of damage."

He was standing on the Pacific Ocean, shrouded in mist, and a ship passed by. The people on the ship were shocked, and God shouted. In the past five thousand years, the vulgar world has undergone tremendous changes, but for powerful monks, the ordinary world does know that people are still a dime.

Lu Yang didn't care, his heart moved and turned into a star to dissipate.

He left the Pacific Ocean, temporarily ignoring the cosmic evolution of his body, and traversed the earth again to the remaining 10,000 ancestral vein damage points, leaving zebra marks, and protecting these damage points.

Soon, another thousand years passed.

This is the ancestor of the people who returned to the sixth millennium. This year, he reached a nine-day day.

I have to say that the more practice ends, the slower the speed. As early as a thousand years ago, he had reached Luo Tian's seventh day, but in the past one thousand years, he had only reached Luo Tianjiu, and he had raised two small steps in one thousand years. This speed is too slow.

But there is no way out.

When Lu Yang ascended the two small kingdoms in a thousand years, he was not disappointed. In fact, in these thousands of years, he has spent a lot of energy in the starry sky, and he has been paying attention to and guiding their growth.

"Next point"

He said to himself.

He walked slowly, shining lightly, and quickly passed several mountains.

Because he became stronger, he carve the sky faster, so far, he has passed these fragments, only the last 8000 points of ancestral vein damage need to be carved.

Soon, another hundred years passed.

"Knock on the door!"

On this day, people’s ancestors were boiling with stars, the sky suddenly became dark, thunder, red lightning intertwined in the sky, the whole world was trembling, millions of people were palpitated and horrified.

"The end of the world?"

Many people are afraid.

Thousands of years later, the world's technology has reached a shocking height, but at this moment, the world is still terrified and trembling. Although the technology has reached an astonishing level, this type of lightning is so amazing that it seems to be able to destroy Meir Azi. ....


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