Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1301: : Real martial arts

If it was someone else, it was a long time ago, because of lack of physical strength and falling.

But Lu Yang has persisted in the present with amazing perseverance.

Of course, there is another reason why Lu Yang discovered that every time Lu Yang loses power, different power flows out of his body to warm his meridians and muscles.

This kind of power will show up whenever Moriro reaches the limit and it is impossible to reach the limit.

Lu Yang himself couldn't tell how this wonderful feeling was.

Even Luo Lao, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked when he saw Shuhao Lu Yang waving his hands 74 times in one night!

With his perceptual power, it is impossible to see a strange power in Lu Yang's body, but unfortunately, even Luo Lao can't tell what power it is. In the end, people only think that the efficacy of Wuling Xiyuan Grass has not been completely consumed by Senluyang.

"Yeah" put down the hammer, lay on the ground, panting, but the spirit was very vigorous, as if he hadn't been affected at all, Lu Yang's body was still gushing out of that strange power, warming Sen Luyang's meridians and muscles.

After a while, Lu Yangyi stood up from the ground. Although he looked a little tired, it was much better than before.

"It's time to go back" Lu Yang said to himself, "I moved in my heart."

The voice fell, Lu Yang's handprints moved, and his whole person immediately disappeared into the Luo Yuanyang Tower.

When Lu Yang disappeared, Luo appeared in the thin air: "This is really strange." Strange. "

Standing still thinking for a while, Old Luo's face was still confused, and finally he could only shake his head helplessly, and then disappeared again.

When Moriro appeared from the outside world, neither the sky nor the earth was bright.

"They shouldn't be awake yet." Shuhao Lu Yang giggled, staring at the place of Liang Jing and others in the distance, and immediately ran to the past.


But at this moment, Lu Yang suddenly felt a strong energy fluctuation, and immediately stopped, and his eyes immediately fell into the lake not far away, in the middle of Mori Liu.


The waves rang, and they immediately attracted Lu Yang's attention. Lu Yang's eyes were now facing Meng Liu by the lake.

Then, standing in the same place hesitated for a while, Lu Yang's figure immediately rushed to Senliu, before taking a few steps, a white shadow entered Lu Yang's eyes.


At this time, the ups and downs between heaven and earth seemed to have reached an extreme, and above the white shadows were thousands of sword shadows. At this time, thousands of sword shadows gathered together, as if forming a meteor river. The waterfall is beautiful!

"What a sharp sword!" Hiding behind the big tree, Lu Yang had an irresistible voice from a psychiatrist with both pupils. The next Lu Yang frozen his eyes. When his eyes were locked in the shadow, Lu Yang was immediately startled. At this time, it was young people who practiced swords, and they all wanted to go to Yangcheng with themselves!

"This young man is not easy." Lu Yang couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Lu Yang is also a person who has used a sword. Of course, he could see that the young man's swordsmanship was not weak at this time, and he could be said to be quite clever. The most important thing was that the young man's own practice was quite good, and Lu Yang Shuhao roughly estimated this. At least we should have four to five times the power of real martial arts!

"That's why I don't have any feelings for him." Lu Yang Yongsheng said to himself. Lu Yang used to think that this young man was just an ordinary person, but now Lu Yang knows that he is not as good as this young man.

"He seems to stand on my side at best. At this age, he has received such training. It's really not easy. The Nine Provinces are really a tiger lying down for a long time." Looking at each other's increasingly fierce swords, Lu Yang Qing couldn't help saying to herself: "I want to come, Liang Jing and others don't know he has this way."

Thinking like this in his mind, Lu Yang has retreated from watching other people perform martial arts, but he has nothing to do with this young man in the martial arts among the big taboos, so he shouldn't be bored.

"My lord has been monitoring for a long time, is this why you want to go?"

But just as Lu Yang wanted to leave, a cold sound suddenly sounded in the middle of the mountain.

Lu Yang was surprised. Didn't expect the other party to discover him? But it calmed down soon.

"If you don't come out, will you wait for me?" The cold voice came again.

Lu Yang shrugged helplessly, knowing that he could not escape, so he had to walk out slowly.

"Is that you?" When he saw Lu Yang, the young man was obviously dumbfounded.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I didn't expect my brother to be extraordinary, it is really hidden."

This is the first time Lu Yang has been so close to that young man. Neither of them has ever been in a carriage or spoken. Therefore, Lu Yang only knows that the other person is the face of another person. After this intimate contact Later, Lu Yang felt that this young man was really beautiful.

"What are you doing in hiding there?" Only in the next second, that beautiful face shone with a hint of cold light, the young man's cold voice.

At this moment, Lu Yang's heart jerked, and his whole body slowly flowed, because at that moment, Lu Yang felt a murderous breath exhaling from the other side of his body! Although very weak, it still feels keenly by Lu Yang!

Although he felt that the other party was making a fuss, Lu Yang couldn't let his guard down.

"I just passed by." Lu Yangning's voice.

"Passing by? What a coincidence?" the young man said coldly.

"Oh, yes." Lu Yang smiled and nodded.

Seeing the smile on Lu Yang Shuhao's face, the young man hesitated, the faint murderous spirit on his body gradually disappeared. Then he looked at Lu Yang coldly and said, "Don't leave anymore!"

Lu Yang nodded, "Understood."

"You go" the young man murmured.

Lu Yang didn't answer, turned around and left.

Although he was weak in front of the young man, Shuhao Lu was not afraid of the young man. Although the opponent has four or five real martial arts, Lu Yang Shuhao confidently believes that with his fighting experience and a large number of playing cards, Lu Yangshu can't help himself.

The performance is weak just to avoid trouble, after all, they have nothing to do before.

Although blood is only age, Lu Yang's heart is more mature than ordinary people, I don't know how many times.

"Well, that young man is very unusual and weird." Before Lu Yang took a few steps, a faint laughter suddenly sounded in Lu Yang's heart.

"Well, it's very strange. His swordsmanship is very clever. At his age, he can still own swords. Most importantly, I can see that he has a lot of respect and seems to come from a big family." Lu Yang immediately He replied, no need to guess that it was Luo Lao. ..


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