Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1302: :now it is night

"Jie, he is really strange, you didn't notice." Ronaldo smiled again.

Lu Yang wanted to know what he meant, but no matter how he asked, he was silent.

Soon, Lu Yang came to the residence of Liang Jing and others. The convoy was ready. Just a while after the young man, a pedestrian left again.

Lu Yang cared about young people too much, and directly brought his soul into Luoyuanyang Building to continue practicing.

In the absence of breakthroughs and physical exercises, Shuhao Lu can make full use of the Da Luoyuan Yang Pagoda through his own soul, but before entering the Da Luoyuan Yang Pagoda, Shuhao Lu keenly realized that this young man has already done more than once. Peeped at myself.

But Lu Yang didn't care. Lu Yang didn't want to have any conflicts with outsiders. He only hoped to reach the north peacefully. Of course, if the young man continued to obsess over this trivial matter, Lu Yang Shuhao would not be too indulgent.

Repeatedly variable star frost. In a blink of an eye, the day passed silently.

In the evening, Lu Yang and others finally reached a city.

Northern Cool City is a small city in the southern region.

When the sky was full of stars, Lu Yang walked into the city.

When entering the city, the crowd stayed in front of the gate for a long time. There was only one reason, and that was searching!

Although Liu’s house has cancelled the city’s closure, the intensity of Senluyang’s search has not decreased. Every passer-by should confirm and let pedestrians see the notice clearly and know the benefits of providing Senluyang clues. This is not a small amount of effort.

It can be said that the entire southern region has not been so difficult to find a person for decades.

But Lu Yang and the others were not detained for a long time, and soon entered the city.

But Lu Yang didn't know that when he soon entered the city, a black man outside the city wall suddenly passed by.

now it is night.

In an inn in Beileng City, Shuhao Lu Yang sat on the bed next to his eyes and kept printing from Lu Yang’s hands. Everyone would tremble with Lu Yang’s body and then gathered together with a bunch of them. The light came out. As time passed, Mori Luyang was tightly wrapped.


Finally, when the bright light expanded to a certain extent, Lu Yang's body suddenly trembled, and in the next second these bright lights instantly merged into Sen Luyang's body.

"Yeah" At the same time, Lu Yang took a long breath, then slowly opened his eyes: "Double!"

Just now, Shuhao Lu Yang has moved from a real martial arts to a dual realm. If the speed of practice is released, it will definitely shock the entire mainland, knowing that Shuhao Lu just broke through yesterday! Even Shuhao Lu himself was shocked by this speed.

Xuanhe's power is too strong. The steady flow of mysterious air was absorbed by Mori Luyang. The most important thing is that every drop of profound energy is pure and cannot be refined in purity, nor does it need to be refined by Senluyang. Lu Yang only needs to inhale these black qi into his body! you could put it that way. This is a deception!

At first, Lu Yang was still somewhat inappropriate, and even worried that breaking through too quickly would lead to instability in the foundation of martial arts. It was not until the discovery of Xuanhe's metaphysics that this worry was eliminated.

Slowly stood up, shook his body, felt the strength of the body, because of the breakthrough, Lu Yang smiled gently.

But suddenly Lu Yang seemed to think of something, and a bright light flashed in his eyes in the next second: "The Liu family is really a ghost!"..


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