Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1303: : Mouthful contempt

Looking back on the night that the city defense officers and soldiers were searching, Mr. Lu Yang was a little surprised at the strength of the Liu family to the south. The hatred of the Liu family just settled on the other side was revealed again!

Although Lu Yangna had a big wedding in one day, the Liu family was defeated in front of world heroes!

But what Lu Yang Shuhao must admit is that he still escaped!

If it were not for Luo Lao's power, he might not be able to leave Liu's house that day.

At this moment, he wanted to leave the south again, like a widowed dog, under the chase of the Liu family, saying that it is impossible not to hate it! At this time, the closer Moriroyang to the north, the less willing the inner feeling to become stronger!

Especially because of the Liu family, since childhood, childhood sweetheart Xueruan has not known until now, every time he thinks about this, Lu Yangxin's hatred becomes stronger.

"The snow is soft, I don't know how you are." Lu Yangxin said to himself as he slowly opened the window and looked at the moon in the sky.

Need to admit that Xue is sincere, but it's more like the feeling of brother to sister.

"You stupid girl, you were born useless, you can't practice, and you run around." His thoughts were soft, and Lu Yang's heart was full of sadness, and the sad color hung on his face.

"Okay" sighed helplessly. For this, Lu Yang had nothing to do at the moment, and could only pray for God to let the two meet again.

Closing the window and regaining his spirit, Lu Yang was ready to enter the Yang Pagoda of Da Luoyuan and practice again.


But then.

Suddenly a strange movement came from outside the door, and Lu Yang immediately turned his head, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

Entering the eyes, I don't know when to insert a bamboo pipe into the seam of the room door.

It's not the first day that Lu Yang went out to practice alone. Such tricks are unrecognizable.

When my heart moved, I immediately closed the window, then returned to the bed and sat quietly. This series of movements suddenly became silent.

When Lu Yang did it all.

A puff of smoke blew into the room.

Seeing this, Lu Yangxin immediately sneered, then fell on the bed.

After a few breaths, Lu Yang's door was slowly opened, and a burly figure gently walked into Lu Yang's room. Seeing that Lu Yang had fallen on the bed, his mouth immediately sneered.

"Well, when you wrestle with monsters, you still have some power. I didn't expect to be wasted like this. Knowing that these three good souls are not needed to disperse, but this is the real martial arts powerhouse to be fascinated by beautiful things Live!" The man snorted coldly, contemptuously.

Then he strode to Lu Yang's side, wondering when to add a cold knife.

"Hey! Brother Nine is too soft-hearted, whether you are that person or not, you are destined to live tonight! If you are not in a hurry, you are destined to be the ghost of my sword in your hands!" That person is cold He snorted coldly, and his eyes slowly emitted a harsh sound.


After a while, the cold knife in the man's hand was hit on Lu Yang's neck.

But at this time, he was lying on Lu Yangmeng's bed. Before that person slowed down, Lu Yang had already walked up to him, and immediately caught his neck with one hand!


This man was brought up by Shuhao Lu Yang in an instant. It was only then that Lu Yangfang saw this person appear, not others, it was Li He from the road trade team who was with Shuhao Lu Yang!

Seeing this, Lu Yang's eyes flashed coldly: "If your little means I can't resist, I'm already dead!"



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