This book plus more requires—– collection 300 plus one change, reward 2000 plus one change. Flowers 1000 plus one more!


“You fooling me?” Dongfang looked at Chen Xi, the momentum on his body burst out, and suddenly, there was no wind around him, the leaves were all over the sky, and a strong pressure was oppressed around!

Chen Xi was unmoved, looked at her, and shook his head helplessly!

“With your current momentum, I can’t imagine how it would feel if you knew that your sister was now hostile to you!” Chen Xi said lightly

“Hostile?” When Dongfang heard this, his momentum calmed down slightly, looked at him, and asked with some doubt

“What the hell is going on, you hurry up!” Dongfang is also a little anxious, for so many years, he has never given up looking for his sister, but he has been fruitless! Now that she finally has news of her sister, it is difficult for her heart to calm down!

“Hey…” Chen Xi shook his head and said slowly

“Your sister is doing well now, and was adopted by the Hengshan Sect Dingyi Shitai and given the name Yilin! Become a little junior sister that everyone cares for! People are very happy, but they are too innocent by the so-called Buddha! Not worldly. A while ago, I met your sister, she was kidnapped by Tian Boguang, but she was saved by me, and Tian Boguang was also killed by me! Chen Xi paused, looking at the look of joy on Dongfang’s face when he knew Yilin’s news, and the undisguised killing intent in his eyes when he heard that his sister was kidnapped by Tian Boguang, but he continued

“However, one of your sisters is now the leader of the Demon Sect and the other is a decent disciple, what are you going to do? You know, if you are not careful, your sister can become the target of everyone in the rivers and lakes! You know, her sister is the leader of the Demon Sect! They can’t beat you, but they may not be angry with your sister! Many hypocrites in decency can do those things! ”

Dongfang Undefeated was shocked, and the whole person was silent

For a long time, a wry smile appeared on her face

“So… But knowing that she is doing well, I am relieved! ”

Looking at that wry smile, Chen Xi’s heart tugged, and what he had always wanted to say blurted out

“I think you’d better snatch Yilin back!”

“You…” Dongfang looked at Chen Xi, who was a little excited in front of him, and was stunned, only to see Chen Xi’s old face blush, and then explained

“I mean… It’s much better for Yi Lin to stay with you than with those nuns… I think that such a flower-like girl should not always be accompanied by the green lantern ancient Buddha, but she is still alive.”

“I want to think about it….. Well, the question is over, the fight is also finished…. I’ll go first! Dongfang glanced deeply at Chen Xi, wanting to see something on his face, before turning his head for a long time and saying lightly

As soon as the light skill was displayed, the east jumped up and flew towards the distance

“On July 15, Liu Zhengfeng will wash his hands in the golden basin of Hengshan, and Yilin will also go!!” Chen Xi shouted loudly!

Dongfang’s body visibly trembled, but he didn’t look back, and still flew away into the distance! Slowly disappeared from Chen Xi’s sight!

I really don’t know how much the Oriental intervention in the Golden Basin Handwashing Conference will change the world: Chen Xi had a trace of expectation in his heart!

The corner of Chen Xi’s mouth hooked a smile, the crane swimming under his feet started, and the whole person began to march towards Hengshan!

There are ten days to go, which is July 15! Such a farce, how could he Chen Xi not visit?

He wanted to see how ugly the faces of those who claimed to be decent people were!

Fei Bin? Ding Mian? Lu Bai?

When the Golden Basin Handwashing Conference ends the curtain, it is the time when you Songshan garbage die!


Time is like a white cloud dog, jumping up, like a white horse crossing the gap, slowly passing!

Soon, it was July 15. Chen Xi came to Liu’s mansion early, but instead of entering, he rolled over and jumped into the beam and sat down at a secret height.

The sight here is very good, you can clearly see everything in the field, and it is not easy to be discovered by others!

Soon, a middle-aged man led a group of people and walked in

The man is only in the middle, with a national character face, and a sword eyebrow star! When he was young, he must have been a beautiful man, but under the imitation of the years, it has been slightly vicissitudes. The man was armed with a long sword and wore a blue-gray robe

He was followed by these Xu disciples, there were two, and Chen Xi still knew! It was Ling Hu Chong and Yue Lingshan!

It seems that this person should be Yue Buqun!

Chen Xi thought secretly in his heart, but immediately, he smiled

Yue Buqun is here, then, a good show, it’s fast!

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