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Yue Buqun led all the disciples to visit Liu Mansion. Liu Zhengfeng was surprised and delighted when he got the message. The head of Huashan, the famous “gentleman’s sword” in martial arts, actually arrived in person, hurriedly greeted him, and thanked him without a word.

“Haha… The head of Hua Shanyue actually came to the contemptible assembly, which really made the contemptible assembly shine! Quick, inside please! ”

“Liu Daxia is wrong! I’m just leading the Huashan faction to do some friendship!” ”

Yue Buqun was very modest, greeted with a smile on his face, and walked into the door hand in hand with Liu Zhengfeng.

Tianmen Daoist, Dingyi Shitai, Mr. Wen, He Sanqi, etc. also lowered their ranks to greet each other.

It seems that the Huashan faction still has quite a high weight in the hearts of these people!

Nearly noon, five or six hundred distant visitors poured in. The deputy gang advocated Jin Ao and Zhengzhou Liuhemen Xia Lao Boxer to lead

There are three sons-in-law, the goddess of the Three Gorges in Sichuan and Hubei, Elder Tie, the leader of the Donghai Sea Sand Gang, Pan Roar, Qujiang Eryou Shendao Baike, and Shenbi Lu

Sith and others arrived one after another. Some of these people knew each other, and some of them just admired each other and had never met, and they were greeted in the hall for a while

Introduction, loud noise.

Yue Buqun led all the disciples to the side to rest, and immediately, he stepped forward to talk and laugh with those people!

Although Yue Buqun’s name was “Buqun”, he loved his friends very much, and many of the guests were unknown or had a poor reputation, as long as they came to talk to him, Yue Buqun talked and laughed with them like this, and did not put on the slightest stand as the head of the Huashan Sect and the superiority.

Invisibly, it has also won the favor of many people!

Seeing this, Chen Xi scoffed and smiled disdainfully!

Win people’s hearts? Hypocrite!

It was almost noon, everyone had almost arrived, and the conference was almost ready to start!

Just when Liu Zhengfeng was about to happen, he could only hear the noise of gongs and drums outside, and the music was playing

Everyone was stunned, even the host Liu Zhengfeng was stunned!

After a while, a court official dressed in an official uniform walked in, followed by some entourage. Liu Zhengfeng was stunned, and then walked respectfully to the official

Liu Zhengfeng seemed to say something to the official, but he saw that the official nodded, and then straightened his waist and said loudly: “The holy will arrives, Liu Zhengfeng obeys the order.” ”

Pick up? Liu Zhengfeng actually had a connection with the imperial court?

Everyone stood up abruptly!

As we all know, since the beginning of the Taizu Dynasty, with the concept of chivalrous martial arts forbidden to suppress these sects, none of the people here have a good impression of the imperial court!

However, they did not show it, they all walked behind Liu Zhengfeng and knelt down!

Against the imperial court, but there is no good fruit to eat! If you can endure, endure!

This is the face of these famous and decent people, what kind of quacks and morality are said on their mouths, what the imperial court is mediocre, and I have not seen any of them dare to resist!

The officer nodded, seemingly satisfied with everything in front of him, and continued

“Fengtian carries the emperor’s edict: According to the knowledge of the governor of Hunan Province, Liu Zhengfeng, a citizen of Hengshan County, is anxious for justice and righteousness, meritorious in Sangzi, skillful in bow and horse, and can be of great use, and he is truly awarded the post of general, and will serve the imperial court in the future, living up to his expectations, and admire this.” Liu Zhengfeng kowtowed again: “Weichen Liu Zhengfeng thank you, long live my emperor, long live long live.” ”

A few words to the official in front of him, and the official left satisfied!

Coming back to his senses, Liu Zhengfeng found that the eyes of the people around him looked at him, which seemed to be very complicated!

This Liu Zhengfeng actually has a relationship with the official government, it seems that a lot of things should happen in this Golden Basin Handwashing Conference!

Yue Buqun on the side looked at the people around him with gloomy faces, and secretly thought in his heart!

Liu Zhengfeng seemed to know what everyone was thinking, coughed awkwardly, and then said

“It is an honor for you to participate in my Liu someone’s Golden Basin Handwashing Conference, let’s continue!”

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud drink from the crowd, and the tone was gloomy

“No, Liu Zhengfeng, you can’t open this golden basin handwashing conference!”

Immediately, I saw two people walking out from among the disciples of the Songshan Sect.

“Fei Bin, what do you mean by this?”

His golden basin handwashing meeting was obstructed by others, Liu Zhengfeng was dissatisfied, and his tone was not indifferent before, but became a little gloomy

This time, he invited many famous people from the rivers and lakes, and at this conference, he was pulled face, how did he Liu Zhengfeng continue to be indifferent

“On the orders of the Lord of the Five Mountains Alliance, this conference, we must stop you!” The man who spoke, Fei Bin, smiled coldly

“Hmph! This is just my private meeting of someone Liu, is his left alliance master a little too broad? Liu Zhengfeng snorted coldly and said

“Oh?” Fei Bin snorted in disdain, and then threw a bombshell in front of everyone! I saw him saying to Liu Zhengfeng with a playful face

“A one-man thing? However, we learned from the mouth of the Lord of the Left Alliance that you Liu Daxia is colluding with the demon sect demon people in order to bring disaster to the martial arts! ”

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