In the Huaxia Kingdom, there is a mysterious ancient village in the Miao territory.

Hundreds of Miaojiang Gu Masters gathered together, and they all looked at the old man on the high platform with enthusiasm.

I saw the old man opening a small black altar and stretching his skinny palm into it.

There was a small blood-red insect in the black altar. After it touched the palm, it easily bit through the skin and got in.

The blood-red bug started from the palm of his hand and burrowed upwards. In the old man's painful expression, it burrowed into the old man's heart and bit into the old man's heart that might fail at any time.

The old man couldn't help but threw away the scepter in his hand, covered his chest with both hands, and screamed in pain. Sweat was pouring from his forehead.

The old man's heart was quickly sucked clean by the bug, and then it replaced the old man's heart and lay there quietly.

The next second, countless tentacles stretched out from the insect's body, and the tentacles were connected to all the blood vessels at the heart of the old man.

The old man soon stopped suffering. Large tracts of his white hair fell off his head, and shiny black hair grew back.

His teeth fell out, his nails fell off, and his wrinkled skin began to lose its vitality completely.

Just like a snake shedding its skin, the old man took off his clothes and tore off large chunks of dead skin, revealing the new skin underneath.

In just five minutes, under the witness of hundreds of Gu Masters, a gray-haired old man was rejuvenated and turned into a vigorous young man.

The Miao Jiang Gu King looked at his strong body and said to the many Gu Masters in the audience:

"From today onwards, in our Miao territory, people who are not from our Miao territory can be used by you to feed the blood god Gu.

Go ahead, as long as the more lives you feed, the more powerful you will be. By then, we will all be able to live forever. "

King Gu waved his hand, and hundreds of blood-red insects flew out from his body. The masters in the audience opened their mouths and allowed the insects to fly into their bodies.

After swallowing the blood-red Gu worms, these masters felt extremely hungry one by one. They quickly left here one by one to find food.


In a small island country, a giant snake with eight heads suddenly appeared in a city. It kept devouring the panicked islanders.

Dozens of Onmyoji watched this scene quietly from a distance. The prime minister of the small island country who often appeared in international news was also here at this time.

Aircraft and tanks cannot cause any harm to the giant snake. All the thermal weapons available to the small island country are just scratching the giant snake.

At this time, this group of officials from the small island country remembered the Onmyoji in the country and quickly invited them to come over to deal with this giant snake.

Prime Minister of the small island country: "My fellow Onmyoji masters, I leave this giant snake to you."

When these Onmyojis heard what the Prime Minister said, they all started rolling their eyes and complained in their hearts:

"Baga, are you kidding me? This is Yamata no Orochi, how can I fight it?

If you hadn't sent someone to put a gun on our necks, who the hell would have come here.

It's just pretending to be an Onmyoji, eating and drinking, just to make a little money. The risk is so high. "

Yes, these onmyojis are all fakes, the real onmyojis are not so stupid.

Since the revival of spiritual energy, demons have become rampant in the small island country. You know, the small island country claims to have eight million gods, but in fact there are eight million monsters.

Which Onmyoji dares to show up and seek death? It's too late to hide one by one.

Under the escort of dark muzzles, this group of great fake onmyojis will be broadcast live on TV, and the people of the entire small island country will watch their heroic process of killing the big snake.


One after another, the people of the small islands are in front of the TV, cheering for the Onmyoji.

"Come on, Onmyoji-sama, destroy this nasty snake."

"Hahahaha, the Onmyoji took action, and the small island country was saved."

"That's great. God bless my small island nation. It's just a snake monster. If the Onmyoji masters are here to help, there will definitely be no problem."

"With so many Onmyoji, it's not a big problem to capture a small snake, right?"

Seeing the big snake getting closer and closer to them, in the eyes of the audience, these great Onmyojis shed tears of excitement. They were so excited to be able to get rid of this giant snake for the small island country.


Huaxia National Television is also paying close attention to this matter. After all, this is Yamata no Orochi, so the TV station broadcasts the entire live broadcast of the small island country in the Kuaishou live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room:

"WC, why is the Yamata-no-Orochi so cruel? One mouthful is like a small island person."

"Don't they claim to have eight million gods? Let's call some of them out to fight the big snake."

"Come on, come on, the onmyojis are coming."

"Why do I feel like these Onmyojis are almost in tears? Did I see it wrong?"

"The ones upstairs, you read that right, they were really crying."

"Hahahaha, there are a few Onmyojis who won't cry when facing Yamata no Orochi. This is Yamata no Orochi."

"Speaking of which, who is more powerful, the onmyoji from the small island nation or the Taoist priests from our Chinese nation?"

"Of course he is a Taoist priest. How can an Onmyoji defeat a Taoist priest?"

"I think Onmyoji is more powerful. After all, they dare to attack Yamata no Orochi in a group."

"What does this mean? The last time the Heavenly Master was in the Demon City, he tore apart angels with his own hands and blasted open the gate of heaven."

"Stop arguing, we're about to start fighting. Let's talk after watching."


Yamata no Orochi couldn't understand why a dozen humans wearing onmyoji costumes dared to walk towards it despite not being afraid of death, even though everyone was afraid of it.

If it hadn't been for the fact that it couldn't feel the presence of any magic power on these onmyojis, Yamata no Orochi would have thought they were real onmyojis.

Although he didn't understand the idea of ​​these foods, Yamata no Orochi would not let them go if they brought this kind of food to their doorstep.

As a result, the hopes of the people of this small island nation were swallowed up by the Yamata no Orochi under the watch of countless people.

The mentality of all the people in the small island country exploded, and they all turned on the rampage mode in front of the TV.

They either smashed the TV or cried loudly, and some even gave up on themselves, committing seppuku or slitting their wrists. Seeing no hope, they took their own lives directly.

In the Kuai Dou live broadcast room:

"That's it? Is Onmyoji such a noob?"

"Speaking of which, isn't this just giving away someone's head?"

"Come on, come on, those who say onmyojis are better than Taoist priests, be honest and stand up for yourself and get beaten."

"I've prepared all the food and drinks, but now they're gone. It's too fast!"


In the Tianshi Mansion, Zhang Xuan, Cheng Lao and others were also watching the live broadcast. After all, it was Yamata no Orochi, so they had to understand it no matter what.

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