Liu Xiaochuan took out a letter and handed it to Chen Guanlou.

"Manager Liu asked me to hand this letter into your hands personally."

"No other instructions? No message?" Chen Guanlou was curious.

Liu Xiaochuan shook his head, "My mission is completed. Brother Chen's tea is delicious. Farewell!"

This person leaves just as quickly as he comes. Don't be sloppy when getting things done.

Chen Guanlou sent the person out and then returned to the study to open the letter. Two banknotes fell out of the envelope, totaling fifty taels.

This is the benefit that Manager Liu promised at the beginning, which can be said to be generous. He is also a trustworthy person. As soon as the lawsuit was over, he sent someone to deliver the banknote.

The days were neither salty nor bland, and Tianlao was as usual, playing cards and fishing.

Only Chen Guanlou was always anxious.

For the first time, he realized that it was so difficult to kill someone in Tianlao.


Suddenly, a loud noise came. Everyone in the duty room stopped in an instant and looked outside the door.

"What sound?"

"What happened?"

"Fuck! Prison robbery!"

"Someone breaks into the sky prison. Get him quickly and put him on your shoulders."

The Tianlao building is half on the ground and half underground.

The gangsters broke through directly from the roof and entered the prison. Ten or twenty people came.


"Hurry out and call for help, someone is robbing the prison."

The jailers were all stunned. It was the first time for many of them to encounter prison robbery. It was still so large-scale, so brutal and powerful, and they ignored the law and directly used violence to rob the prison.

Chen Guanlou suddenly roared and rushed forward with a waist knife in his hand, showing bravery and fearlessness.

There were ten or twenty tough bandits, all masked, some wielding swords, some wielding knives, and some wielding whips. It seems organized and orderly, but in fact when a fight breaks out, everyone is fighting independently.

This gang of gangsters was clearly organized temporarily and carried out this prison robbery.

Chen Guanlou rushed into the killing array and retreated deeper into the corridor while resisting.

This is a God-given, God-given opportunity.

He was worried about how to kill Duan Tianlin without involving himself. I didn't expect the opportunity to come to me so quickly.

When retreating, he did not forget to open the cell.

Prisoner: ...

What do you mean, let them do artillery fire.

These prisoners didn't even run out immediately.

Chen Guanlou doesn't care, all he wants is chaos.

The galloping steps suddenly stopped.

In front of Chen Guanlou stood a masked man in black, holding a sharp sword and looking at him with emotionless eyes. It seemed like he was going to kill him in the next second.


Chen Guanlou recognized the other party immediately. That swordsman. Luo Jingtian was beheaded and the Luo family was exiled. He was worried that someone would assassinate him on the way, so he originally paid a gangster to come forward and escort the Luo family to the northwest safely.

The escort is a swordsman hired by the gang.

In fact, he didn't recognize the swordsman, he just recognized the sword in the swordsman's hand.

The previous commission was successfully completed, and the Luo family has successfully arrived in the northwest.

I just didn't expect to see the swordsman again so soon, right here and now. A gangster actually takes on the job of robbing a prison? Who was robbed?

The other party obviously recognized him.

The two looked at each other for three seconds, and then each did his or her own thing in a tacit understanding without disturbing each other.

In order to kill Duan Tianlin, Chen Guanlou had already conceived countless ways in his mind, and even how to implement them had been rehearsed countless times in his mind.

It can only be outsmarted.

But he didn't expect that the swordsman was heading in the same direction as him.

The two looked at each other.

Chen Guanlou simply gave in and asked the other party to go first.

The swordsman didn't show any politeness and rushed straight to the deepest part of the corridor. When Chen Guanlou saw this, his heart sank. Could it be that the person the other party wanted to rob was Duan Tianlin?

What would Duan Tianlin do if he was kidnapped? Isn't there a risk that his secret will be exposed?

We must not let the other party kidnap Duan Tianlin.

If you can't beat them again and again, you can only plot.

His mind was spinning, and he was planning how to plot against him, when there were sounds of killing from deep in the corridor. The swordsman fought with Duan Tianlin.

Chen Guanlou rushed forward and hid in a nearby cell to spy secretly.

The cell door opened, and the swordsman held his sword and fought Duan Tianlin in the small cell.

Duan Tianlin's limbs were bound by iron chains, unable to move. Facing the swordsman's attack, Duan Tianlin could only passively defend. While asking the other party, "Did someone named Song send you to kill me? After ten years, he finally couldn't wait any longer. Hahaha, a little bug dares to kill me, he's looking for death!"

Chen Guanlou's heart beat like a drum.

The swordsman actually came to kill Duan Tianlin, it was really a blessing from heaven.

Hearing the noise and shouts in the distance, reinforcements were coming. Just across the street from Tianlao is the Six Gates, and there are many experts inside the Six Gates. As far as he knows, there are even fifth-grade warriors stationed there.

Once the people from the six gates are allowed to come over, not only the swordsman will die, but Duan Tianlin will also survive.

Duan Tianlin must not be allowed to wait alive until the people from the Six Gates arrive.

Chen Guanlou took out the poison he had prepared, but before he could take the next step, the people from the six doors had already reached the depths of the corridor.

Chen Guanlou shouted in his heart, God is blind.

Don't worry about anything else, hide first.

The people at Six Doors must not be allowed to know that he is here, otherwise the explanation will not be clear.

Only one person came from the six doors. He was wearing a beautiful blue brocade suit and holding a standard waist knife. He came in a hurry but acted very steadily.

When the swordsman saw the man in brocade, he suddenly stopped attacking and stood by the cell door.

The man in golden clothes pinched his nose, as if he disliked the smell in the cell, and then walked into the cell door calmly.

Duan Tianlin leaned against the wall, looking around.

The man in brocade slowly walked towards the swordsman, who stood still.

The man in brocade stretched out his hand, and the swordsman hesitated for a moment, and actually handed over the sword in his hand.

The swordsman weighed the weight, snorted coldly, suddenly turned around, and stabbed Duan Tianlin with a sword.

Although Duan Tianlin had been alert, he still couldn't block this fatal sword. Obviously, the martial arts of the man in brocade were far superior to the swordsman.

The sudden sword directly pierced Duan Tianlin.

The man in brocade pulled out the sword with force, and blood spurted out.

Duan Tianlin didn't die, and he tried hard to support his body and refused to fall.

He pointed at the man in brocade, as if he recognized his identity, "You, you...are..."

The man in brocade said nothing and stabbed Duan Tianlin's body with a sword again. This man was decisive in killing people and drew his sword quickly. It was obvious that he was a man of firm character.

"'s you. He sent you." Duan Tianlin's voice was getting weaker and weaker, and he was breathing out more than breathing in.

"I'm glad to know."

The man in brocade cut off Duan Tianlin's head with a sword and threw it to the swordsman.

He was very rude to the swordsman, "You are so slow in doing things, and I have to clean up the mess. What's the use of you?"

The swordsman picked up the head and the sword, bowed and said, "I know my crime."

"Don't make mistakes next time." The man in brocade snorted coldly, and was the first to leave the prison door and disappeared into the long corridor.

The swordsman finally breathed a sigh of relief and left with Duan Tianlin's head. When he passed the cell where Chen Guanlou was hiding, he paused slightly, glanced at it, and then rushed away.

Chen Guanlou: ...

He must have discovered me!

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