There are many jailers who want to be in the same place as Chen Guanlou.

Open the cell door, release the prisoner and create chaos.

The guards did not release all prisoners, but selectively released them. Prisoners who are full of resentment against the jailers and suffer inhuman torture in the sky prison must never be released.

The trick of creating chaos worked. When the police from the six gates came to kill, the gangsters who had robbed the prison were fighting the prisoners to death.

The detectives used their killing moves and seemed to have no intention of leaving anyone alive.

"The wind is tight, pull!"

With a shout, the gangsters fled for their lives through the leaky roof hole, and the detectives all chased them out.

The prisoner was put into the prison again. There were stumps of limbs and broken arms on the ground, and there was no time to clean them up.

The Tianguan from the Ministry of Punishment came to Tianlao to inspect the scene, followed by a large number of officials, big and small.

Chen Guanlou sneaked into the crowd. There were blood stains on his body, which he wiped on himself. The dried blood on his face was also wiped on by himself. At first glance, it looks like a brave and fearless image of fighting against gangsters.

The jailers around him all looked like this. There was not a single stupid person here. Idiots can't survive more than three episodes in the prison.

Before he came to work in Tianlao, Chen Guanlou once naively thought that his job in Tianlao was the safest, as he only had to watch the prisoners. Only after joining this profession did I realize that all the yamen in the world are just a fool, and whether they die or not depends on their fate.

Lu Datou asked him quietly, "Are you okay?"

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Big. I'm fine. How is Brother Big, he's not injured."

Lu Datou chuckled and whispered: "Like you, the blood belongs to others. I hid in the cell and was lucky enough to escape. What about you?"


The two of them looked at each other and smiled, showing the tacit understanding that they were both jailers.

"At first, when I saw you rushing so fiercely, I was worried that you were ignorant. Now it seems that my worries were all unnecessary."

Chen Guanlou said: "You have to show off."

"That's right, if you do your best, it will be easier for us to do business, and Shangguan will have an excuse to prevaricate."

Chen Guanlou looked at the front. There were too many people, and he had no right to squeeze to the front. He couldn't see who the officials were and what their official positions were.

He asked, "Who is coming for such a big battle?"

"Master Zuo Shilang came to the scene in person, and everyone in the prison was on tenterhooks. In the past few days, everyone has been more careful, lest the higher-ups take advantage of the situation and take it out on us jailers."

"Thanks for the reminder, Big Touou, I understand."

Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Punishment personally inspected the scene of the prison robbery. Obviously Mr. Zuo Shilang is not an amateur, but a person with rich experience in criminal investigation. He is not only experienced but also knowledgeable.

The scene was chaotic.

The jailers deliberately destroyed the scene. Except for the fact that they could not sneak out the severed limbs and clean them up, all other traces that could be destroyed were destroyed. The people above must not be allowed to see the truth behind the jailer's laziness and trickery to let the prisoners escape from the gangsters.

Facing the destroyed scene, Zuo Shilang remained calm and just stared at the roof.

The jailers were unable to destroy the traces on the roof.

Suddenly, Mr. Zuo Shilang jumped up and flew to the rafters.

Chen Guanlou was secretly surprised when Lu Datou whispered to him, "Master Zuo Shilang is a second-grade warrior and has the title of Jinshi."

Chen Guanlou:......

Are all scholars these days so fierce?

Ever since he entered the Tianlao as a servant, he felt like first- and second-grade warriors were everywhere. But I don’t see any of them in my daily life. Dare to love, the warriors were absorbed by the court and became the court's eagle dogs.

Lu Datou told him again, "He came from Jixia Academy."

"Master Zuo Shilang is from Jixia Academy?"

"Exactly. Jixia Academy only recruits scholars with martial arts background. It's a pity that you don't have martial arts, otherwise you can try to take the Jixia Academy exam. If you pass the exam, you will be prosperous in your life."

Chen Guanlou understood clearly.

Jixia Academy existed just like the Qingbei in later generations. If you pass the exam, you will have a secure future. Your classmates will be in the same school all over the country. Promotion and wealth will be easy.

No wonder other officials didn't even dare to breathe in front of Mr. Zuo Shilang.

Chen Guanlou regretted getting into the crowd. Is it too late to retreat now?

He is not afraid of anything else, he is just afraid that someone will see that he has practiced inner strength and mental skills, and then he will not be able to explain it clearly even if he has ten mouths.

However, Duan Tianlin once said that he was just cheating and did not really see the inner strength and mental skills he possessed. The Taoist Fruit of Immortality or the "Ascension Record" have a covering effect.

He just didn't know if it was true or not. He had to confirm this as soon as possible.

"How many prisoners were killed?"

"Sir, five prisoners were killed by this group of prison robbers."

"Didn't you kidnap anyone?"

"My lord, please forgive me, but the prisoner in cell 13 is missing. He must have been kidnapped."

"What is the origin of Prisoner No. 13?"

"He's just a nobody, not worth mentioning."

"An unknown person can make people use all possible means to mobilize more than a dozen gangsters to rob a prison, but you actually told me that it's not worth mentioning. It's simply ridiculous! You are so sneaky, could you be covering up the truth?"

"My lord, please calm down. I am not as miserable as your lord said. After my lord learned that prisoner No. 13 was kidnapped, he immediately read through the file. No matter how you look at it, prisoner No. 13 is not worth paying attention to." This is a place where the officials are incompetent and cannot find out the truth.”


Mr. Zuo Shilang was extremely dissatisfied with the officials and left. The officials hurriedly followed.

Only Fan Yucheng stayed.

He stared at the jailers indifferently, and said with a gloomy face: "I don't care what you did behind your back. Everyone should clean up their own ass. If anyone is found to have received money from outside and secretly communicated with the inside and outside, they will be punished. Remember, this is the first time in nearly 30 years that such a terrible and sensational jailbreak has occurred in Tianlao. If the higher-ups investigate, you will all be in trouble."

After that, Fan Yucheng left with a wave of his sleeves, full of official power.

Everyone watched Fan Yucheng leave.

Everyone began to worry about their own safety. They would not really take the blame for the jailbreak.

"Boss Xu, tell me what we should do?"

Xu Fugui was so confused that he yelled angrily, "How can I know what to do? It's better that you didn't collude with the outside world. It's better that the six-door constables can catch the gang of prison robbers. It's better that I'm strong enough. Damn it, I've been hurt by you."

"Boss Xu, you don't really think that anyone among us has colluded with outsiders, do you?"

"You know best whether it's true or not. Prison Chief Fan is right. I don't care what you did. Hurry up and clean up your ass and don't let anyone catch you. If you are found out by the higher-ups, you will be dead as a small jailer."

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