
After eating, Jiang Ran stood up and slowly went back to the sleeping place.

After walking back to the room, the continuous wailing sound from inside also suddenly stopped after Jiang Ran pushed open the door.

Everyone looked at Jiang Ran's eyes filled with awe.


Jiang Ran walked to his bed, saw two things wrapped in white cloth, and opened them to see that they were two large chicken legs.

I couldn't help but turn my head to look at a few people on the side.

"Hehe, that Brother Jiang, this is a little bit of our heart. "

"During the day, a few of us said the wrong thing, Brother Jiang don't mind, there are a lot of adults. "

A bolder teenager came out, forcibly endured his pain, nodded at Jiang Ran and bowed up.

Everyone else's faces were also sycophantic smirks.

They all knew that Jiang Ran did not go to the canteen at night, so he found this opportunity and stuffed some money for the chef to take two big chicken legs back.

"In the future, everyone will be fine, just like before." "

Jiang Ran didn't care, their vision was too low, and they would only bother others in this rule system.

Then their future achievements are too inconspicuous compared to Jiang Ranyan.

He naturally won't be the kind of villain who blows the wind in his ears, whether this group of people is good or bad has nothing to do with himself.

If they don't want to rely on their own ability to change their fate, their fate in the Luo family next will probably not be much better than that of the medicine collectors.


The next day, Jiang Ran did not get out of bed, except for going to the dining hall to eat.

Practiced brute bear breathing in bed all day.

This caused other people's jealousy, and his eyes were full of envy and jealousy when he looked at Jiang Ran.

They were crying in pain outside, while Jiang Ran rested with his back against the wall.

The third day was still the same as the next day.

Jiang Ran was already able to get out of bed and move freely, and the pain in his body completely disappeared.

On the second night in the middle, Fei Lao rubbed that ointment on Jiang Ran again.

Judging from Fei Lao's distressed eyes, the value of that ointment must be very precious.

Although Jiang Ran was also very clear in his heart, the other party did not spare any room to help him, obviously because he had room to use.

But in his heart, he still reserved some gratitude to Fei Lao.

On the fourth day, Jiang Ran got up early in the morning and was already able to jump.

Even if you punch hard, your body will not hurt.

That night, I went to Fei Lao's place again, and I carried six sticks abruptly before fainting.

Today's strength is not as strong as the first day, because Jiang Ran's skin has become stronger.

Therefore, Fei Lao's strength was also used even greater, and Jiang Ran sweated coldly when he resisted the second stick.

After resisting the six sticks abruptly, he fainted like the last time.

The whole body was purple and cyan, and Fei Lao also built a wooden bed for Jiang Ran outside the small courtyard and carried Jiang Ran to the wooden bed.

After wiping the ointment, he left Jiang Ran here overnight.


For a period of time after that, Jiang Ran practiced the breathing method and the posture of Brute Bear Gong every day.

They were all being beaten, and the time had passed for a month.

Jiang Ran even broke his bones twice, and after each time the pain decreased, Jiang Ran would practice according to the movements in the Brute Bear Gong taught by Fei Lao.

Accelerates blood flow and recovery from physical injuries.

Finally, today, after the sixth bone crack was restored, Jiang Ran stood in the small courtyard with his horse stride.

Every time he stood here, Jiang Ran was in a cold sweat to hold back the pain.

From the first four sticks fainting, to the second six sticks, the third time still six sticks.

In the back seven sticks, eight sticks, in to the last.

Jiang Ran resisted the eight sticks abruptly and did not faint, which shocked Fei Lao Xiaoxiao at that time.

"Boy, resisted. "

"If it is done once, I am afraid that if you go to Foggy Mountain this time, it will not be unexpected that you will be able to come back." "

Fei Lao's eyes smiled, and the solid wooden stick in his hand waved a gust of wind.

Without waiting for Jiang Ran to answer, he jumped up sharply and hit Jiang Ran's back.



Jiang Ran's back was like resisting a heavy blow, and he immediately drank loudly.

The stone brick ground under his feet shattered in an instant.


The spiderweb-like cracks rippled from under Jiang Ran's feet, and this time it was not just the stone tiles on the ground.

The wooden stick in Fei Lao's hand also shattered at this time.

It's just that it wasn't completely broken, but it hit Jiang Ran's back and shattered somewhat.

This stick is solid wood, and if it is used to beat people alone, it is enough to kill people with Fei Lao's strength.


Jiang Ran let out a turbid breath in his mouth, turned his head and looked at Fei Lao with some surprise.

"Good, after six times, you've been able to shatter this stick a little." "

A smile appeared on Fei Lao's face, and he reached out and patted Jiang Ran's shoulder.

The bulging muscles also became harder and harder.

Just now, the stick changed to an ordinary person, and it is estimated that if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

But Jiang Ran also shattered the front end of the wooden stick, and the refining skin of the flesh was already a masterpiece.

Human defense basically relies on skin and bones.

The hardness of the bones can greatly protect the internal organs.

And the external kung fu is also practiced in the two points of outer skin and inner bone.

At present, Jiang Ran can already be regarded as stepping into the martial arts and has some transformations.

Especially in terms of refining skin, Jiang Ran's skin and flesh can already be regarded as copper skin.

At this time, it is estimated that if you stab Jiang Ran's body with a small knife, you can't pierce much into it.

The strength of the flesh has already prevailed to some extent when fighting opponents.

"Fei Lao, what should I do next?"

"How can I cultivate to perfection in refining skins, and then when can I start refining bones?"

Jiang Ran looked at Fei Lao with an excited expression, and couldn't help but open his mouth to find a taste.

If it were someone else, after facing these two difficult cultivations, it was estimated that they would be very afraid and afraid in the face of the latter two.

But Jiang Ran was like a curious child, as if he had found some plaything.

"No hurry, soon the day after tomorrow you will go to the Foggy Mountain again." "

"When you come back from the Foggy Mountains, you are not in a hurry. "

Fei Lao smiled slightly, shook his head, and was not in a hurry to let Jiang Ran refine his tendons immediately.

Jiang Ran listened to Fei Lao's words, and his face also showed some disappointment.

In a way that can not bear such pain, it is estimated that it will be very happy to change someone, but Jiang Ran is not.

He would rather suffer more than bring himself one step closer.

And Fei Lao also began to tell Jiang Ran how to do the specific consummation of skin refining in the next time.

The great consummation of skin refining requires qi and blood, and the qi and blood here are not related to blood refining.

The qi and blood of any martial artist rely on qi and blood to burst into power, and it is not necessary to reach the realm of blood refining to stimulate the qi and blood of the human body.

Qi and blood, also known as blood qi, can appear when the strength of the human body reaches a certain level.

As a warrior, you need to use qi and blood to strengthen yourself and explosive power.

The great consummation of skin refining requires qi and blood to meet this condition, and it is necessary to use the brute bear skill to draw out qi and blood for cultivation.

The process may not be painful at all, but it is a very time-consuming experience.

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