[Tenacious heart: can greatly enhance the host's ability to endure hardship, as the saying goes, to suffer in the midst of hardship to become a superior person!].

Jiang Ran looked at the tenacity in front of him and froze slightly.

There was also a hint of disappointment in his eyes, but something was better than nothing.

I didn't think much about it, just pressed the button to turn on the simulation.

In an instant, Jiang Ran felt layers of golden light gradually flash in front of him.

As the golden light gradually became more and more flickering, Jiang Ran felt that his consciousness began to gradually become confused.


I don't know how long time has passed, waiting for Jiang Ran to wake up.

The surroundings have completely changed their appearance, and they have also become a baby.

The baby, who was still waiting to be breastfed, was surrounded by a couple.

From the eyes of the two, Jiang Ran saw a spoiled look.

I couldn't help but judge that the two people in front of me were probably my biological parents.

"Did you become a baby?"

"Look at this house, it is indeed a very ordinary family..."

Jiang Ran blinked his eyes and looked at the beam.

It is a basic wooden house, and the shape is not beautiful, although only the ceiling beams can be seen.

But it can also be judged that this family is not very wealthy.

"Look, madam, my son is watching us. "

Jiang Dali looked at the baby in front of him, his eyes full of joy.

I wanted to reach out and touch the infant baby, but when I saw my hands covered in dust and dirt, I held back.

"Do you want to name your child?"

Li Hua looked at Jiang Dali in front of him and immediately gave him a blank look, and then asked.

They are all some simple people at the bottom, none of them have read a book, and they don't even know a few big characters.

Jiang is a good carpenter, but if you say a name, it really stumps him.

"Otherwise, let's listen to the old man next door." "

"The child's name is Jiang Ran. "

Jiang Dali smiled, rubbed his thinning hair, and smiled a little embarrassed.

The couple didn't care about anything, and immediately decided on Jiang Ran's name.

Like his name in his previous life, Jiang Ran didn't care, but just waved his little hand to express his mood.

"Look, our son should be quite happy. "

Li Hua smiled slightly, lowered her head and leaned over to kiss Jiang Ran.

Then he shook the cradle, sang some kind of folk ballad, and began to coax Jiang Ran to sleep.


Three years had passed, and Jiang Ran had been able to trot around the courtyard barefoot.

As a child, there is no pressure in life.

Every day in the courtyard, watching Jiang Dali start carving wooden stakes.

As the son of a carpenter, Jiang Ran has had some wooden toys since he was a child.

The workmanship is exquisite and exquisite, although the life of the Jiang family is not rich.

But at least it's a good thing to eat and drink.

And Jiang Ran, in the past two years, probably from the mouths of some customers who came to pick up and order.

Got some news about this world.

This is called Lincheng, originally a rich town, but it has been destroyed by half after the war.

There are no officials and official offices, but are directly managed by the Maison, maintaining order and collecting taxes.

In Lincheng, it is managed by the Luo family, and almost more than fifty percent of the entire town's industries are related to the Luo family.

Even Jiang Ran was slightly surprised by this behemoth.

It is equivalent to saying that within a radius of hundreds of miles, this Luo family is a local gentry, like the existence of the earth emperor.

Every year, the Luo family would take some children as domestic slaves.

It is convenient to manage all aspects of the industry and train family guards, but according to Jiang Ran's understanding, it seems that not many people are willing to go.

Jiang Ran didn't have more information either, and no one wanted to talk too much to a child like him.

Most of them relied on Jiang Ran overhearing the conversations of the adults and sorting out the information himself.

In the fifth year, Jiang Ran is five years old this year.

Jiang Ran's mother contracted a disease in ancient times, when the medical standard was very low.

Only those wealthy and wealthy businessmen had the money to go to the doctor Langzhong.

Poor people either wait for death or rely on the earth to survive.

Herbs were also the most expensive of the times.

Even if Jiang vigorously sold the family property, he could not cure Li.

By the seventh year, Jiang Ran's home had moved from a slightly nicer courtyard to a slum near the town.

Most of the houses here are tenants, and Jiang Dali even sold the property left by his ancestors in order to cure Li's illness.

After Lee's death, he was also depressed, and even the carpenter's craftsmanship was no longer touched.

Jiang Ran is only seven years old this year, at an age when other children are playing and playing.

He carried a firewood knife on his back alone and went to the edge of town every day to cut some small firewood.

In the past two years, Jiang vigorously taught himself carpentry kung fu and carved some gadgets by himself.

Going to the market to sell, although the workmanship is not fine, but it is passable.

Some kind-hearted people, looking at a child as young as Jiang Ran, will still spend money to buy one or two to play with.

Such a meager income is still much less than when Jiang Dali worked as a carpenter.

But for the current daily life of Jiang Ran and Jiang Ran, it is enough.

This kind of life was maintained until Jiang Ran was ten years old.

Tonight, just returned from the market, Jiang Ran brought back a bottle of burnt knives and a few meat buns.

Over the years, his craftsmanship has also become more and more sophisticated, carving some gadgets.

Many rich ladies and some students like it very much, and the business is okay.

Today happens to be Jiang Dali's birthday, and Jiang Ran also plans to buy a bottle of burning knives for Jiang Dali, so that this man who has exhausted his heart can rarely show some smiles on his face.

When Jiang Ran returned home, Jiang Dali was not the same as in the past.

Inside the room, I fell asleep because I was drunk.

Instead, he shaved off the long beard left over the years, tidied up his face, and sat down in the courtyard.

Following the candle flame inside the lantern, Jiang Ran also saw the smile on Jiang Dalian's face.

"Dad, what's wrong with you today, are there anything happy about?"

Jiang Ran put the meat bun and burning knife in his hand on the wooden table on the side.

A smile also appeared on his face, although Jiang Ran knew that this was just a world simulated by the system.

But blood is thicker than water, and he and Jiang Dali still have the closest blood relationship in the world.

I could see Jiang Dali suddenly smile, and I was very happy in my heart.

"It's no happy event, Daddy Jin'er, I'll teach you the kung fu of a carpenter..."

"After all these years, I have suffered you child. "

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