With tears shining at the corners of Jiang Dalian's eyes, he stretched out his big hand and touched Jiang Ran's face.

But soon, he hid the tears from his eyes.

He picked up the carving knife he was most familiar with, and began to slowly cut on a piece of wood covered with dead grains.

Every time he stabbed, he also began to explain to Jiang Ran the key to carving a knife.

As well as the promotion of techniques, any craft is not to be underestimated.

Seemingly simple wood carving, but there are dozens of different methods of dropping knives.

Over the years, Jiang Ran mostly relied on his own exploration.

At this time, there was a teaching from Jiang Dalian, a veteran carpenter, and he immediately understood it at one point.

After taking the carving knife in Jiang Dali's hand, he continued.

Jiang Dali smiled slightly, picked up the burning knife on the side and took a sip.

The spicy taste, coupled with the white-faced meat bun, also satisfied Jiang Dali's stomach.

When looking at Jiang Ran's constantly improving knife dropping technique, Jiang Dalian's eyes were also full of gratification.


About half an hour or so had passed, and there were already three more wood carvings in front of Jiang Ran.

Usually, he could carve a wood carving at most in half an hour, but at this time, it was directly tripled.

Immediately, with joy in his eyes, he looked at Jiang Dali behind him.

But at this time, Jiang Dali leaned against the wooden table and closed his eyes, looking like he was asleep.

"Dad, let's not sleep here." "

"Go back to your room and sleep. "


Jiang Ran pushed Jiang Dalian, with a burly big man of one meter eight, Jiang Ran himself naturally couldn't move his back.

But after pushing a few times, Jiang Dali didn't even react.

Jiang Ran's face instantly turned pale, and he stretched out his hand to touch Jiang Dalian's nose.

There was no breathing, but Jiang Dali's face was full of smiles.

At the corners of Jiang Ran's eyes, tears slowly fell.

He was clear in his heart that Jiang Dali suddenly sorted out his face today.

It is not because he came out of Li's death, but he knew that his heart was exhausted, and it should be time.

I knew that I might have to go to Li Shi, so I would wait for Jiang Ran at home.


Jiang Ran wiped the tear stains from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, and walked into the room to cover Jiang Dali with a thin blanket.

Then he quickly ran out the door, and he categorically could not bury Jiang Dali alone.

The Li family has a younger brother named Li Sheng in Lincheng, although he is idle on weekdays, he does not ask their family for money.

But at the critical time, Jiang Ran only had such an unreliable uncle to rely on.


The next day, Jiang Ran, who was wearing a white mourning dress, was already being taken by Li Sheng.

Jiang Dali was buried, and as for the money, of course, he used some of the money Jiang Ran had saved over the years.

After the burial, many of the former neighbors also came over.

Among them, Pal Jin was also directly accepted by Li Sheng, and the good name was to help Jiang Ran marry his daughter-in-law in the future.

Of course, Jiang Ran knew that this idle guy would definitely go to the gambling house to have two happy hands.

But Jiang Ran didn't care at this time, since he found him to help, then he must have thought of all this in advance.

It wasn't until the end of the first seven that Jiang Ran was brought back by Li Sheng.

His home was in a corner in the east of the city, and Jiang Ran's parents had bought it for him.

Originally, he had a wife, but he was beaten away by Li Sheng's loss of money and alcoholism.

Now a Li Sheng, as a bachelor, gambles if he has money, and deceives everything if he has no money.

Now that there is such an opportunity to make money, it is natural that it will not be missed.

Jiang vigorously held the funeral alone, and the money collected was enough for him to be dashing for a while.

"Xiaoran, you rest at home first. "

"There's food in the kitchen, and my uncle has asked you to bring all your tools." "

"It's in the backyard, you can play by yourself if you have nothing to do." "

Li Sheng carried the little gold in his pocket and just brought Jiang Ran home.

I couldn't help but want to play a few handfuls with itchy hands, and explained to Jiang Ran and went out.

Jiang Ran was also very clear about his uncle's nature, so he went to the kitchen alone to order some noodles and beat an egg.

After eating, he continued to carve.

Although Jiang Dalian's first seven had just passed, life still had to go on.

Counting on Li Sheng, the three poorer, five, and richer gamblers to support themselves, I am afraid that I will laugh out my big teeth when I say it.

"It's been ten years, and the edge of this martial arts hasn't met yet..."

"Forget it, it's good to learn a craft in this life. "

Jiang Ran looked at the wood in his hand and sighed lightly.

In his eyes, which were originally a little lost, he regained his radiance.

Even if it doesn't work this time, so what, when he slowly accumulates enough simulation points, Jiang Ran is confident that he will definitely be able to step into the martial arts in the near future.


The next day, early in the morning, Jiang Ran glanced at Li Sheng, who had returned in the middle of the night.

So he grabbed his box and walked towards the downtown area.

In the past few years, he has come over like this, and some of the vendors in the busy market also know that Jiang Ran has a funeral at home these days.

The small stall belonging to this child has always been reserved for Jiang Ran by a few enthusiastic aunts and uncles.

Although the place is small, there is also a touch of humanity hidden in this busy city.

Compared with Jiang Ran's real world, it seemed softer.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Jiang Ran, who was hungry, put away the stall.

In total, a few wood carvings have not been sold today, and the box on the back is still heavy.

When he returned home, Li Sheng had disappeared long ago.

Jiang Ran didn't care, just continued to do what he had to do every day.

In a few days, the uncle and nephew met no more than three times in total.

Finally, in one day, Jiang Ran came back from the stall.

But it was a little strange that in the courtyard, I saw Li Sheng with a smile on his face.

"Come, nephew, come here. "

"Today, let's have a good meal." "

After Li Sheng saw Jiang Ran return, his eyes also released a ray of essence.

Pushing and pulling, he pulled Jiang Ran into the room.

Roast chicken, duck, elbow, daughter red.

The meals that are difficult to see in ordinary people's homes have gathered on this broken table in Li Sheng's house today.

Jiang Ran looked at his uncle in front of him, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Uncle, did you win?"

Let Li Sheng go to steal, he must not dare, the only explanation is to win.

"Almost, uncle found you a good job. "

"Ming'er will send you there, then you won't have to work so hard every day." "

"I go up the mountain to cut wood during the day, and when I come back at night, I have to do wood carving overnight. "

Li Sheng ripped off one of the chicken legs in front of him and put it in Jiang Ran's bowl.

There was a slight distress in his eyes, but Jiang Ran III was a person, but he saw a touch of other meaning in Li Sheng's eyes.

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