You can choose to accept the challenge of others or choose to challenge others.

However, if you fail to challenge others, you will be judged to fail the exam.

If you accept the challenge of others, that person is stronger than yourself, even if you lose.

Luo Yuan, the head coach, will also score according to the strength of the assessor, all in all, it is more reasonable.

"You don't accept the challenge of others later."

"That burly guy over there with short hair came from the bottom like you."

"Although you entered the Wutang half a year earlier than you, it should not be your opponent."

Luo Xuan lowered his voice and began to whisper in Jiang Ran's ear.

Jiang Ran turned his head to look at Luo Xuan and did not speak.

He naturally knew what Luo Xuan meant, and she didn't want to be because of herself.

Let Jiang Ran be challenged by Luo Sicheng, according to Luo Xuan's understanding of Luo Sicheng.

Luo Sicheng will definitely choose to challenge when he reads Jiang Ran's name.

At that time, even if he made a ruthless hand and directly killed Jiang Ran, the Luo family would not say anything.

This is the reality, the difference between a servant and a master's household.

In the eyes of the Luo family, even if they are excellent house slaves, they are just outsiders, and they are just a dog.

No one will punish Luo Sicheng because of Jiang Ran's death, even if there is, but the punishment will definitely be so small that people don't care at all.

"Then tell me how the scar on your face was caused."

"I promise you not to accept challenges from others."

Jiang Ran smiled slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

For this kind girl who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, in addition to Fei Lao in the Luo family.

The only person who made Jiang Ran open up a little.

Although at this time, it was very bad to mention other people's scars, but Jiang Ran did not think so in his heart.

He knew that this scar would definitely be the reason why Luo Xuan worked so hard.

"The big exam a year ago, Luo Sicheng drew the long sword in his hand."

"At that time, I had only not yet arrived to refine the skin, and I was stimulated by his words, and I was teased by him on impulse."

Luo Xuan's face was calm, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

His face and even his eyes did not change at all.

But Jiang Ran could still see that the girl's palm trembled slightly, but she held it back.

"Jiang Ran! Come up! "

Before Jiang Ran could speak, Luo Yuan's voice had already sounded.

Jiang Ran also stepped forward immediately, not waiting for Luo Yuan to speak, not waiting for Luo Sicheng, who was eager to try, to come to the stage.

A breath-filled voice came directly from Jiang Ran's mouth.

"I want to challenge, Luo Sicheng!"

Jiang Ran's eyes flashed with a cold light, like a cold bayonet, looking for Luo Sicheng in the crowd.

Jiang Ran's idea was simple, he was destined to be found by the other party today.

If that's the case, why bother.

Even if he managed to avoid it in his own assessment.

Then today will definitely be forced by Luo Sicheng to use various methods to fight in the ring.

Instead of fighting again after consuming more physical strength, it is better to completely subdue the guy in front of you in the first game.

Of course, this is definitely a gamble, Jiang Ran's strength may not be as strong as Luo Sicheng's family disciple.

The odds of victory were only five or five in Jiang Ran's heart, and Luo Sicheng was stronger than himself in the realm of refining the body.

But Jiang Ran didn't think that his physical ability would be weaker than the other party, so he dared to challenge it like this.

Even if you fall, you have to fall if you want to.

And Luo Sicheng, who was below, after hearing Jiang Ran standing in the ring and shouting out.

His face was obviously slightly startled, and then his face became a little gloomy.

Even as he walked towards the ring, he had a smile on his face.

"You Luo Xuan's dog, I can't imagine that you are quite bold."

After stepping into the ring, Luo Sicheng's momentum burst out in an instant.

A cold gleam flashed in his eyes, and he faced Jiang Ran directly.

I have already thought in my heart, how to fool Jiang Ran in the ring later.

"In the ring, it's about competition."

"You two don't have to start too hard."

Luo Yuan's brows furrowed slightly, he had been the head teacher for more than ten years.

Naturally, he knew what kind of disposition Luo Sicheng was.

After verbally warning Luo Sicheng, he also retired directly from the ring.

"Young Master Luo, don't you use a sword?"

Jiang Ran looked at Luo Sicheng in front of him, and his face showed a look of puzzlement.

And these words were also prepared by Jiang Ran in advance.

Luo Sicheng is obviously the kind of person with strong self-esteem and revenge.

is a very conceited person, facing Luo Xuan, he may use weapons.

But in the face of Jiang Ran, a guy who has only been in Wutang for a few months, if he is allowed to use weapons.

On the contrary, Luo Sicheng will feel that in the martial arts hall, there is no light on his face.

"Just because you trash is worthy of me using a sword?"

Luo Sicheng pulled out the scabbard at his waist with his right hand, and removed the valuable sword at his waist.

Dropped under the ring behind him.

His attendants immediately took over the sword.

He gave up his most advantageous way of fighting, at least when Luo Sicheng dropped the sword in his hand.

Jiang Ran's odds of winning increased by two percent again.

"Today, let you see, house slaves will always be house slaves."

Luo Sicheng's eyes became sharp, and his right hand slowly spread.

Although there is no sword in the hand, although the strongest killing move is not in the hand.

But the coercion given to Jiang Ran was always not small.


Jiang Ran exhaled a cloud of white qi from his mouth, and the qi and blood in his body began to surge wildly.

Over the years, the qi and blood in his body had already surpassed that of ordinary martial artists.

The qi and blood flowing in the body were like a river rushing, and Luo Sicheng could hear it.

This is the boiling and circulating of qi and blood in the body, especially when he sees the essence in Jiang Ran's eyes.

Luo Sicheng's eyes gradually showed some more seriousness.

Although he is conceited, he is by no means a fool.

Jiang Ran can challenge him so directly, and in some aspects, he must have self-confidence.

"Just let me try, how many pounds and taels do you have!"

Luo Sicheng's eyes narrowed slightly, when Jiang Ran's qi and blood flowed.

Take the lead, step out, and the dust on the ground will all fall.

And this step out also made the distance between Luo Sicheng and Jiang Ran about ten meters closer.


A palm swing brings gusts of wind and waves.

Before the palm power arrived, the palm wind arrived first, and Jiang Ran's clothes were constantly floating by this palm wind.

But Jiang Ran was obviously not unprepared.

Even his face did not change a lot, and his figure did not move a single point.

Jiang Ran's right hand was swiped, and he had already pushed Luo Sicheng's palm to the side.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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