A punch with his left hand poked out, and he was about to hit Luo Sicheng's chest.

But Luo Sicheng's figure was already dodging by turning around in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Ran's timing was too good, and he almost made Luo Sicheng suffer a big loss because of this hesitation just now.

But now that the next move is successful, Luo Sicheng's face is also a little unpleasant.

I couldn't help but dissolve my move, and I even almost fell for Jiang Ran's Dao.

Even Luo Yuan, who was watching all this below, couldn't help but praise a little in his heart.

"Qi and blood are like dragons, and attacks are like wind."

"And the experience is sophisticated, and he does not seem afraid because the opponent is stronger than himself."

"On the contrary, the timing is very good..."

Luo Yuan, who had never looked down on Jiang Ran, had never looked up to him.

At this time, his evaluation of Jiang Ran in his heart was also very high.

Luo Xuan below also clenched his fists and looked at the stage nervously.

She may not be able to guess Jiang Ran's thoughts, but she can feel Jiang Ran's kindness to herself.

It has been many years, starting with her understanding in the Luo family.

It is to grow up between insults and bullying, even if there are people who are kind to themselves.

But when the bullies show up, they turn their guns again.

Turn your head and help those who bully you, this is the power of power.

With no power and no background, she was just born of a handmaid, and she could only rely on hard cultivation day and night.

I want to reverse my situation from the root force.

But Luo Xuan, who is a disciple of the Luo family, seems to be more difficult to reverse this situation than Jiang Ran.

And on the other side, above the ring.

Luo Sicheng, who won the blow and fell into the downwind, was not carried away by the anger.

Instead, he became more and more calm, and his shots were more neat and fierce.

The moves were all to find Jiang Ran's key shots, and the offensive was like the wind and continuous.

Even if Jiang Ran was experienced, he didn't have a chance to fight back for a while.

Once in the medicine hall, Fei Lao wanted to help Jiang Ran recover faster.

After each broken bone, he would attack Jiang Ran with a wooden stick, which not only exercised Jiang Ran's recovery ability, but also exercised Jiang Ran's reflexes.

It can be said that the experience is absolutely not lost to Luo Sicheng.


Between the constant exchange between the two, their fists swung vigorously in all directions.

When the qi and blood rushed, the skin of the two also carried a hint of red that mobilized qi and blood.

Jiang Ran and Luo Sicheng's expressions also became more and more solemn.

Jiang Ran is afraid of Luo Sicheng's strength, and Luo Sicheng is because he can't hang on his face.

The two have exchanged fists and feet, and dozens of moves have passed.

Although he took advantage of some advantages, he didn't take Jiang Ran for a long time, which inevitably made Luo Sicheng's face a little unbearable.


Luo Sicheng's eyes still showed a hint of irritation, and he hit a blow.

A straight punch, containing the power of the whole body, directly punched.

Jiang Ran, on the other hand, was waiting for Luo Sicheng to go up, and his figure immediately took a big step back.

This big step is not just to distance himself from Luo Sicheng.

It was even more necessary to give Jiang Ran a time to recharge.


In an instant, Jiang Ran's qi and blood suddenly reached the peak.

The qi and blood under Jiang Ranhun's body were like a volcano that suddenly erupted, rising into the sky, sweeping the fierce and fierce, straight to the entire ring.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to see a brute bear three feet tall suddenly rushing out from behind Jiang Ran.

The ferocity is monstrous, roaring up to the sky, exuding boundless ferocity.

The terrifying aura was vast, like a suffocating nightmare, sweeping the ring.

Such a shocking scene made Luo Sicheng slightly startled, it was this stunned kung fu.

Not only did Jiang Ran have a mental impact on him, but it also made most of the power of his punch unload.


The ring under Jiang Ran's feet suddenly shattered an inch, and it split apart in an instant.

The spiderweb-like cracks spread unstoppably in all directions.

The whole person was like a violent bear, rushing straight towards Luo Sicheng.

The blood qi on his body seemed to turn into substance, like a blood-colored armor wrapped around Jiang Ran's body.

The terrifying blow that this violent bear descended directly into Luo Sicheng's body.


The muffled explosion sound in the ring exploded in an instant.

The air flow is chaotic and powerful.

The practice uniform behind Luo Sicheng exploded into countless broken steps, and the irresistible force lifted his entire body from his chest.

The terrifying power erupted through Luo Sicheng's body.

With the blood bursting out, Luo Sicheng's strong body flew straight towards the ring.

Flew out ten meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

"Qi and blood take shape!"


Everyone looked at Jiang Ran's bear-like breath, and they all gasped.

They could all see that Jiang Ran was fighting with Luo Si with his life.

In order to be able to defeat Luo Sicheng, even if he shows flaws to resist Luo Sicheng's blow, he must rely on this lifeless style of play to fight back.

Who would have thought that a commoner child, or even just a slave, could actually achieve qi and blood transformation, and still have this kind of heart.

Qi and blood transformation has nothing to do with the realm, as long as the qi and blood reach a certain level.

Combined with the exercises of your own cultivation, you can summon qi and blood to transform into shape, some for tigers, some for wolves, and some for bears.

They are all very different, but only one thing is clear to them.

That is the people who are present, and there are not many people who can be transformed into qi and blood.

The explosive power between a martial artist who has reached the form of qi and blood and a martial artist who has not reached it cannot be compared.

This is also why, Luo Sicheng suffered such a big loss in an instant.

And Jiang Ran was also uncomfortable, and hit Luo Sicheng off the ring.

But a trace of blood was already flowing from the corner of his mouth.

When he just used his body to rush Luo Sicheng, Luo Sicheng was no longer able to dodge and completely resist.

Just a backhand palm, with the degree of injury for injury, hit Jiang Ran's chest.


Jiang Ran coughed twice, there was still some gap in strength between the two.

Fortunately, Luo Sicheng's palm hit his chest, if you change places.

I'm afraid that even if he can't die at this time, he must be seriously injured.

The chest cavity is where the lungs are located, and Luo Sicheng's palm is mixed with dark energy.

If it is changed to another position, it will definitely destroy Jiang Ran's internal organs.

But Luo Sicheng didn't know that Jiang Ran's lungs had become extremely strong due to the cultivation of the Guiyuan Body Refining Method.

This palm, although it was injured, was not much harm.

"Jiang Ran..."

Luo Yuan gasped and glanced at Jiang Ran in disbelief.

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