The distance between the two was already less than one meter, and they shot at the same time.

The ground under his feet exploded wildly, and even Luo Xuan was forced back several steps by this sudden strong wind.

A surprised look looked in the direction of Jiang Ran and Luo Sicheng.



The two different forces kept colliding, but Jiang Ran was obviously better at winning in the flesh.

A crisp sound of bone breaking sounded, and Luo Sicheng's face turned pale.


A wail came out of Luo Sicheng's mouth, and a white bone emerged from the joints of his arm.

Sensen's white bones had a trace of blood, and everyone was extremely shocked at this moment.

Just with physical strength, he killed a descendant of a family like this.

It is a well-known thing that the flesh and blood of the children of the family are generally stronger than these people.

But right now, Jiang Ran broke this common sense.


Jiang Ran's qi and blood began to slowly fade, and his breath began to weaken.

Brute Bear Jin is his last hidden killing move, if it comes out at the very beginning.

It will definitely make Luo Sicheng wary and unable to achieve a surprisingly winning effect.

Rely on your own experience, and the crazy way of fighting.

Jiang Ran defeated the strong with weakness and defeated Luo Sicheng, who ordinary people did not even dare to provoke.

At this moment, Luo Sicheng was angry, looking at the miserable state of his arm, and the malice in his eyes seemed to be revealed.

"Slowly, Jiang Ran!"

"You can't kill him! Kill him, you will have no way to live in the Luo family! "

Seeing that Jiang Ran was still planning to continue to move, Luo Xuan was a little panicked.

One grabbed Jiang Ran, and the other three ran in different directions.

If Jiang Ran killed Luo Sicheng and these three went back to report the news, then Jiang Ran would definitely die.

But if you don't kill Luo Sicheng, with Jiang Ran's talent, if he is favored by a big man in the Luo family, there may be a glimmer of life.

Just when Jiang Ran turned his head and looked at Luo Xuan who wanted to say something.

A terrifying wind appeared from the side door of Wutang and directly oppressed the three people.

A middle-aged man dressed in the Xiao family's costume walked out of it.

Above the two fists, a touch of qi was directly condensed and released, punching forward one punch after another.

Several invisible, transparent fists suddenly gushed out, and one of them smashed directly on Luo Sicheng's body.

Luo Sicheng let out a scream, and his pupils immediately began to dilate.

And Jiang Ran and Luo Xuan were too late to dodge at this time.

Luo Xuan blocked in front of Jiang Ran, and the soft sword in his hand was placed horizontally on his chest, only the moment he made contact with that transparent fist.

Luo Xuan's whole person flew towards the rear like a kite with a broken line.

The explosion of the bones in his chest also made Jiang Ran's pupils tremble slightly.

This power gap is so big that even Jiang Ran can't raise any desire to resist.

Even in his heyday, when his qi and blood are at their peak.

Can he take the blow of the mysterious man in front of him?

A drop of cold sweat slowly slipped from Jiang Ran's forehead, and Jiang Ran felt a little afraid in his heart.

But after fear, comes excitement.

"This is? Practicing tendon realm? Or the Blood Refining Realm? "

Jiang Ran's expression was slightly startled, and he looked at the fist that was rushing in front of him.

There is no choice to dodge, or even if you dodge, you can't dodge.


The fist power completely exploded in front of Jiang Ran, and Jiang Ran fell beside Luo Xuan with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

"I can't imagine that in the Luo family's martial arts hall, there are still a few talented people."

Xiao Qi looked not far away, Jiang Ran and Luo Xuan who had fallen, and some surprise was also revealed in their indifferent expressions.

Xiao Qi didn't care about anything, and the whole person turned into a strong wind and continued to go deeper into Luo Mansion.

And Jiang Ran, because of the strength of his physical body, has not completely died.

There was still some consciousness left, looking at the bright sunlight above your head.

Slowly closed his eyes.

"Refining the body realm, one heavy realm and one heavy heaven..."

"The realm above the bone refining..."

Before Jiang Ran closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth slowly rose, and he was not afraid of death.

At this time, Jiang Ran's smile had some expectations, looking forward to the two higher realms above the refining bones.


【Ding! Congratulations to the host on the completion of the first life experience! Overall rating of C! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for being a low-level pauper, mixing into Xiaocheng Houtian warriors, and rewarding simulation points x500! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for relying on personal efforts to upgrade to the rank of a martial artist as a pauper, and the simulation points will be rewarded with x200! 】

【Ding! The martial arts simulator has entered the cooldown! 】

With Jiang Ran in that life, he closed his eyes, and a golden light appeared in his mind.

The system voice that had disappeared for seventeen years reappeared in Jiang Ran's mind.

And Jiang Ran, who was in the original world, also slowly opened his eyes.

Sitting up from the straw, he looked around at the broken wooden house.

Jiang Ran, who was sitting on the pile of grass, did not open the system at the first time, but began to accept his memories in the past seventeen years.

The faint essence in his eyes also made Jiang Ran slowly become energetic.

"The Bone Refining Realm is already so powerful, even higher..."

Jiang Ran gently exhaled a cloud of white qi from his mouth, which was not a turbid qi caused by breathing methods like in his previous life.

It's just that the warmth effect in this wooden house is not very good, and the leaky wooden house makes Jiang Ran, who has no trace of cultivation, feel a piercing cold feeling.

With the cold wind interspersed in, Jiang Ran's thoughts were also blown a little more spiritual.

Jiang Ran also immediately entered the system and opened the system panel.

【Martial Arts Simulator】

[Host: Jiang Ran].

[Xiu is: Weak ordinary people].

[Sim World: Troubled World].

[Simulation points: 700].

Seeing that the simulation points had changed from zero to 700, Jiang Ran also looked at other options.

[All repairs in the previous life: exchange price 500 simulation points.] 】

Jiang Ran didn't have any hesitation and directly chose to exchange it.

All he needs now is cultivation and money.

He exchanged five hundred simulated points for his cultivation in the acquired realm, and exchanged ten points for one hundred taels of silver.

In Luo Mansion, although it is a domestic servant.

But Jiang Ran also has wages, and in addition to Luofu to eat and wrap, Jiang Ran occasionally buys some meat to replenish the qi and blood in his body.

So I also saved a sum of money, not to mention much, there are a hundred and dozens of taels of silver.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging silver taels, and redeeming all the cultivation of the realm after the day after exchange! 】

The five hundred and ten points of simulated points were deducted, and Jiang Ran's face did not have any distress.

These are the points that should be spent.

Gradually, when the sound of the system disappeared, Jiang Ran felt that the next warm current on his body began to flow continuously.

The qi and blood in his body began to surge wildly, and Jiang Ran, who was originally cold in his hands and feet.

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