The bones of his body instantly warmed up, and the qi and blood flowing along the stream also made Jiang Ran's blood vessels become much thicker.

The bones of the body began to 'crackle' continuously, and the originally skinny body was graw.

It was also at this time that he was a lot stronger, and even Jiang Ran's skin became a little fairer at this moment.

It's not the dull yellow face from before.


A cloud of hot air spat out from Jiang Ran's mouth, and after slowly standing up, Jiang Ran's face was full of red light.

The peak power of his previous life completely returned, and Jiang Ran picked up a log of firewood the thickness of his arm.

Suddenly, the firewood was broken apart by Jiang Ran with his arm.

The wood chips fell to the ground, and Jiang Ran also threw away the firewood in his hand with satisfaction.

Touched the pocket that Ye Yu had mended for himself, and the heavy silver inside crackled.

Jiang Ran walked out of the firewood room and looked at the sky outside.

The snow was still falling, but it was just noon.

Walking out of the wood room, I found the snarky dispenser.

Jiang Ran stopped saying a word, so he sent the treasurer.

Leaving the treasurer with a puzzled and surprised face, Jiang Ran went out of the restaurant.

I found a place similar to an agent in my previous life and explained the needs.

He spent thirty taels of silver and bought a small yard.

The three-bedroom courtyard is also located near the center of the city.

Compared to Jiang Ran's smelly slum, the environment is much better.

There was also a pear tree in the middle of the small courtyard, and Jiang Ran immediately gave the money and directly pressed the handprint.

It was only half an hour of hard work in between, and Jiang Ran spent half an hour looking at the house and getting the deed.

After getting the deed, Jiang Ran walked towards the slum.

In the newly bought yard, everything is basically equipped.

Except for some quilts, the other furniture is complete.

You can take Ye Yu to live today.

Soon, Jiang Ran also walked to the slum, and after knocking on the door, no one answered for a long time.

After Jiang Ran pushed open the door and walked in.

Only to find that Ye Yu was not at home, Jiang Ran was a little surprised.

"At this time, where will I go if I am not at home?"

Jiang Ran felt a little strange, logically speaking, usually Ye Yu at this time should be at home.

After all, such a young child, only a teenage girl, what can he do?

Thinking of this, Jiang Ran immediately ran to the house of Lady Wang next door.

"Knock knock!"

"Wang Da Niang, Wang Da Niang!"

As Jiang Ran's call and knock sounded, a middle-aged woman with a dull face pushed open the door and walked out.


Lady Wang squinted at Jiang Ran, and at first glance she didn't even recognize it as Jiang Ran.

"It's Xiaoran, are you asking your sister?"

Lady Wang coughed a few times and asked Jiang Ran a little weakly.

This Lady Wang was originally a good person, and since they first moved in, she took good care of their brothers and sisters.

But in the past two years, her body has become weaker and weaker, and her family has also spilled money because of her body.

"Yes, Lady Wang, why is Xiaoyu not at home."

"Do you know where she went?"

Jiang Ran's face was a little anxious, in this world, his sister who had been dependent on him for so long.

There can be no surprises.

"Don't worry about the child."

"Xiaoyu, this kid went to the cloth shop on the next street."

"Every day when you go to work, Xiaoyu, the child, will follow the women on this street."

"Take a few copper plates as wages."

Lady Wang patted Jiang Ran's shoulder, and her face also showed a touch of distress.

She is more kind-hearted, but she is just joking with God and gives her a weak body.

Otherwise, in the past, she would often make up for the relief of the brothers and sisters.

"So it is."

Jiang Ran exhaled softly, and the expression on his face also dissipated.

Immediately took out ten taels of silver from his pocket and handed them to Lady Wang.

"The eldest lady takes it, don't shirk."

"Over the years, our brothers and sisters are also thanks to your care."

"We're moving somewhere else tomorrow, and I'll be back to see you later."

Lady Wang looked at the heavy silver taels in her hand, how had a poor person like them seen so much silver.

In the past, even if Jiang Ran brothers and sisters were rescued, it was just to give some white noodles and sweet potatoes.

That's only worth a few dollars, and I'm afraid these ten taels of silver can buy a whole car.

But at Jiang Ran's insistence, in the end, Mrs. Wang accepted it with tears in her eyes.


On the other side, inside the South Street Cloth Square.

Ye Yu was using his small hands, constantly rubbing the fabric in front of him.

Repeatedly put the fabric into the dyeing vat and take it out again.

Obviously, the palms were frozen and cracked, but they were infected by the dye in the dyeing vat.

Instead, Ye Yu felt pain in his palm more and more.

I couldn't help but stop for a while, and breathed hot air into the palm of my hand with my mouth.

"Hey! Dead girl! Work quickly! "

"You don't want wages anymore, do you?"

"Originally, the speed of work is slower than others, and you dare to be lazy!"

Just after stopping for a few breaths, a fat woman next to Ye Yu approached.

Shouting loudly, Ye Yu was also instantly startled, and his little face turned miserably white.

I immediately grabbed the fabric and rubbed it up and down.

The women who came to work with Ye Yu, although they saw it, dared not speak angrily.

In this big winter, even the days are almost unbearable, and this opportunity to work cannot be wasted because of impulse.

The fat woman glanced around a little demonstratively.

Seeing that no one dared to speak, he immediately wandered around proudly again.

And at this time, the closed door of the cloth mill was suddenly pushed open.

Jiang Ran walked in and saw Ye Yu at a glance.

I was afraid that I would be targeted by the fat woman again, so no one dared to raise my head.

Jiang Ran walked a few steps towards Ye Yu, and Ye Yu thought that the fat woman had walked back again.

Immediately, he worked harder, but this scene also showed a distressed look on Jiang Ran's face.

Reaching out, he directly grabbed Ye Yu's little hand that was covered with fuel.

"Lady, don't let me go back..."

"I'll definitely work faster!"

Ye Yu's hand was suddenly grabbed, and he was also startled.

The little face was immediately frightened and turned pale, I don't know if it was because of cold or fear, and he snorted.

"Xiaoyu, it's me, it's my brother."

Jiang Ran's eyes showed a distressed look.

Looking at the frostbite in Ye Yu's palm, it was clear that they had cracked, and even some of the wounds were still very new.

But in the wound, it was still infected by the pigment in the dyeing vat.

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