Sequoia slept so comfortably for the first time, and for the first time she hadn't been awakened by a nightmare.

This phenomenon has been around since the awakening of the power.

Sequoia is also helpless, using alcohol to numb himself, putting himself in a comatose situation, so as not to run away.

"Are you awake?"

Just when Sequoia was showing her excellent figure, Liston and Jiang Ran slowly walked out.

The two looked at the sequoia in front of them and also showed a smile, because on the surface.

Sequoia is obviously in good spirits, probably not having nightmares.

"It's you? It turns out that those are not dreams..."

Sequoia looked at Jiang Ran, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Although in the previous dream, she could only get part of the picture, as well as some memories.

But she really remembered that Jiang Ran appeared in his dream and killed the monster with a sword.

"Those should be counted as dreams." "

Jiang Ran shook his head, of course he knew what Sequoia thought.

But he can't expose his strength too much, a freshly graduated student has such strong strength.

It is easy to attract the attention of some unscrupulous people, although Jiang Ran himself does not care.

But it's better to avoid some trouble.

"I didn't expect that your strength would be so strong. "

"With such strong strength, do you still come to a small place like ours to be an intern?"

Sequoia's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stepped forward and approached Jiang Ran.

The arm was raised, and the finger hooked Jiang Ran's chin, and said with a charming face.

"They all said that it was a dream, and in the dream it was not what I wanted. "

"It is the weakness in your heart that manifests, and if your main consciousness is in a dream, you can do it. "

"Don't be afraid of your own power, accept it calmly, and break your mind calmly. "

Jiang Ran smiled slightly, not acknowledging Sequoia's words.

Now he is talking about strength alone, even an S-level powerhouse will definitely not be able to resist him.

But Jiang Ran knew very well in his heart that since humans could be under the threat of S-class demons.

To survive in this kind of place, the strong among them must be more than S-class, there must be some hidden strong people.

"So that's the case, it looks like I'm looking up to you~." "

"However, don't be weak in the future, otherwise I have the right not to convert you." "

Sequoia smiled slightly and faced Jiang Ran with a sense of victory, which made her feel a sense of accomplishment.

But Jiang Ran's next words made Sequoia's face change slightly.

"If you don't give me a positive turn, deliberately target me. "

"I promise, your dreams will be even more terrifying. "

Jiang Ran's words were calm, so calm that no one would doubt whether he could do it.

Because everyone knows that a strong person with spiritual power, what they can do, will indeed be beyond people's imagination.

Sequoia must not doubt that Chu Ran can do this kind of thing.

"Okay, don't make trouble. "

"Since you are also awake, then take Jiang Ran to the Coast Hotel in Xicheng District. "

"A total of ten lives have occurred there today, and it is expected that the devils have done it. "

Liston looked at the two who were a little fussy, and also sighed lightly.

Then he said to the two that as the manager of the firm, he sent a distress mission anywhere.

All are received first by Liston and will be assigned to the person who best suits them to handle.

This is his talent, a person with full scores for logistical ability, so Hongyan Office can rank in the top three in this lower city.

Shouldn't I be off work?"

Jiang Ran's brows furrowed slightly, looking at the sky outside that had begun to darken.

There was still some reluctance in my heart, and although I also had some interest in that demon, I didn't really want to go in my heart. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"We bounty hunters, only during the day is the time to rest." "

"In the future, you will have to stay up many nights with your sister." "

"Demons are not simple demons, of course, if you are scared to pee, I will consider not letting you go with you." "

Sequoia smiled charmingly, raised her eyebrows, and said to Jiang Ran with some demonstration.

And Jiang Ran didn't speak, just followed out like this.

Following Sequoia into a red SUV, the two hurried in the lane.

"Are you driving drunk?"

Smelling the smell of alcohol that had not yet dissipated on Sequoia's body, Jiang Ran couldn't help but ask.

Subconsciously, I also fastened my seat belt.

"Don't be afraid, my sister is most sober when she drinks. "

"Alcohol is a lot more sober. "

Sequoia smiled loudly, and she, who was already extremely fast, increased the throttle.

In this downtown nightfall, almost no one will choose to go out.

Most residents choose to stay at home obediently in the evening.

Jiang Ran couldn't help but sigh lightly, and looked at the night street for a long time.

About an hour passed before the two finally reached their destination.

This is a place in the lower town, similar to the red light district.

In the bright and green place, there is a decadence everywhere.

"There is even this kind of place in the lower town. "

Jiang Ran looked around, and there was also a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Originally, under his understanding, in the lower city of this dusk city, let alone play, even survival was very difficult.

"After all, they are desperate, and this is the only place for them to relax." "

"Almost all of the industries here are built by the Midtown and some merchants in the urban area, in order to squeeze out the last value of these people." "

"The lower town is brutal, and this coastal hotel offers special services to its guests, and there is a casino inside. "

"Demons are terrible, but humans are just as terrible. "

Sequoia smiled to himself and took the lead up the stairs of the hotel, and there were many people around him.

When walking up the stairs, Sequoia also began to explain the characteristics of the devils to Jiang Ran.

Demons are a special kind of demons, their own strength may not be strong, but their imitation power is very strong.

Their food is the human brain, and as long as it is a human who has been eaten by them, they can change into the form of that person.

And it also occupies all memories, there are almost no flaws, it is difficult to find.

Smells, looks, memories, habits are all the same, but as long as you slack.

These demons will show their sharp fangs and tear everything to pieces.

"Although they are only C-level demons, they are more terrifying than B-level demons. "。

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