"Because they are social creatures, there are a lot of demons in this lower city. "

"Even some demons will choose to follow the victim's memory and return to his family. "

"In one case, a demon lived with the human wife and children for twenty years before he was discovered. "

Sequoia's words made Jiang Ran a little creepy.

This is not because of how strong the strength of this demon is, but because the existence of this demon is too against the sky.

"Then if, a demon devours an S-class psychic. "

"Wouldn't it have all the power of this power?"

Jiang Ran was slightly startled, and suddenly thought of a very buggy idea.

If this is the case, then human beings will be very passive in the face of a demon alone.

"You think too much, but there is no way to distinguish the demon in the lower city." "

"At the entrance of the Midtown and the city, there is a way to distinguish the devil, and the demon can't enter at all. "

"Moreover, the monster who is a C-class demon can only absorb C-level superpowers at most. "

"So they pick the target of the action, and it has always been this downtown area." "

Sequoia shook his head and said to Jiang Ran with an understatement.

This demon is not strictly terrifying or difficult to deal with, but the main thing is that it is not easy to find.

But Sequoia also has its own way of distinguishing 447.

"Here, you wait, I'll go find the person in charge." "

"You are blessed this time, and the remuneration given by the people here is not low. "

"As an intern, you get a lot of it. "

Sequoia stretched and immediately walked in, starting to talk to a man like a manager.

Jiang Ran entered the hotel and began to investigate around, and the aura of demons around him continued to pour into Jiang Ran's senses.

His psychic powers can undoubtedly easily distinguish all scales.

Then his eyes turned to the manager who was talking to Sequoia.

Slowly walked over, heard the two were talking about the details of the work, Jiang Ran did not speak and slowly walked to the manager.


Jiang Ran was silent, and with a punch, the air around him seemed to be squeezed.

This punch hit the manager's face in an instant, and in an instant, the manager's face was hit hard.

The body flew out upside down, and this punch Jiang Ran did not use any exaggerated strength.

That is, slightly stronger than ordinary people's strength.

"What are you doing!" (CIFC)"

Sequoia was stunned slightly, he didn't expect Jiang Ran to hurt people so decisively.

Just as he was about to reprimand Jiang Ran, the manager who fell to the ground on the side instantly got up.

A little mist flickered under his body, and his face seemed to melt, and a small, ugly worm-like head appeared.


"Do you have a way to spot the demon?"

In the face of the appearance of the demon, Sequoia was not in any hurry, and was more concerned that Jiang Ran could find the demon.

This made Sequoia very incomprehensible.

"Part of it was guessing, I did sense something different about him. "

"And, I heard him bargaining with you, obviously not wanting you to get into it. "

"That's why I just gave it a try, and it's time for you to work." "

Jiang Ran shook his head and explained very calmly.

Before, he had sensed that this strange spiritual fluctuation was different from that of humans.

But he actually had more doubts in his heart, and when he heard this manager's bargaining, he could probably be convinced.

"So that's the case, I didn't expect ah, you are so calm and smart. "

"If you smile a lot, it seems to be quite handsome." "

Sequoia smiled, obviously very happy in the face of what Chu Ran said. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

At this time, the demon also rushed towards her, but was quickly caught by Sequoia.

A trace of red flame emanated from the palm of Sequoia, instantly burning the demon to ashes.

"I'll call Lao Li first and ask about the situation, after all, you can't do the work without receiving money." "

Sequoia took a small wine bottle from her waist, opened it and took a small sip.

Immediately dialed the phone, and in a few words he explained the situation to Liston.

"Tell me about my power, it's called the Red Lotus Demon King. "

"It is a transformation ability, but even if I don't change my body, I can use fifty percent of his power. "

"After the transformation, I can maintain for fifteen minutes, and my strength in these fifteen minutes is close to the S level. "

"When I didn't transform, I belonged to the A middle rank wanderer. "

"And I also have the help of the Red Lotus Karma Fire, which has a devastating blow to the demons and can heal itself. "

"Illusion and toxins also have no effect on me, and overall it is a very comprehensive power. "

"Tell me about you, after all, we will be partners for a long time. "

Sequoia drank the wine in the jug with a hearty smile on her face.

And Jiang Ran could also feel that the power in Sequoia's body seemed to be rising.

"My power is spiritual sublimation, and my innate spiritual power is stronger than ordinary people, and my spiritual power is doubled with the blessing of my power. "

"As long as it's about the use of mental power, I can do it. "

"Spiritual impact, spiritual illusion, detection illusion, spiritual enchantment, mental power. "

"Full marks in the martial arts section, full points in the firearms section, and full points in the cold soldier section. "

Jiang Ran nodded, and then began to introduce himself, and the genius with full marks in all items answered.

It was surprising that Sequoia almost didn't choke out a sip of wine, and that this kind of genius was not absorbed by Midtown.

"The reason I wasn't accepted in Midtown was because the military wanted to accommodate me. "

"So closed my access to Midtown. "

"I can also telepathize and detect, don't hold back my words. "

Jiang Ran sighed lightly and slowly said to Sequoia.

And Sequoia secretly scolded a pervert in his heart at this time, but then thought that Jiang Ran could also hear it, and his face immediately showed an apologetic look.

"Let's go, Lao Li said that he can still receive the money. "

"It seems that I have found a treasure this time, so let's start exploring in this hotel first." "

"Let's see how many demons we can catch. "

A smile appeared on Sequoia's face, and she stretched her fists and feet, already a little eager to try.

"No need to explore, I just opened the spiritual power enchantment, and I have probably grasped their positions. "

"It's mainly on the third floor, the fourth floor, and it's good that we go straight up. "

"On the first floor, I arranged a spiritual enchantment, and no one could pass through it. "。

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