The other half is either like Jiang Ran, the son of Shang Jia.

Either it's some civilians who were selected by the Guangtian Academy Palace because of their good talent.

But most of the people who may come to this Guangtian Academy Palace are not here for martial arts.

The journey of martial arts is extremely difficult, and many people should come here to make friends with powerful people from all over the world.

After all, the thoughts of civil and military attachés are different, and Luo Hao must have come to seriously study martial arts knowledge.

But the children of those civil officials are different, and they will definitely embark on a career in the future.

In the future, I will have to fight against all kinds of people in the officialdom, and I don't rely much on power.

On the contrary, Jiang Ran began to slowly absorb the knowledge he needed in this Guangtian Xue Palace.

After all, martial arts is the strength he relies on the most, and being able to rely on martial arts to gain strength is absolutely~ is what Jiang Ran wants most.

Many times, in some specific senses, Jiang Ran needs strength to hone himself.

Whether the study of martial arts in this world is so powerful is that Jiang Ran is not completely convinced, anyway, it is absolutely impossible - where will it be low.


A year later, Jiang Ran's talent began to emerge in the Guangtian Academy.

Those who did not obey Jiang He's orders had to hide their talents, and Jiang Ran had to develop his strength.

Start absorbing the knowledge you need as quickly as possible.

And in this year, Jiang Ran was also in this Guangtian School Palace, and began to learn the true meaning of martial arts.

What is the true meaning of martial arts, the true meaning of martial arts is the expansion of the fist, and it is the power that has the power of the fist to disperse.

Boxing, fist momentum, and fist intent are the same as the way of the sword, but the true power contained in it is more open and more domineering.

Two years later, Jiang Ran was only thirteen years old, and he had already learned martial arts martial arts.

The fist intent is monstrous, and under one punch, I am afraid that in the heyday, I can smash the mountains.

It's so powerful that it can directly destroy everything.

Three years later, Jiang Ran was already fourteen years old, and the strength of his body had been completely stimulated.

And he has stepped into the realm of grandmasters, and he is already a very powerful strength in the realm of grandmasters.

The comprehension of fist intent alone could allow Jiang Ran to have few opponents in the Grandmaster Realm without using sword intent and other powers.

Four years later, Jiang Ran began to read all the sword recipe cheats in the entire Guangtian Academy Palace.

Not only the artistic conception and moves of each sword technique, but also the sword intent were completely controlled by Jiang Ran.

This is his ultimate goal, and his great strength has been completely displayed directly at this time.

In the entire Guangtian School Palace, all the students felt a great pressure.

Because of Jiang Ran's strength, he has surpassed them too much.

And Jiang Ran's talent and hard work are even more than them.

A person who was obviously learning boxing suddenly came to learn swordsmanship.

And the talent is even stronger than boxing, and in just one year, he has already learned the first sword technique.

Moreover, the difficulty of this sword technique is not low in the Guangtian Academy Palace.

Not only that, but this strength alone can already surpass many people.

In terms of talent, it has attracted the attention of officials and even the royal family.

In this Tianwu Continent, there is no one who can have such a talent as Jiang Ran.

A fourteen-year-old Grandmaster Realm powerhouse, this future will definitely be able to step into the Martial Saint Realm.

This is the future of martial arts powerhouses that anyone wants to woo.

Xi Shuangguo cannot be regarded as a powerful country in this Tianwu Continent.

On the contrary, because in the Tianwu Continent, the position occupied by Xi Shuangguo is the most fertile part of the southern land.

The mountains and rivers are good, the land is good, and the people are even more abundant in food and clothing. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There are countless wealthy businessmen under it, and most of the industries in many countries are opened by businessmen from the two countries.

Therefore, the two countries are very strong, and the taxes under them can ensure the vast majority of their expenditures every year.

But this does not mean that Xi Shuangguo has no enemies, and the surrounding countries have great opinions about them.

If it weren't for the launch of a war, which required a lot of manpower and material resources, I am afraid that Xi Shuangguo would have been attacked long ago.

But even so, Xi Shuangguo's affairs have not been forgotten by everyone. []

It's just that there's no good chance to attack.

Because the combat power of Xi Shuangguo is not strong, there are only two Martial Saint Realm powerhouses in the country.

0 begging for flowers

Among other countries, there are at least three to five Martial Saint Realm powerhouses.

Xi Shuangguo, who attaches too much importance to business and civil officials, knows that this point is not good, so he began to look for talented young talents.

In the three university palaces in Xi Shuangguo, they are basically formed by the royal family of Xi Shuangguo.

Almost all of the people in it are members of the royal family, so at the beginning, as long as there is a very high talent.

will definitely be informed by the royal family of Xi Shuangguo, just like Jiang Ran now.

In the fifth year of coming to the Guangtian Academy, Jiang Ran, who had learned five different sword techniques, received a summons from the royal family.

And during the summons, Jiang Ran was asked to come directly with his father Jiang He.

After Jiang Heming, who was far away in the chivalrous town, learned about this incident, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Even in recent years, when he was in Xia Ke Town, he often went to Guangtian Academy Palace to visit Jiang Ran.

came and went, and even became familiar with the group of friends around Jiang Ran.

When he learned Luo Hao's identity, Jiang Heming was quite shocked.

Luo Hao's father is Luo Guangtian, the general of Xi Shuangguo, who is known as a martial saint powerhouse.

When he saw that the two of them called each other brothers and had a very good relationship, Jiang Heming was also very relieved.

And by Luo Hao's side, although those children are all ordinary people.

But Jiang Heming's eyes are so vicious, and at a glance, he can see that these people will not be idle people in the future.

After receiving a summons from the royal family, Jiang Heming also immediately asked people to prepare a carriage.

Starting to go to the Guangtian Academy Palace, he knew that Jiang Ran must have also received a summons.

We must meet Jiang Ran as soon as possible, and then rush to the royal city together.

Hurried overnight, and finally rushed to the Guangtian School Palace on the second day.

Jiang Ran also got the news early and waited for Jiang He's life at home.

After the father and son met, Jiang Hesheng did not rest, and directly got into the carriage and continued walking.

It was only on the sixth day that the two arrived together in the imperial city of Xi Shuangguo.

After arriving at the imperial city, Jiang Ran and Jiang He found their own inn to rest for the night.

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