"Then can you wait until I marry Jiang Ran first?"

Liu Wan'er still can't let go of it in her heart, what Liu Yan said is good, but where in her heart she doesn't know the danger of the Western battlefield.


Liu Yan's expression sank suddenly, although Jiang Ran was a genius, but for him, his heart must be more inclined to his daughter.

Jiang Ran's life and death on the battlefield now are unknown, how can Liu Wan'er marry Jiang Ran like this, what if Jiang Ran dies on the battlefield Liu Wan'er?

Should he let his daughter be a widow who has not passed through the door, he absolutely does not agree.

Liu Wan'er's eyes were red, and she was a little reluctant in her heart, but she knew that now that Liu Yanfa had such a temper, things would definitely not work.

"Don't say any more, put your marriage aside and wait until this war is over. "

Liu Yan opened his mouth and said, and in an instant, he said:

"Come in, take the Seventh Princess back to rest!"

As soon as Liu Yan gave the order, a group of internal guards had already walked in, and two of them had calm faces and hugged Liu Wan'er with a fist:

"Seventh Princess, please go back. "

Liu Wan'er was reluctant in her heart, but seeing that Liu Yan no longer paid attention to her side and began to deal with official business, Liu Wan'er knew that there was no room for maneuver in this matter, and she could only follow the two inner guards back to her palace.

However, early the next morning, Liu Wan'er had already come out of her bedroom.

She bypassed the guards in the palace with ease, and quickly came to the outside of the palace, and walked into the crowded street.

Seeing the dazzling streets, she must have been attracted to these things before, but now she didn't care about anything, and went straight to the Pony Mansion.

Someone in the Horse Mansion has already pulled the red satin, but it may be that the horse is going to go on the expedition, so the red silk is only half hung, and the plaque of the Horse Mansion has not been unveiled.

The door was also deserted, Liu Wan'er couldn't help but feel a little nervous in her heart, if her father knew what she wanted to do, she would definitely be furious.

But that's all, and there is generally no hesitation about what I have already decided to do.

Liu Wan'er knocked on the door of the Horse Mansion, the slave guarding the door opened a crack in the door, and saw that it was the princess outside, of course she was shocked, who didn't know that now the princess was preparing to marry Jiang Ran, and of course Lin Wan'er would be in charge of the Horse Mansion in the future, and now that the princess is here, she is naturally surprised.

"Hello Seventh Princess, the little one is far away, I'll go and inform the horse master immediately......"

Before the slave guarding the door finished speaking, Liu Wan'er hurriedly spoke:

"No, you just stay here, I'll go see him myself. "

The slave naturally didn't dare to refute, and let Liu Wan'er in.

Liu Wan'er was also a little curious about what Jiang Ran was usually like.

She walked to Jiang Ran's room, Jiang Ran's courtyard door was hidden, and quietly opened the courtyard door, Liu Wan'er saw Jiang Ran standing in the courtyard with a sword without any movement, as if she was asleep.

Liu Wan'er was a little curious, and she didn't know what Jiang Ran was doing now.

She approached Jiang Ran, and after looking at Jiang Ran's face, she couldn't help but be a little stunned.

It is the person who thinks about it day and night, and now it is in front of him, so real.

Liu Wan'er's heart for no reason was the scene of herself and Jiang Ran facing each other on the same bed, and her face suddenly turned rosy.

She quickly shook her head and threw the thought out of her mind.

Soon, such a thought came to her mind again, and the roots of her ears were already flushed, wondering how she could think of such a thing.

But after a while, Liu Wan'er couldn't help it after all, and brought her face closer to Jiang Ran, as Jiang Ran's face got closer and closer, Liu Wan'er felt that her heart was beating faster and faster.

Now that she has felt Jiang Ran's breath, she can't help but stretch out her hand, wanting to touch Jiang Ran's face.

"What are you doing? "

Jiang Ran's voice suddenly sounded, Liu Wan'er's hand froze in mid-air, her face turned red, and she suddenly quarreled in her heart, thinking why she was so stupid, why did she suddenly have such an idea. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time, Jiang Ran had already opened his eyes and looked at Liu Wan'er, who was at a loss and in a hurry.

From the time Liu Wan'er entered her room, she already knew that Liu Wan'er was already here.

Now he has begun to comprehend the Dao, so every morning when he gets up, there will be such a time, he originally saw that Liu Wan'er didn't want to disturb himself and didn't plan to wake up from the state of the Dao of Enlightenment, but he didn't expect that Liu Wan'er was planning to attack him, so he had to speak.

0 begging for flowers

Although Liu Wan'er is nominally her fiancée, she has never been to the door after all, and this behavior is still too intimate. []

"No, it's not, it's not what you think, it's ......"

Liu Wan'er's helplessness was uniformly expressed from her mouth.

Jiang Ran took a step back without a trace, he didn't recommend a political marriage, but judging from the current situation, maybe Xi Shuangguo might not be able to stay for too long, after all, the upper limit of Xi Shuangguo was there.

He already knew from other people's descriptions of the martial saints of this country that the strength of the martial saints here might not be very strong, and it was completely insufficient for Jiang Ran.

But Jiang Ran can feel that this world is far more than that, and Xi Shuangguo will have to leave sooner or later.

And if the girl in front of him, Jiang Ran, is leaving, she will naturally not delay others, for him, more than ten lives have passed, what kind of beauty has not been seen, women are a matter of sharing energy after all, and now he basically doesn't care about these things.

After a while, Liu Wan'er finally calmed down, and she didn't forget the purpose of her coming here today.

"Jiang Ran, our marriage contract hasn't been annulled, right?"

"Naturally, as long as I'm alive. "

Jiang Ran spoke, his expression extremely firm at this moment.

Although he doesn't mind or care about political marriages, as long as it is Jiang Ran's nominal woman, it will definitely not make her sad.

Jiang Ran can see that Liu Wan'er now has her own careful thoughts, and if she has grievances, he doesn't mind making a move.

"That's good. "

After hearing Jiang Ran's answer, Liu Wan'er's eyebrows were crooked.

Then she sorted out her mood, took a breath, and said:

"Jiang Ran, let's get married tonight, I don't want to wait for you to come back from the war. "

Jiang Ran couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when she heard this, she didn't expect Liu Wan'er to actually say such a thing.

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