"Don't say more, if you want to fight, I Chen Huang will not let go of any soldier. "

Chen Huang roared, pouring out his anger and the guilt he had just felt because of the slightest wavering he had just had.

"That's a shame, so let me see what kind of confidence you have to say such things. "

The old man sighed and waved his hand, and the Nine Wheels of Yao Sun no longer lingered, but rushed towards Chen Huang~.


Chen Huang opened his mouth and roared, the purple light became extremely brilliant at this moment, emitting a shining light in the air, and with every punch, a round of dawn in the sky would turn into nothingness.

But the sun was soon born in the same place, and the temperature was even better than the last one.

The terrifying heat turned the entire castle into purgatory, and the stone wall closest to the dawn was already burned red and melted.

The sweat of the crowd because of this terrifying heat had already evaporated the moment it came out.

"Let's go, this situation can't last long now, and the battle at the Martial Saint level is not something we can participate in. "

The adjutant was already organizing the evacuation of the soldiers, and it should be said that he was the only person in the castle who knew that Chen Huang's life was not long in the world, except for Jiang Ran.

Although Chen Huang was holding on, he didn't plan for the worst.

When an irrepressible situation arises, it is time for the adjutant to step up and command the soldiers.

"General, he won't lose!"

There were soldiers roaring.

The adjutant was a little silent, although he knew that Chen Huang couldn't hold much anymore, he couldn't speak.

"This is not a battlefield, this is in our castle, the martial saint on the opposite side can exert his strength without scruples, but General Chen Huang has to care about you, and now we are here to affect General Chen Huang's performance. "

At this moment, Jiang Ran's voice came from the side, and I saw that Jiang Ran was walking over with Li Ji, and his face did not show any mood fluctuations under the red light.

The adjutant looked at Jiang Ran gratefully, and now in this situation, it is natural to withdraw early, and the sooner it is, the loss can be minimized.

When the others heard this, their minds immediately changed.

Yes, they will indeed hinder Chen Huang's performance here, so it is better to quit.

After Jiang Ran said this, the thoughts in the hearts of the people suddenly changed, and they took the initiative to start an orderly evacuation.

Jiang Ran walked at the back, watching the others evacuate one by one, and then he took one last look at the sky.

At this time, the purple light in the sky was still strong, although it was suppressed by the crimson light, at least in the eyes of those who watched the battle, there was no decline.

However, Jiang Ran knew that this was the last brilliance of the fireworks, he took a deep look at the sky, now he was only a grandmaster powerhouse after all, and he had no chance to participate in this kind of martial saint-level life-and-death battle.

What he once said was not fulfilled after all, but only now.

"Not anymore. "

Jiang Ran was contemplative.

"Senior Brother Jiang, let's go!"

Li Ji shouted at the city gate, Jiang Ran nodded, and walked out of the city gate, behind him, there was an empty city.

Only the terrifying loud noise in the sky, the howls of the birds still resounded.

In the sky, everyone can no longer see the scene.

"I didn't expect that even if this is the case, you will be able to support it for so long, I want to ask, is it really worth it?"

The old man squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Huang, who was already scarred on the other side, his life was burning, and in the face of the nine rounds of dawn that were constantly impacting him, he kept swinging his fist, the purple light in the sky was flickering, and in a trance, something seemed to be waking up.

"Chen Huang, I know you, when I was in the Holy Land, I already knew about you, you are known as the breeder of the strongest thunder path in the ages, I don't know what the reason was for leaving the Holy Land, and now I live in this place, look at your current appearance, it's really a pity. "

The old man looked at Chen Huang's appearance and sighed a little, if he wanted to say that he didn't respect Chen Huang, he felt that he had given him the greatest respect, but Chen Huang himself was crazy to let his life burn, even if he was the first martial saint in heaven and earth, the great sage of the Dao of specialized cultivators couldn't save him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Heh, if you break into my border and fight between mortals, you have already violated the rules of the Holy Land, do you think you will be better?"

Chen Huang has been holding on, and after hearing the old man's words, he reluctantly spoke.

"It seems that you are a frog at the bottom of the well after all, and in your eyes do you really think that our Majesty's goal is only to expand the land of our country? "

The old man shook his head.

Chen Huang's pupils shrank, and when he heard such words, he couldn't help but have a terrible thought in his heart. []

"Don't you ......?"

"What about talking to you? It's just not a dying man, the holy place is no longer what it used to be. Or that they are no longer worthy of being a holy land, and our majesty wants to change the heavens and the earth and recast the holy land!"

The old man's face became fanatical, and the nine suns around him roared in the air, and the old man's entire avenue was beating with the emotions of his master.

"Impossible, the Holy Land is the strongest ...... in the world"

Chen Huang's strength had stagnated a little, and he had not forgotten the strength of the Holy Land at the beginning.

"That's right, so you can't let his family dominate, can you?"

The old man shook his head and looked at Chen Huang with a bit of pity in his eyes.

"After all, it is just a frog at the bottom of a well living in a corner, and I don't know the grand ambition in the heart of His Majesty.

You are almost the same, rest assured, on the day you fall, the entire Frost and Snow Country will also sink, and people will remember the day you died.

And soon, Xi Shuangguo will also go to meet you below. "

The old man spread his hands as if to embrace the sky.

The light of the nine suns in the sky stopped at this moment, and the light gradually condensed and began to condense.

In the end, Chen Huang was presented with nine birds burning with fierce flames.

They have different forms, using flames as their feathers, and their eyes seem to be delirious, looking at Chen Huang's eyes, there is pity, anger, and sadness.

But it was at this time that the heat of the pour poured down in the air and fell on the castle.

The hard walls of the castle and the buildings of the castle began to melt, and in the blink of an eye, the entire castle had been transformed into a lava city.

Chen Huang roared, and in the purple light behind him, there was also a terrifying roar.


A terrifying thunderclap resounded in the heavens and the earth.

In the purple light, there seemed to be a fierce beast shadow roaring up.

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