"It's a pity, if I give you back a period of time, after your Dao has been transformed, maybe I am not your opponent, and now you ......"

There was pity in the old man's words, but there was still indifference in his eyes.

His hand waved softly in the air.

The wings of the birds in the sky immediately danced, and they pounced on the illusory purple beast behind Chen Huang.

The beast waved its giant palm and sank the bird from the sky, but in the next second, it encountered an even more violent impact after the bird was reborn.

Time passed minute by minute, and the beast was tired after all, I don't know when, a bird's beak fell on the beast's body, and suddenly a piece of the beast's body was missing, as if it was torn off by the bird.

The beast was even more violent, but that was all, with the fall of the first time, more birds "four four zeros" left traces on the beast's body.

In the end, the entire beast had been eaten away by nine birds.

And Chen Huang At this moment, his life has completely come to an end.

In his eyes, the light had completely disappeared, and the purple light around him was also gone.

His stiff body was about to fall from the sky, but was caught by one of the nine birds.

It was swallowed by a bird in one bite.

The bird nodded in satisfaction and flew around happily.

"Very well, the next thing is to find the guy in the group who killed Lig. "

The old man nodded after seeing Chen Huang's complete death, and was about to leave the castle that had been turned into a lava city.

"Gulicas, you're overstepping. "

At this moment, a white light flashed in the sky, and in front of the old man, a light man with a white light flashing all over his body appeared.

The light man looked at the old man coldly, and under these words, there was hidden anger.

"Enforcers? I don't know what I'm going to do. "

The old man spread his hands and said with a smile.

"Right and wrong, you have your own decision in your heart, according to the rules, you will suffer a year of empty punishment. "

"Tsk, you're coming a little fast, my business isn't done yet. "

The old man known as Gulkath was a little sorry, although he killed a martial saint, his main purpose was not completed.

The main reason is that Chen Huang's tenacity is a bit beyond his expectations, obviously his body is already like a candle in the wind, but he can still support it for so long.

"What, you want to resist the law?"

The law enforcer said coldly.

"Of course I don't dare, I naturally have to abide by the rules set by the Holy Land, but I still have a few words to report to Your Majesty, can you give me a few days? "

Gulkas was a little helpless.

"You have power, but in view of your bad behavior, I will be on the sidelines. "

"Alas, okay, okay, why don't you just give me a ride. "

Gulkas was even more helpless.

"But, where's the location?"

The corners of Gullicus's mouth curled up and he spoke:

"The capital of the Frost and Snow Country. "

The face of the law enforcer Gu Jing Bubo finally showed a trace of fluctuation.


Jiang Ran and his entourage, when they went to the next town, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

The army was mighty, and the hearts of the group were heavy.

From the next morning, everyone was silent, and the hope in their hearts was completely shattered.

Everyone knows that Chen Huang has not appeared for so long, and there must be a little problem in the battle situation.

However, everyone didn't dare to approach that city, after all, the aftermath of the battle between the martial saints was no joke. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This town was also a little shocked when it saw the mighty army, and everyone knew that at this time the barbarians in the west were violating the border.

Now it's time for such a large force to withdraw to the city closest to the frontier city.

The terrible thought in the minds of most of the population is that the border is already occupied by the enemy.

And when the adjutant found the lord of this town, the lord's temples were white and trembling.

"Master Jun, I don't know what you are looking for me......

"Old man, now your city may be run over by the army of the neighboring country, hurry up, gather your men and retreat. "

The adjutant's eyes were a little helpless, and he didn't know why this city lord was so old.

After hearing this, the city lord trembled even more, and after bending down and nodding, he immediately ran out of the room and ran as fast as he could0 ...

"I really don't know if this city lord is weak, or what. "

The adjutant shook his head and set his eyes on Jiang Ran on the side.

"Jiang Ran, you can go back later, bring the news from here back to the capital, by the way, this is the general, I asked me to give it to you, I originally wanted to wait for you when you left the castle this morning, but now there is no way to do it. "

The adjutant still hadn't forgotten what the city lord had entrusted him with before.

Jiang Ran's genius is the hope of their two countries, not to suffer in the border war, but to go to the holy place where people who practice martial arts in the world most yearn for further study.

Jiang Ran looked at Chen Huang's seal that fell on the letter, and was a little silent, but he still took the letter.

"Get out of here, the capital needs news here, and don't forget what the general said to you. "

The adjutant nodded and told Jiang Ran again.

Jiang Ran nodded, and soon, not long after, he was already on horseback, and he was far away in the nostalgic gaze of Li Ji and others.

Although he wanted to be responsible for what he said to Chen Huang at the beginning, now he knew that his ability was not enough, and he needed to become stronger.

With such a mood, Jiang Ran finally returned to the capital after a few days of traveling.

Seeing that the capital was still full of people, and the people who still didn't know about the border 4.6, Jiang Ran's heart was not a taste.

Soon, his return was reported layer by layer, and soon it reached Liu Yan's ears.

And after Liu Yan heard that there was a front-line battle report, he immediately summoned Jiang Ran.

After seeing Jiang Ran, Liu Yan's face was a little dull, after all, he wanted Jiang Ran to stay at the border before, and now that Jiang Ran is back, he is naturally dissatisfied.

"Jiang Ran, what kind of battle report did you bring when you came back, and what kind of battle report did you actually ask a grandmaster to report?"

Liu Yan asked.

"Back to Your Majesty, the border has been defeated, the army has retreated, and the border city has been reduced to ruins. "

Jiang Ran looked at Liu Yan's appearance, and he didn't know why a wave of anger rose in his heart.

"What? What about Chen Huang? He promised me that he would defend the border. "。

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