And Jiang Ran is the transformation completed like this?

However, Jiang Ran doesn't need to lie to himself, maybe the other party's small world is relatively small.

Zhou Ju didn't say much, and said:

"If you know it yourself, then I'll announce it now. "

"Please. "

Jiang Ran nodded.

Zhou Ju also nodded, and then it rose into the air, and the sound was like thunder, spreading throughout the entire periphery of the Holy Land in the sky.

"Tomorrow, Jiang Ran Wusheng will open the altar to teach, if you want to listen to the Tao tomorrow, come to the law enforcement building at noon!"

This voice immediately alarmed countless grandmasters.

They were boiling all of a sudden.

"WOC, Jiang Ran Martial Saint is going to give a lecture?"

"To be able to hear Jiang Ran's martial saint's rules, Sansheng is lucky!"

"I will never" 237 "I will never forget the sword path that Jiang Ran Wusheng unfolded when he preached the Tao that day, that sword, is my unchanging belief in this life!"

"Jiang Ran Martial Saint, give you a chance, I'll give you a monkey!"


"Haha, it looks like you've become their idol. "

Zhou Ju fell beside Jiang Ran and teased.

Although Jiang Ran has already experienced so many worlds, but for him, it is still full of black lines, if he has just perceived it well, the woman who said that she gave birth to a monkey is also close to the age of sixteen this year, although this is already the strongest age for the grandmaster, but you must know that Jiang Ran is only fifteen years old this year!

Jiang Ran knew that after he fought against Zhu Chen some time ago, the information had already been leaked.

How did this person say that?

Zhou Ju also smiled dumbly, Jiang Ran always looked light, and it was interesting to see him like this now.

"Alright, you can get ready, let the entrance to your little world stop at the entrance to the interior of the Holy Land, you can't disappoint your fans. "

After Zhou Ju finished speaking, the entire illusory figure had gradually dissipated.

Jiang Ran nodded, he naturally really wanted to teach the Dao, of course, for him, what the Grandmaster could hear was still limited, and he still had to work hard to develop the Dao of the Sword in depth in a limited time.

Soon he also returned to his own small world, and after moving his small world to the entrance of the inner part of the holy land, Jiang Ran did some processing of some sword intent on the periphery.

If Jiang Ran didn't deal with the sword intent he had laid on the periphery, he was afraid that these grandmasters would be stirred into pulp by the sword intent when they entered their own small world.

After doing all this, Jiang Ran returned to the platform he made, and thought carefully about what he was going to tell tomorrow.

Soon, time passed, and the next day's afternoon had arrived, Zhou Ju stood at the entrance of the holy land, resisting the crowds of sect masters in front of him, and was faintly surprised in his heart, he didn't expect Jiang Ran's influence to be so great, and he could attract so many people.

It would be understandable if a veteran martial saint powerhouse had such an appeal, but Jiang Ran was able to attract so many people just after being promoted to a martial saint, which was more or less impressive.

Of course, this is also partly related to Jiang Ran's comprehension of the Tao, Jiang Ran's comprehension is the way of the sword, and all the grandmasters here have basically been exposed to this weapon when they are practicing martial arts, and it is universal.

And some Dao, such as the Illusion Dao that Zhu Chen had comprehended before, if he opened a Dao altar, I am afraid that not many people would come, after all, there are too few people who study the Illusion Realm.

After reaching this time, Zhou Ju opened the prohibition on the internal entrance to the holy place behind him.

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon, enter the dojo!"

The sound was like thunder, falling into the ears of every grandmaster present, these grandmasters were immediately boiling, for them, since they heard the news yesterday, they have been looking forward to this thing, and now that they can enter it, they are naturally extremely excited.

And Qi Yuji was also in the crowd at this moment, her eyes were complicated.

Although she knew that Jiang Ran would soon be able to be promoted to Martial Saint, it was only a few months before Jiang Ran had already completed a breakthrough that others could not complete in their lives, and there was a little unreal in her heart, and there were also a few different feelings. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She was more able to understand the gap between herself and Jiang Ran, and she couldn't help biting her lip with her teeth, removing the strange feelings that had already existed in her heart.

Qi Yuji knew that he was already a person who was not from the same world as Jiang Ran, and although Jiang Ran was only a person from a small country, his talent was destined to make him an existence that would attract the attention of the whole world0 ...

Qi Yuji couldn't help but remember what he said to Jiang Ran at the beginning, and wanted Jiang Ran to talk to him about the payment, but Jiang Ran didn't come to find him after so many days.

Has he forgotten himself?

Although Qi Yuji was already trying to eliminate the strange emotions in his heart, some strange thoughts still kept surging.

And at this moment, a group of people had already entered Jiang Ran's small world through the entrance inside the Holy Land.

As soon as they entered it, everyone already felt a strong sword intent.

A weaker grandmaster like Qi Yuji trembled in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel shocked and afraid.

This sword intent was too strong for them, and they couldn't help but feel an irresistible feeling in their hearts.

It took a long time for them to come back to their senses and look around. []

That's when they saw the scene around them.

This is a wasteland, or even a wasteland, which is a bit too modest, after all, there is not a single tree in this land.

The strong sword intent is present in every inch of land.

And on top of these lands is a rough sword blank.

"This is a meteorite?

Someone had already discovered the material of these sword 3.8 blanks, and couldn't help but exclaim, and Qi Yuji couldn't help but look at these sword blanks.

Meteorite is an alien object, and since the original Lord of the Holy Land between heaven and earth turned into the Tianyuan Tree, there has been no meteorite falling on the ground.

Although the Martial Saint is able to take meteorites from the void, it has not gone through the process of colliding with the world barrier, so it cannot be called a meteorite at all.

It's not that meteorite is a top-notch forging material, but because the weapons forged from meteorite iron are basically handed down from the distant past, they are very rare.

Qi Yuji's previous Frost and Snow Country should be the country with the largest reserves of meteorite iron in the world, she naturally used weapons made of meteorite iron, and now when she sees these blades, she can naturally confirm that this is indeed a genuine meteorite iron.

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