If he could, Luo Xuan would have wanted to escape to the outer door.

"Don't fall behind in cultivation, wait until your strength is strong."

"The respect you deserve will come and go."

Jiang Ran said and walked outside.

This is Luo Xuan's yard, and it is not appropriate for him to stay for a long time.

Luo Xuan lay on the stone table, looked at the door quietly like this, and sighed softly.


Four months passed gradually.

In the past four months, the time spent between Luo Xuan and Jiang Ran has also increased a lot.

On weekdays, you can often see the two talking and laughing together.

Luo Sicheng occasionally came to find trouble twice, but because Jiang Ran was there.

He didn't dare to go too far, just like in his previous life, he begged for a little effort and left.

As time passed, Jiang Ran's talent began to be gradually excavated.

In the past four months, the bones contained in Jiang Ran's body have reached fifty-three.

It was not far from Xiaocheng of the Bone Refining Realm, and Jiang Ran's current strength was definitely exaggerated.

In the Guiyuan refining method, the third layer of spleen refining is achieved.

Although the progress was slow and the pain was huge, Jiang Ran was still separated by three and five, and he was happy to accept such pain.

After all, after every pain, it was an opportunity to increase the strength of Jiang Ran's physical body.

The main blood vein of the heart is the general hub of the blood veins of the whole body.

The main liver dredges and deflats, which can regulate qi and blood and spirit.

The main movement of the spleen, which promotes the absorption and distribution of nutrients in the flesh, is the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and is also called the acquired root.

Kidney essence can regulate the metabolism of qi and blood and human water, and help the circulation of qi and blood more smoothly.

The main qi and breathing of the lungs are the place where the human body gas is exchanged, and it can promote qi and blood throughout the body to warm the skin of the muscles.

This is the energy contained in the internal organs of the human body.

It is also the final strength of the Guiyuan refining method, according to the interpretation of the Guiyuan refining method.

If the heart is also completely refined in the end, I am afraid that it is not far from the realm of blood refining.

And Jiang Ran has only reached the third layer at present, and the existing strength has already exceeded three thousand catties of strength.

It's a lot stronger than a tiger's boxing power.

It can be said that Jiang Ran now definitely has the ability to slap a big bear to death.

In these four months, Luo Xuan, who had cultivated with Jiang Ran, had also gone from the Great Completion of Skin Refining to the Perfection Realm of Skin Refining.

After the qi and blood in the body sent the medicine to Luofu, it had immediately stimulated the qi and blood in the body.

This really made Jiang Ran envious last month, and even Luo Xuan, who was not favored and valued, had such treatment.

If this is the most favored person in the family, I don't know what kind of treatment it has.

I am afraid that it is the gathering of the power of an entire family to cultivate a person.

"Jiang Ran, are you going home today?"

"That hawthorn cake you brought back last month, can you buy me some of it?"

Jiang Ran was meditating, and Luo Xuan, who was idle on the side, lowered his body and asked Jiang Ran.

After all, she is still a little girl, and her heart is still a child.

Luo Xuan couldn't easily run out of Luo Mansion, otherwise he would be severely punished.

And Jiang Ran is different, he is a house slave himself, and every month is a time to rest.

After getting permission, you can go back to your home and walk around town.

When Jiang Ran rests every month, I am afraid that Luo Xuan is most looking forward to it.

Because every time, Jiang Ran would bring back a lot of snacks from the market.

"Okay, then can you go to cultivation now."

"Or don't come and disturb my cultivation, it's going to be a big competition next month."

"You're not worried at all."

Jiang Ran showed some wry smiles, looked at Luo Xuan in front of him, and couldn't help but complain.

Although for him, Dabi is nothing at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that now the entire Martial Hall except for Luo Yuan, the head of the sect.

Jiang Ran didn't think he would lose to anyone.

"It's cultivation every day... Why do you like cultivation so much..."

Luo Xuan sighed lightly, knowing that Jiang Ran was a little unhappy.

Afraid that Jiang Ran would not bring her good food, she still chose to sit next to Jiang Ran.

Quietly began to cultivate, and Jiang Ran quickly entered the meditation.

In the distance, in an attic, Luo Sicheng, who was watching the two meditating, had some hatred in his eyes.

During this time, he and his classmates were not Jiang Ran's opponents at all.

Not to mention that it was his follower, even he didn't dare to make a move with Jiang Ran.

In the past few months, many inner gate elders have sent people to contact Jiang Ran.

Among them, there are many branches that have some bad relations with his lineage.

The power struggle in the inner door of the Luo family is very powerful, and Luo Sicheng's face is red and swollen at the moment.

He had just gone to the inner gate and was well educated by his own eldest brother.

Because he had neither repaired Luo Xuan nor brought Jiang Ran over.

The red and swollen look on his face made Luo Sicheng look very embarrassed, but it also made the attendants behind him a little afraid.

"Young Master, I know there is a way."

Just as Luo Sicheng's face became more and more gloomy, a follower stepped forward.

A little cautiously said to Luo Sicheng.

"Oh? Do you know how to win over Jiang Ran? "

Luo Sicheng's eyes lit up slightly, and he looked at his follower.

It's hard to imagine that in his previous life, Jiang Ran, who was troubled by the children of the family even by looking at it.

In this life, it has become the existence that the children of these families want to woo.

This is the benefit of talent and strength, although Jiang Ran's strength is still at the bottom.

But what about the future, ten years from now, twenty years from now?

Whether they will become some of the strongest in Luo Mansion, no one can say.

During this time, he Luo Sicheng did not make any action, but Jiang Ran seemed to have an opinion about him.

Whether it is exercises or elixirs that enhance physical fitness, they are not accepted.

On the contrary, some benefits sent by other elders, but Jiang Ran accepted some of them.

This made Luo Sicheng very anxious in his heart, to say that to destroy Jiang Ran, the people in the inner door did not want to make a move because of face.

Only the people from the outer door came, but even if they were tied together, they couldn't beat Jiang Ran.

"That, young master, my method is not to win over Jiang Ran..."

The attendant was slightly startled, his eyes were a little dodgy, and he said hesitantly.

"That Jiang Ran will go out once a month, we may be able to take this opportunity."

"Follow the meaning of the eldest young master, and then take care of the one..."

Seeing that Luo Sicheng's face began to become gloomy again, this follower immediately opened his mouth to explain.

Anyway, it was not easy to win over Jiang Ran, and Luo Sicheng also fell into thinking at this time.

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