Luo Sicheng's mind remembered the picture of his eldest brother reprimanding him.

That kind of look at yourself with the same eyes as if you were looking at waste.

Loudly scolding himself for achieving nothing, and he could not please the people on the Second Elder's side.

It was also impossible to draw Jiang Ran into his own faction.

Waste that even a house slave cannot convince.

Thinking of this, Luo Sicheng's eyes showed a touch of resentment.

Yes, Jiang Ran is just a house slave.

He can be regarded as a young master of a family, although he is not favored, although there are dozens of young masters like him in Luo Mansion!

But in terms of status and status, the gap between him and Jiang Ran is not a star and a half!

"You, go and see Jiang Ran, as long as Jiang Ran goes out."

"Just come back and notify me immediately."

A cold glint flashed in Luo Sicheng's eyes, he had already decided.

Two things, he must do one, and he must also make his eldest brother satisfied.

Since it is obviously impossible to win over Jiang Ran, then teach Luo Xuan a good lesson.

Let your faction be closer to the Second Elder faction, so that you can.


On the other side, Jiang Ran didn't know what Luo Sicheng was looking at.

Today, he still took permission to leave Luo Mansion early.

After going back, I stayed at home for a meal, so I bought some food that Luo Xuan liked to eat and planned to go back.

And in Luo Xuan's courtyard, what Jiang Ran didn't know was that Luo Sicheng's attendants had all entered.

Five or six followers of the realm of refining skins were surrounding the small courtyard at the same time.

Luo Xuan also felt that something was wrong, and it was too late to escape.

"What are you going to do, who allowed you in?"

Looking at the menacing people in front of him, Luo Xuan slowly touched the soft sword on his waist.

Luo Xuan, who had always been a little weak, if he had faced this kind of thing before.

I'm afraid I have already begun to tremble with fear, but these times, I have been with Jiang Ran.

Luo Xuan gradually began to yearn for Jiang Ran's temperament, which is not a favorite between men and women, and has not yet been achieved.

It's just that Luo Xuan is envious, envious of Jiang Ran's unwilling to be inferior to his fate, and that indomitable momentum.

"You're still stunned, don't hurry up yet."

"Are you still waiting for me to come?"

Luo Sicheng's voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and he stepped into the threshold.

Luo Sicheng, who looked indifferent, just glanced at Luo Xuan, and his eyes were full of contempt.

In Luo Fu, a family with a hierarchical system.

The medicine slave is the lowest, followed by the guard house slave.

After that, the low-level one was like Luo Xuan, a child born of a handmaid.

"Yes, Young Master Luo."

Several people looked at each other, and with Luo Sicheng as their backing, they also had more confidence in their hearts.

The other party was not necessarily much more noble than himself, and several people rushed towards Luo Xuan immediately.


Luo Xuan did not hesitate and pulled out the soft sword at his waist.

A crisp sword sound sounded, and the soft sword in Luo Xuan's hand was ethereal and invisible, and it could be both stabbed and cut.

The number of sword moves is extremely special, not frontal and rigid, and constantly relies on body skills to move.

In just a few moves, these doglegs who were only one realm away from her could not get close to Luo Xuan within three feet.

"Swimming Water Sword Technique?"

Luo Sicheng looked at Luo Xuan's sword technique, and his brows furrowed slightly.

But he didn't make a move, just watched quietly like this, this set of sword techniques is also good in Luo Mansion.

The attack method is accurate and vicious, so that it can be unexpected, but Luo Xuan obviously left his hand everywhere.

However, it was not just Luo Xuan who left his hand.

Even Luo Sicheng's four dog legs have left hands, and they have no weapons in their hands.

Get too close, one is afraid of being injured, and the second is afraid that if they really hurt Luo Xuan, they will also be punished.

People who can mix in the martial arts hall basically have their own careful thoughts.

Gradually, dozens of moves passed, and some beads of sweat appeared on Luo Xuan's forehead.

Although her moves are peculiar, making several people unpredictable, it is also a pair of four people facing one person.

It doesn't matter if the time is short, as long as the time is long, Luo Xuan's physical strength will begin to bottom.

And Luo Sicheng also saw the opportunity at this time and took a step forward.

Flying into the air, he slapped his palm towards Luo Xuan.


Luo Xuan collected his sword and shot back with a palm.

A gust of wind spread out from the palms of the two in all directions.

"Knock knock!"

Luo Xuan took five steps back in a row, while Luo Sicheng only took two steps back.

When the two initially clashed, although it was just a trial, Luo Xuan had already determined that he could not be Luo Sicheng's opponent.

Luo Xuan's current realm is complete in refining skin, and he is only one step away from the bone refining realm.

Luo Sicheng, on the other hand, is fast refining his bones, and there is indeed some gap in strength.

"A bunch of trash, I asked you to do something, you can't do it!"

"When I get back, I'll clean you up!"

Luo Sicheng looked at the four people behind him, snorted coldly, and the ruthlessness in the young man's eyes was displayed.

The four house slaves behind him, who were several years older than him, couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Luo Sicheng, what are you going to do?"

"You are a violation of the house rules like this, and you will be punished by the family at that time."

Luo Xuan's face showed a little fear, and Luo Sicheng in front of him.

Let her recall that when she was a child, the treatment in Luo Mansion, as long as it was a surname Luo, could bully her.

Robbing her things, and then bullying her, Luo Xuan didn't even have a place to complain.

At this time, the warning, even Luo Xuan knew that it was just a verbal warning.

There is no place in the entire Luo Mansion where she can complain about the young lady born of a maid.

No one in the entire Luo Mansion could help her, and no one could afford to look at her.

"Be a human being by yourself, when you become strong."

"Do those who are weaker than you dare to bully you?"

At this time, Luo Xuan recalled in her mind what Jiang Ran said to her at the beginning.

The cowardice in his eyes dissipated a little, and the expression on his face began to become firm.

"yes, or I'm not good enough."

"The reason why Luo Sicheng didn't dare to bully Jiang Ran was not because Jiang Ran was stronger than him."

Luo Xuan looked at the soft sword in his hand and began to mumble.

"Hmph, what are you talking to yourself there."

"Don't move, it's enough for me to break your sword-holding hand today."

"Just so that you can't pass Dabi, let the clan send you to a remote corner."

Seeing Luo Xuan muttering with his head down, Luo Sicheng didn't care, just sneered, and was about to make a move when a voice suddenly came to mind.

"Then I'll break one of your arms too."

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