Jiang Ran stepped in, and his indifferent voice made the backbones of those attendants immediately light up.

Turned his head to look at Jiang Ran, obviously a person with the same identity.

But the four people faced Jiang Ran in front of them, but they felt a trace of fear.

It comes from instinct, from the low strength, from the awe that exists in the face of the strong person itself.

Luo Sicheng's face began to gradually become ugly, not because he was afraid.

Instead, he felt humiliated, and it was enough for him to survive in the shadow of his own big brother in the inner gate.

Seeing that even a house slave dared to threaten him, Luo Sicheng's inner anger began to rise wildly.

He had already made a plan, since he couldn't win over Jiang Ran.

Then directly kill Jiang Ran, directly slaughter this guy in front of him, and cut off his idea of a martial path.

So that Jiang Ran in front of him could not join any faction.

I also don't get a reward, but at least I won't get scolded.

"Damn, you house slave, this slave thing."

"Dare to say such things to Lao Tzu?"

"Lao Tzu will abolish you today and let you cut off the idea of a path of martial arts!"

Luo Sicheng slowly pulled out the long sword at his waist, and when the long sword was drawn from the scabbard on his waist.

The crisp sound of the blade slicing in the scabbard is extremely pleasant.

The cold glow constantly flickered around when the sun shone on the blade.


Jiang Ran didn't say any nonsense, and his body muscles instantly burst out with extreme strength.

The ground under his feet instantly cracked several inches, and Jiang Ran's figure disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had already crossed the distance of about ten meters between him and Luo Sicheng.

Luo Sicheng's pupils trembled violently, and fear began to spread in his eyes.

Just as he was about to swing his sword towards Jiang Ran, Jiang Ran took the lead.

The right hand directly held Luo Sicheng's wrist.



With a bone cracking sound, Luo Sicheng's face instantly turned pale, and a wail followed.

But this wail was directly cut off by Jiang Ran halfway.

"I should have given you many hints."

"Don't come and provoke me."

A cold gleam flashed in Jiang Ran's eyes, and the qi and blood in his body completely burst out in an instant.

The overwhelming power of qi and blood turned into substantial blood qi condensed behind Jiang Ran.


With the sound of qi and blood roaring, a giant bear as tall as five zhang behind Jiang Ran rose to the ground.

With a monstrous ferocity, the vast blood qi rushed straight to Luo Sicheng in front of him.

The throat was held by Jiang Ran deadly, and Luo Si had no room to struggle.

Jiang Ran's palm was like a pair of iron tongs, holding Luo Sicheng deadly, making him a fish on the cutting board.

"How could it be so strong... He actually subdued Luo Shao with one move..."

"We seem to have messed with someone we can't mess with..."

"You know, he's a few years younger than us."

Several of Luo Sicheng's attendants came up at this time, not to mention the intention of coming up to help.

If it weren't for the fact that he was afraid and his feet did not listen to his call, I am afraid that he would have fled directly.

Refining four realms, one realm and one heavy heaven.

The gap between Jiang Ran and them was like a heavenly barrier, making them unable to raise any thoughts of chasing.


Luo Sicheng looked at Jiang Ran in front of him, and just wanted to say something.

In an instant, the words were stuck in his throat, and he immediately became honest.

He could feel that Jiang Ran really wanted to kill himself, and the killing intent revealed from that eye, Luo Sicheng could obviously know.

And Jiang Ran did have this thought.

It's just that this kind of thinking is at this time when I start to think about the gains and losses.

Whether the troublesome things that occurred by killing Luo Sicheng could be acceptable to Jiang Ran.

What will Luo Fu's punishment be, it will turn a blind eye and give a punishment that is neither light nor severe.

Or that Jiang Ran would be directly killed by Luo Fu, or it would be kept by people from some factions in Luo Fu.

These Jiang Ran need to consider, he and Luo Xuan have no background, and if they take a wrong step, they will have to start over.

This life has not allowed Jiang Ran to reach the expected strength, so naturally he cannot do it again.

Kill Luo Sicheng, abscond from the Luo family, and then cultivate yourself.

Killing Luo Sicheng and waiting for the Luo family's trial of himself is a gamble.

Let Luo Sicheng go, at least you can't kill Luo Sicheng in front of so many people.

Thinking of these three options, the killing intent in Jiang Ran's heart did not decrease, but the hand holding Luo Sicheng's neck was relaxed.

Luo Sicheng didn't dare to stay here anymore, picked up his sword, covered his broken arm, and ran away with a completely gray ash.

Just before leaving, Jiang Ran's eyes were full of resentment.

He didn't dare to make a big fuss, he saw it in Jiang Ran's eyes, it meant to kill him.

Or if you provoke the other party, you may really start directly.

"Let you go today, the big exam in four years, it will be impossible to let you go then."

A cold glint flashed in Jiang Ran's eyes, and he secretly said in his heart.

Compared to disobeying Luo Fu when his strength was small, Jiang Ran wanted to do this when his strength was great.

"Jiang Ran, are you okay..."

Luo Xuan on the side leaned forward, looking at Jiang Ran's indifferent expression, and his face was also a little worried.

It is not that Jiang Ran is injured, but that Jiang Ran will be retaliated by Luo Sicheng because of her.

"It's okay, actually, I came back a long time ago."

"It's just been watching you in the dark, your swimming sword technique is not like this."

Do you know?

Jiang Ran shook his head and looked directly at Luo Xuan.

In fact, he had already returned, when Luo Xuan fought with the four Luo Sicheng's house slaves.

He was already there, and he had not come out for a long time, and he also wanted to see how Luo Xuan's strength was.

But Luo Xuan's performance was a big disappointment to him, and compared with Luo Xuan, who was decisive and ruthless in his previous life, it was too much worse.


Luo Xuan lowered his head slightly, looking slightly aggrieved, and did not dare to look up at Jiang Ran.

"If I weren't here today, do you know what kind of humiliation you would have?"

"The swimming water sword method is mainly attacking, relying on strange tricks to attack it, but the shot must be ruthless and accurate, mainly stabbed."

"Every sword shot must have the consciousness that can directly penetrate the flesh of others."

"If you take it and don't attack, you won't have any chance of victory."

Looking at the aggrieved little girl in front of him, Jiang Ran did not feel distressed.

Instead, he continued to say with a serious face, the two could not be together every day, and he could not help Luo Xuan to be a hundred secrets without neglect.

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