It is also impossible to see Luo Xuan with his own eyes, because he is bullied by these people, his personality will become extremely resolute.

will become so hungry for power.

"Well, I don't want to be bullied by other people."

"In this entire Luo Mansion, no one will like me, and no one will be willing to help me."

"Except for you, each of them, even the house slaves who followed Luo Sicheng, they looked into my eyes."

"It all made me feel angry, but I didn't dare to be angry before, because I used to think that if I resisted, I would be bullied even more."

"But now I know that it is precisely because I don't resist that I will be treated as a bully by them!"

Luo Xuan slowly raised his head, and the pair of timid eyes in the past had disappeared.

Instead, it was Luo Xuan, who made Jiang Ran look more familiar in his previous life.

The strong girl in the previous life, who protected herself from being bullied by others, was the Luo Xuan that Jiang Ran was familiar with.

"Starting tomorrow, I'll practice together."

"It's a little late today, I still have to go to Fei Lao's side."

"I didn't buy hawthorn cake, but I bought you some hawthorn balls and some osmanthus cake."

Jiang Ran smiled slightly, and took out some oil-paper-wrapped snacks from the small bag behind his waist.

It's just something that can be bought with a dozen big money, which makes Luo Xuan happier than gold and silver jewelry.

Both eyes showed a fine light, took the oil paper in Jiang Ran's hand, opened a hawthorn ball and threw it into his mouth.

The sweet and sour taste immediately made this girl who had just made a bold statement show a little daughter posture on her face.

His eyes were full of satisfaction, and I was afraid that he had forgotten what he had just said.

"Okay, just eat some, remember to practice more swordsmanship."

Jiang Ran shook his head with a smile, turned around and walked out of the small courtyard, he didn't think Luo Sicheng dared to come over.

Although it seems that this Young Master Luo is extremely proud, he is a master who is really soft and afraid of hard in his heart.

Just as Jiang Ran thought, he returned to his residence and wiped the ointment behind his arm.

Luo Sicheng entered the inner door all the way, intending to find his brother, Luo Sisheng's help.

Although he is proud and afraid of being hard, Luo Sicheng is not a stupid person.

He knew that his strength was far worse than Jiang Ran.

But his eldest brother is different, his eldest brother is one of the strongest people in the younger generation in Luo Mansion.

With the realm of bone refining, it is only one step away from the completion of bone refining.

Beat his eldest brother, help himself crush Jiang Ran, to let himself find the idea of the field.

Luo Sicheng had a cruel smile on his face, and he had already begun to fantasize in his heart about how to humiliate Jiang Ran and Luo Xuan.

"Knock knock!"

With this thought, Luo Sicheng knocked twice on the wooden door in front of him and pushed it open directly.

Inside, Luo Sisheng was sitting on a futon cultivating.

After feeling someone come in, he also opened his eyes and looked at Luo Sicheng's wrist.

"How did you get hurt, which faction did you have a conflict with?"

Luo Sisheng closed his eyes after taking a look, and did not care much about his brother's injury.

It is normal for factions to target each other.

Everyone wants to gain a higher status in this huge Luo family.

Among them, the open and dark struggle of the younger generation is particularly obvious.

"This... This is..."

Luo Sicheng's face turned slightly white, and his eyes began to dodge a little.

Facing the person he was most afraid of on weekdays, Luo Sicheng didn't know how to explain.

"I'm asking you."

Luo Sisheng's brows furrowed slightly, and his face was already a little displeased.

The power accumulated from childhood made Luo Sicheng's heart tighten slightly at this time.

With a 'plop', Roth fell to his knees and began to talk about everything that happened today.

And after Luo Sisheng heard his own brother's words, his face became more and more gloomy.

Standing up, he walked slowly towards Luo Sicheng.

I walked all the way to the door, my expression was cold, and there seemed to be no emotion in my eyes.

"I'll arrange it in two days and send you out of the city."

"There is a mine outside, the original deacon is old, you go there."

Luo Sisheng said, stepped out of the threshold with one foot, and walked out directly alone.

Ignoring it at all, he knelt in place and looked like a dead gray Luo Sicheng.

He forgot that in this Luo Mansion, even his own brothers had no feelings.

All they care about is face, only the interests of various factions.

It's not just Luo Xuan, because of his low origin, he has no strength to be abandoned.

Even he was the same, because he didn't have much talent, and in Luo Sisheng's eyes, he was not even as useful as a capable house slave.

His own appearance may just be the black spot of their faction, just like Luo Xuan.

It's just that he hasn't yet reached the kind of existence that will be disgusted, but he has assigned himself to mines outside the city.

Luo Sicheng's heart has been silent like ashes, and it is unlikely that he will have the possibility of turning over in this life.


A year passed gradually, and Luo Sicheng's disappearance in one year did not make Jiang Ran care.

In this year, Jiang Ran's realm has also stepped into the refining body Xiaocheng.

The bones of the whole body have reached as many as seventy.

At this time, the third layer of the Guiyuan Refining Method was about to be completed.

Luo Xuan also successfully entered the bone refining period, and was only one foot away from the entrance.

The year passed quickly, and the two basically only practiced every day.

I also passed the two exams with excellent results.

And Jiang Ran, in order to be a better resource, chose a faction with an excellent reputation.

With the support of this faction, the cultivation resources obtained by Jiang Ran were even much better than Luo Xuan.

This is also why, in just one year, Jiang Ran's strength will be so greatly enhanced.

In the second year, Jiang Ran's bones in his body were raised to one hundred and one.

The third layer of the Guiyuan refining method has been trained, and the spleen has been refined by qi and blood.

Jiang Ran began to try to hone the liver area with qi and blood.

The liver can store blood gas and regulate blood gas if you step into it before the blood refining realm.

Jiang Ran's strength will increase a lot in the future.

It can also make it easier for Jiang Ran to break through to the Blood Refining Realm.

The Four Elephants Meditation Method was also practiced by Jiang Ran to the Dacheng realm in this year.

Sinking into his inner senses, Jiang Ran can create a spiritual space in his mind.

The four elephants completely appeared in the four directions of Jiang Ran's spiritual space.

The green dragon, white tiger, vermilion bird, and Xuanwu are entrenched in all directions.

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