Assisting Jiang Ran in spiritual cultivation and improving the expansion of spiritual energy.

It can also effectively make Jiang Ran's spirit further saturated.

At the same time, the martial arts wind thunder palm in Jiang Ran's hand.

After hard training day and night, it also came to the time of Dacheng.

When he slashed his fist, Jiang Ran's palm would have thunder flashing, as if there was thunder flashing.

In the third year, Jiang Ran's body had reached a saturation level.

At the age of fourteen, in ordinary people, it is only when qi and blood are initially formed.

But in Jiang Ran's body, there was a height that no one else could reach in a lifetime.

Under the tilt of some of the Luo family's resources, Jiang Ran not only had his qi and blood rise to a certain height.

The number of bones has reached 127.

He has successfully stepped into the realm of bone refining, and compared to Luo Yuan, who is the head of the sect, Jiang Ran also has the power of a battle.

And Jiang Ran's strength also reached about five thousand catties at this time.

Although it has not been tested in the actual sense.

But Jiang Ran himself could explode a big tree that could only be hugged by four or five people with one punch.

In the Fei Lao Courtyard, there was a huge rock where he used to practice boxing and hone his flesh.

At this moment, it was already like a piece of bean dregs, which was not as powerful as Jiang Ran's punch.

One punch can shatter into powder in an instant.

In the fourth year, Jiang Ran was already considered an adult in this world.

The liver has been refined, and the five internal organs in Jiang Ran's body have been completely completed.

Except for the heart, any organ in Jiang Ran's body was more than ten times stronger than ordinary people.

The refining of the liver and spleen also allowed Jiang Ran to harvest copper skin and iron bones.

Now that Jiang Ran is practicing with Luo Xuan, with Luo Xuan's soft sword, it is difficult to hurt Jiang Ran.

If Jiang Ran's qi and blood erupted, he could also bounce Luo Xuan's soft sword away.

Not only that, the bones in Jiang Ran's body had been refined to one hundred and sixty-three pieces.

It was less than fifty before all two hundred and six bones were successfully cultivated.

Although the further back you go, the more difficult it is to successfully complete the cultivation.

But Jiang Ran was confident, and three years was enough time for him to enter the Bone Refining Realm to complete.

Within five years, he had the confidence to break through to the Blood Refining Realm and become a top powerhouse in this Luo Mansion.

At that time, this slave status will never bind him.

He can also be regarded as a strong man who can truly become a strong person in this world.

And Luo Xuan also came to the Bone Refining Realm Xiaocheng in the past four years.

On this day, Jiang Ran got permission in Luo Mansion and walked out of the gate of Luo Mansion.

In the previous life, on the day of the Luofu Wutang competition, the Xiao family sent someone to attack.

Jiang Ran was also a little worried about his parents outside, and planned to go back and give advice.

Let the parents go back to the ancestral house during this time, after all, no one knows whether this Xiao family is only targeting Luo Mansion.

Or may it implicate ordinary people in this city?

The path of martial arts, in this world, is born to be superior.

The Xiao family is the same as the Luo family, as a family, the common people are all ants in their eyes.

A behemoth that destroys an ant nest, will it still look down to help the ants rebuild the nest?

An impossible thing.

Jiang Ran only understood this matter and chose to go home today.

But just when he turned an alley in Luofu, Jiang Ran's figure suddenly turned around and entered the alley.

In the rear, a figure quickly chased after him, but it was just when he reached the corner entrance.

Jiang Ran's figure also suddenly appeared in the mouth of the alley.

Originally, he was about to make a move, but after seeing the appearance of the person who came, Jiang Ran dispersed his blood and momentum.

"How did you run out, you must know that if you suddenly run out, you will be punished if you are discovered."

Jiang Ran looked at the girl in front of him, and his brows furrowed slightly.

The person who followed him all the way out of Luo Mansion was Luo Xuan, and Luo Xuan was facing Jiang Ran's questioning at this moment.

Stuck out his tongue, lowered his head and did not answer directly.

"Hurry back quickly, Luo Mansion's punishment will not be merciless."

In order not to let Luo Xuan be punished, Jiang Ran took Luo Xuan's hand and immediately planned to send her back.

But Luo Xuan was half-squatting on the ground, but he was like a child.

"No, many people in Luofu have gone out."

"There are not so many guards in the past two days, and there will definitely be no problem."

Luo Xuan blinked his big eyes and looked at Jiang Ran pitifully.

This was the first time she ran out the door, and besides following Jiang Ran, he couldn't think of any other chance to see the outside world.

When she is older, she may marry some strong people with foreign surnames in the family.

Or was sent by Luo Fu to other families, and luckily married a young master with a lot of status.

If you are unlucky, you may be with a middle-aged man in your forties and fifties and be his concubine.

"Luo Mansion guards have gone out a lot?"

Jiang Ran's pupils trembled slightly, and he also recalled the scene last year in his mind.

The sudden attack of the Xiao family was definitely not a temporary decision, it must have been premeditated for a long time.

Compared with the current Luofu guard void, it seems that it can be explained.

"Okay, but don't play late."

"Today I remember that it happened to be the Yuan Festival and there was a lantern party."

Jiang Ran shook his head, sighed lightly, and released the hand holding Luo Xuan.

Turning around, he walked towards the distance, but soon Luo Xuan leaned forward and grabbed Jiang Ran's arm.

The two first went to Jiang Ran's house.

Jiang Dali and his wife Li Hua looked at their son and suddenly brought a beautiful girl back.

But the couple was very happy, and pulled Luo Xuan and walked inside.

In this world, boys are adults at the age of fifteen, and there are not a few who marry wives and have children at the age of fifteen.

"Is the girl from Lincheng?"

"Who are the relatives in the family?" What do parents do? "

Li Hua poured a cup of hot tea for Luo Xuan, and then asked very enthusiastically.

After living in Luo Mansion for more than ten years, it was the first time I saw such an enthusiastic person.

Luo Xuan didn't know how to answer at once, and looked at Jiang Ran for help.

"Ah Niang, don't embarrass her."

"I left after dinner with her, and I will go back to Luofu in the evening."

Jiang Ran was also a little crying and laughing when he looked at the situation in front of him, and pulled Li Hua to go to the kitchen.

"Oh, you child, let your mother ask."

"This girl is so beautiful, you have to take advantage of it."

"If this girl thinks you are a slave of Luofu, then let's quickly redeem your body, don't delay the lifelong event."

Li Hua was dragged all the way to the kitchen by Jiang Ran, and her face also showed the complaints that a woman should have.

Grabbing Jiang Ran, he began to educate, especially when talking about redemption.

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