But speaking of redemption, Jiang Ran shook his head.

Let's not mention that he originally meant not to redeem himself out of Luo Mansion at this time.

Shan said that his current strength has reached the bone refining realm under the cultivation of Luo Fu.

If Jiang Ran planned to redeem himself, Luo Fu would not refuse on the face.

But Jiang Ran, who had mastered many confidential things in Luo Mansion and some martial arts, was categorically impossible to be let go by Luo Fu.

Many people, after being ransomed from Luo Mansion, suddenly disappeared, as if the world had evaporated.

Jiang Ran guessed that they were chased and killed by Luo Fu.

Because this Noda's family will not allow a house slave to escape its control.

Unless the growth of strength is no longer controllable by Luo Fu.

Therefore, Jiang Ran has not shown all his strength over the years.

In Luo Fu's opinion, he still has talent, and he is not much less than Luo Fu's children.

But this talent was under their control, so they were happy to help Jiang Ran cultivate.

"Mother, that child's name is Luo Xuan, he is a young lady of Luo Mansion, but he is not very favored."

"Don't do anything extraneous, the city has not been peaceful these two days, tomorrow you and your father will leave the city."

"Go live with a distant relative in a small village in the countryside for a few days and come back."

Jiang Ran shook his head with a smile, helped his mother brush the hair that fell between his eyebrows, and said seriously.

Li Hua naturally trusted her son, and immediately said that she would leave early tomorrow morning.

At the same time, he also warned Jiang Ran, which was nothing more than that the gap in status was too big, so Jiang Ran didn't do stupid things.

Jiang Ran also directly and clearly stated that he would not do stupid things.

After eating, Jiang Ran took Luo Xuan out.

After dinner, lanterns of different colors were hung outside the doors of every house in the town.

During this festival of lights, the whole street looks particularly bright.

There is only one day a year, and the whole town is particularly lively.

Luo Xuan was also like a child, constantly staying in various stalls.

The things sold in each stall were extremely curious to Luo Xuan.

It's basically something I've seen for the first time.

These things are common things for ordinary people.

But for Luo Xuan, the canary locked in Luo Mansion, it is an extremely rare gadget.

But in a moment's effort, Luo Xuan's hands were full of snacks.

Stinky tofu, sugar gourd, ginger candy and other children's favorite snacks are Luo Xuan's favorites.

"It turns out that the outside of Luo Mansion is so good-looking."

Standing in the center of the street, Luo Xuan closed her eyes and listened to the shouts of the vendors around her.

Even if you close your eyes, you can feel the light of the lanterns around you.

"It's not every day, it's every year."

"If you like it, I will often take you out to play in the future."

The corners of Jiang Ran's mouth raised slightly, in this noisy street.

It was also the first time he had wandered happily like this, since entering this world.

In addition to cultivation, there is only cultivation.

In Jiang Ran's life, cultivation is the whole thing, and strength is the all.

In order to control their own destiny, in order to be able to stand at the top of this town like the Luo family.

"Okay, okay, then we'll come out once a month from now on!"

When Luo Xuan heard Jiang Ran's words, his eyes immediately lit up, and he took Jiang Ran's hand and shook it happily.

Today is the happiest and happiest day of her life.

Because here, she felt that she was not from Luofu, but just a member of the common people in this town.

"Let's go, go over there."

"I'll give you a gift."

Jiang Ran tilted his head and saw a small stall, and immediately pulled Luo Xuan beside him.

Squeezed into the crowd and stopped in front of a stall.

Illuminated by lanterns, the stalls are decorated with a variety of small jewelry.

Girls like shiny things, and the things on this stall in front of them quickly attracted Luo Xuan's attention.

Although it was Miss Luo Fu, Luo Xuan had no other jewelry on her body except for a jade bracelet left by her mother.

Compared with those favored Miss Luo Fu, Luo Xuan and the maid may be a little inferior.

"Boss, how much is this."

Jiang Ran picked up a hairpin that looked like silver, and asked the boss who was squinting and smiling.

Just looking at the appearance of this boss, he looks very much like a smart businessman.

"Good eyes, Gongzi, this silver hairpin, if Gongzi wants it."

"Just give fifty bucks."

"This is produced in the south, not only sterling silver, but also very delicate."

In this kind of lantern fair, the vendor likes this kind of boy brother who takes girls out to shop the most.

Because on this day of the year, because of the female companions around him, men generally do not bargain.

I will buy a lottery to please the girls around me.

"Fifty bucks? It's a bit too expensive. "

"I'll take it for thirty bucks, how."

Jiang Ran looked at the silver hairpin in his hand, and the workmanship was indeed very exquisite.

But it definitely won't be made of sterling silver, otherwise it won't feel so smooth to the touch.

And when the vendor heard Jiang Ran's counteroffer, he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

"Gongzi's eyes are vicious, but this silver hairpin is so suitable for this beautiful girl."

"Let's add five dollars, it's not easy for us to beg for food."

The hawker owner's clever words also made Jiang Ran smile.

"Your boss can talk, and I don't want to add these five dollars."

"Instead, the girl next to me is not beautiful, okay."

Jiang Ran shook his head, the most refined businessman, this sentence is indeed true.

Taking out the money bag, Jiang Ran counted thirty-five big coins and handed them to the boss.

Luo Xuan on the side looked at Jiang Ran with a look of adoration, in her opinion, Jiang Ran was powerful.

It is clear that what fifty money can buy, in Jiang Ran's few words, it only needs thirty-five big money.

"Don't move, I'll bring it to you."

Jiang Ran looked at the girl in front of him and slowly helped Luo Xuan put it on.

I couldn't help but nod.

You know, Luo Xuan's own foundation is not bad, and because of martial arts, his figure is also very well-proportioned.

The temperament is smart and cute, the face is bright and spiritual, and the body shape is bumpy.

If you dress up a little, you can definitely transform yourself and become a rich family who is generous and does not lose his temperament.

"Does it look good?"

Luo Xuan looked at Jiang Ran, who was slightly in a daze, and shook his cheeks from side to side.

I also asked my boss for a copper mirror, and I was very happy with this gift in my heart.

"Well, good-looking, very suitable for you."

Jiang Ran was slightly startled and nodded with a smile.

"Then I will wear it on my head every day from now on."

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