In the fifteenth year, Jiang Ran's body was full of qi and blood, and by this year, Jiang Ran was thirty years old.

As an adult, qi and blood are already at their peak.

Jiang Ran also took advantage of the trend to break through to the realm of blood refining in cultivation.

Compared with Xiao Qi back then, it was also slightly better.

Now if he meets a strong person of the same realm in the second encounter, Jiang Ran is confident that he will defeat the other party within three moves.

In the twentieth year, Jiang Ran was thirty-five years old, and the Luo family's chassis had been expanded by more than double.

Over the years, the Xiao family is still targeting Luo Mansion.

This has been the case for decades, and the cause will always be the mines on both sides.

But this time was different, Jiang Ran took some of the strong people of Luofu to the mine.

With extremely tough means, he seized the Xiao family's four mines.

And with the strength of one person, he forcibly killed the four powerhouses of the Xiao family's Blood Refining Realm, and formed a crush under the complete outbreak with the power of one person.

This battle also reached the ears of families everywhere.

The families who originally had some disputes with the Luo family no longer harassed the Luo family.

There were even many who began to establish alliances with the Luo family, and everything began to show a good trend and continue to develop.

The name Jiang Ran, as the overlord behind Luo Mansion.

He also began to fully show his strength here, so that all the families remembered the name.

In the fortieth year, Jiang Ran was fifty-five years old, and the qi and blood in his body had slowly begun to decay from the peak moment.

In the past twenty years, under the control of Jiang Ran and Luo Xuan, Luo Mansion has become stronger and stronger.

In the case of a big family, Jiang Ran also completely tamed these unruly family children in Luo Mansion.

With their own strength, they completely won their submission.

And Jiang Ran was also in this year, and his cultivation began to make no progress.

Like ordinary ordinary martial artists, even if Jiang Ran is cultivating now, he is just maintaining his cultivation.

In the fiftieth year, Jiang Ran was sixty-five years old, and now there are three generations in Luo Fu.

Many people know that although it shows that the palace-like compound on the upper place is hung with the door plaque of Luo Mansion.

But in fact, the real owner is surnamed Jiang.

Jiang Ran's descendants are full, and his talent is not bad, and the resources in Luo Mansion are tilted.

Therefore, even if Jiang Ran's current strength may not be as good as his peak moment, his status is still very stable.

In the sixtyth year, Jiang Ran was already seventy-five years old, which was considered an advanced age in the eyes of many people.

And today, the family is the Yuan Festival Lantern Festival.

Every year, Jiang Ran would bring his wife Luo Xuan to hang out at the Yuan Festival Lantern Festival.

No matter what year, this once famous but desolate girl wore the silver hairpin on her head.

Although the silver hairpins may all be a little faded and a little deformed.

But the old woman still loves this silver hairpin the most, even if she is the contemporary master of Luo Fu.

Even if her family is rich, how much pearl jadeite will be.

But what she loved the most was the first silver hairpin that Jiang Ran once sold her.

After returning home, this final Shangyuan Festival is over.

The two white-haired old men didn't say anything more, leaning against the big tree that they had practiced day and night.

Luo Xuan held Jiang Ran's right hand just like when he was young in the past.

Looking extremely satisfied, she did not have a good life at the beginning of this life.

But in the back, the entire Luo Mansion made the people she hated after Jiang Ran took power.

No one saw her and had to call out to the head of the family respectfully.

These were all brought to her by the person next to her, even in the last moments when she ran out of oil.

Luo Xuan also wanted to lean on Jiang Ran's side like this.

The two were speechless overnight, and Jiang Ran knew that Luo Xuan's qi and blood had decayed to a minimum.

Now she is just hanging because of the Yuan Festival.

In those cloudy eyes, a tear fell.

Looking at his wife beside him, Jiang Ran sighed lightly.

In the sixty-fifth year, Jiang Ran died at the age of eighty.

The peerless powerhouse who led Luofu to a first-class family, the man who made Lincheng the first town in the ages, died.

There is no one in the entire Luo Mansion who does not feel sad.

At the age of fifteen, he stepped into the Bone Refining Realm Dacheng and single-handedly killed Xiao Qi, a long-famous Blood Refining Realm master of the Xiao family.

Nineteen years old is not as good as refining blood realm, achieving a generation of strong people, and the reputation is resounding in all directions.

Twenty-three-year-old Blood Refining Realm Xiaocheng used thunder to suppress the disobedient voices in Luo Mansion and successfully unified Luo Mansion.

At the age of thirty-five, he became a master of the Blood Refining Realm, relying on a pair of iron fists and a strong physical body, famous in the mainland.

With no more than a dozen strong people, he abruptly killed hundreds of strong people of the Xiao family and fled.

Then one person entered the Xiao family camp and fought four strong people of the same level with the strength of one person, and won the victory!

At the age of forty, he led Luofu to become a first-class family.

From a house slave to climb up step by step, climbing to the position of the strongest warrior.

Jiang Ran's legend has also become an inspirational story in this world.


【Ding! Congratulations to the host on the completion of the second life experience! Overall rating A! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening a new world, which will be opened after the cooldown of the martial arts simulator! 】

【Ding! The martial arts simulator has entered the cooldown! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for being a low-level pauper, who has mixed up to the peak warrior of Dacheng, and is rewarded with simulation points x3000! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for relying on personal efforts to become a black hand of the family as a pauper, and reward simulation points x2000! 】

As the sound of the system kept appearing in Jiang Ran's mind.

Jiang Ran's eyes also began to slowly open.

The firewood outside the door was still being burned to the crackle.

And Jiang Ran's mind also began to cross the second life, and fragments continued to emerge.

"System, exchange the second life all cultivation."

Jiang Ran let out a breath of turbid air, and his eyes began to brighten from cloudy and blurry.

Then you enter the system space.

【Ding! Does the host spend 2,000 simulation points to exchange for all the cultivation of the second life! 】

Jiang Ran didn't have any hesitation and directly chose yes.

As the sound of the system fell, the surging qi and blood in Jiang Ran's body continued to appear from the eight veins of the Qi Meridian and the five internal organs.

Streams of heat in his body slowly flowed out from all parts of his body, and Jiang Ran's eyes became brighter.

This exchange was the strongest combat power of Jiang Ran at his peak in his previous life.

Jiang Ran, who was in the great consummation period of the Blood Refining Realm, burst out with full strength and had a strength of nearly eight thousand catties.

Even a small mountain is probably not enough to resist Jiang Ran's punch.

The return of strength made Jiang Ran's physical body also begin to be nourished by the power of qi and blood.

After the power of the first and second lives was superimposed, Jiang Ran was slightly stronger than himself in the second life.

【Martial Arts Simulator】

【Host: Jiang Ran】

[Cultivation: Acquired Peak Martial Artist]

【SimWorld: Troubled World】

【Simulation Points: 3000】

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