In addition to the simulation points that had just been spent, Jiang Ran's current simulation points still had three thousand.

This is undoubtedly a huge amount of money for Jiang Yanyan now.

If a new world opens, the cooldown period of the martial arts simulator ends.

Then Jiang Ran will be able to consume a good wave.

A family disciple, even if the talent is lower than that of grassroots disciples, there is nothing.

They have a steady stream of resources to gather at them.

Compared with the drafting root, it has an innate advantage.

The kind of protagonist in the novel who relies solely on luck to counterattack everything, Jiang Ran doesn't want to gamble like them.

The purpose of having simulation points is to allow yourself to accumulate strength in each life quickly without hardship.

"It looks like this is on track."

"Go and put out the charcoal."

Jiang Ran stretched his waist, moved his body and walked to the living room.

After pushing open Ye Yu's door and seeing that Ye Yu had fallen asleep, Jiang Ran also extinguished the firewood in the living room.

The temperature in the house has become quite high, and there is no need to add charcoal.

Jiang Ran also took off his clothes and entered the quilt, and soon fell asleep.


The next day, early in the morning, Jiang Ran got up.

After a brief wash, the yard began to be cleaned up.

Now the snow has begun to melt, and it is the coldest time.

If the snow in the yard is not shoveled out soon, when it turns into water, the ground in the yard will become moist.

After Jiang Ran shoveled out all the snow in the yard with a shovel, Ye Yu had already risen.

The two brothers and sisters, the younger sister cooked, and Jiang Ran sat on a stone bench in the courtyard and began to carve.

It was just ordinary firewood in his hand, but in Jiang Ran's hands, it seemed to be given life.

As the carving knife fell, the wood chips began to fly continuously.

However, after a while, the wood chips under Jiang Ran's feet had piled up a lot.

And the firewood in his hand has already taken on a human form.

Looking closely, it was a girl with a cold face and a slightly handsome face.

He is very similar to Luo Xuan in appearance, but it is not Luo Xuan in the second life, but the first life.

The Luo Xuan that Jiang Ran saw for the first time, the girl who was still in his memory.

Not only that, when the first wood carving was finished, Jiang Ran placed it on the stone table.

Without rest, the second carving of wood began.

The carving knife was cut, pushed, pulled and shaved, and the four movements flowed back and forth, and Jiang Ran's face also showed a little smile.

Looking intently at the two different wood carvings in front of him.

On closer inspection, the two wood carvings appear to be the same woman.

But the temperament of the face is very different.

The first is cold, heroic, and brave.

The second is playful, cute, and cowardly.

It is Luo Xuan, who is different from the two lives, Jiang Ran is not there in the first life, Luo Xuan has suffered humiliation and woke up to the key to strength.

In the second life, Jiang Ran became Luo Xuan's umbrella.

Protect her for the safety of her life, seize Luo Mansion, and be born of a pariah born of a handmaid that everyone shouts at.

It has become a respectful head of the family for everyone to see.

At this time, Ye Yu also came over with two bowls of noodles.

He looked at Jiang Ran, who was in a daze at the wooden carving, and said, "Brother, what's wrong with you." "

"Brother, do you have a sweetheart, which girl is this sister?"

"But is this a person?"

Ye Yu's face showed some doubts, and even she could see it clearly.

Although this wood carving looks like the same person, it is actually two different talents.


Seeing that Jiang Ran did not speak, Ye Yu lay on the stone table and asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, just carving and playing."

"Hurry up and eat noodles, and go to the market after eating."

Jiang Ran scolded with a smile, stretched out his hand and tapped Ye Yu's head.

After Ye Yu sat down with a pout, he was not joking about Jiang Ran.

The brothers and sisters began to eat noodles, and after eating after a while, Jiang Ran carried the bamboo basket.

The two brothers and sisters stepped on the late winter snow and walked towards the market.

After walking to the market, the Jiang Ran brothers and sisters just sat down.

The aunt who sold malt sugar next door came over and grabbed Jiang Ran.

"Hurry up and bring it back to your sister."

"The Taoist priests who came a few days ago are arresting people everywhere!"

The aunt pulled Jiang Ran aside, glanced around carefully, and then whispered to Jiang Ran.

And Jiang Ran's face also showed some puzzlement.

"Aunt, why did that Taoist priest arrest people?"

Jiang Ran touched his head a little puzzled, when did the Taoist priest also engage in these things.

"Some time ago, oh, there were always boys and girls missing."

"These Daoist priests came and said that we provoked the land god."

"I want us to hand over eighteen boys and girls to them, and to complete the body of young girls."

"Who dares to hand over this, whose child is not a piece of meat scraped from his own body."

"These Taoist priests searched house by house, and yesterday they forcibly took away the girl who sold meat on the next street."

"You don't know, the man who sells meat is six feet tall, and his lady is also five feet tall."

"I was broken by a Taoist priest, and I didn't come to the market today!"

"You hurry up and bring your sister back, find an opportunity to hide quickly."

This aunt crackled and told Jiang Ran what happened in the town in the past two days.

Jiang Ran combined some strange things that came out of the town during this time.

I probably understood something, which was nothing more than feudal superstition.

And that group of Daoist priests must have been invited by someone, and it is estimated that these young girls are also doing rituals.

But this kind of thing also made Jiang Ran a little disgusted.

"I know, thank you, madam."

"You take these two wood carvings and go back to play with your grandson."

Jiang Ran smiled and nodded, although he didn't want to cause trouble, he was not afraid of trouble.

It's not appropriate to send Ye Yu back alone, follow your side, can't a few Daoist priests solve it by themselves?

But despite this idea in his heart, Jiang Ran was still a little curious.

How several Taoist priests broke the leg of a six-foot man.

Could it be that this is also a martial arts world?

Thinking of this, Jiang Ran's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly.

"You child, don't take the words of the eldest lady seriously."

"Hurry up and put away the stalls, those Daoist priests are so evil."

The eldest lady looked at Jiang Ran as if she was a little unimpressed, sighed lightly, patted Jiang Ran and turned away.

When leaving, he also glanced at Ye Yu, who was shouting.

"It's a pity, such a good pair of brothers and sisters."

"I hope that group of Daoist priests won't come today."

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